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Презентация на тему: My Language Portfolio

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Презентация на тему: My Language Portfolio

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№ слайда 1 Г. КрасноярскМОУ СОШ №7 Селиванова Татьяна
Описание слайда:

Г. КрасноярскМОУ СОШ №7 Селиванова Татьяна

№ слайда 2 My Language Portfolio
Описание слайда:

My Language Portfolio

№ слайда 3 Portfolio Surname Selivanova Name Tatiana Father’s name Alekseevna School №7 For
Описание слайда:

Portfolio Surname Selivanova Name Tatiana Father’s name Alekseevna School №7 Form the 9 th Period of Data Collecting: From september 2009 Till may 2010 Contacts: 8906******* tatsel94@mail.ru Telephone number e-mail

№ слайда 4 I. My Language Passport * Why do I learn English?* What I must know and do* What
Описание слайда:

I. My Language Passport * Why do I learn English?* What I must know and do* What I know and can doII. My Language Biography* My Own Learning Goals for This Year* The biggest problem for me* Getting betterIII. My DossierIV. Additional Material Contents:

№ слайда 5 My Language Passport
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My Language Passport

№ слайда 6 Why do I learn English? * I learn English, because it’s interesting for me.* I w
Описание слайда:

Why do I learn English? * I learn English, because it’s interesting for me.* I would like to visit different English -speaking countries.* It’s great to know one more language.

№ слайда 7 Reasons and Purposes:* Pass an exam in English * Travel to other countries* Spea
Описание слайда:

Reasons and Purposes:* Pass an exam in English * Travel to other countries* Speak to foreign and native speakers* Get better job and make a career* Understand pop-songs in English* Work on computer* Play computer games* My parents want me to learn English* Enjoy learning/speaking/listening English* I want to be an English teacher* English is a global language* Want to understand English films* Read English classical literature in original

№ слайда 8 What I must know and do European language levels -Self Assessment Grid
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What I must know and do European language levels -Self Assessment Grid

№ слайда 9
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№ слайда 14 What I know and can do I know:* how to use familiar everyday expressions and phr
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What I know and can do I know:* how to use familiar everyday expressions and phrases necessary to perform specific tasks.* how to present / submit others, ask / answer questions about the place of residence, friends, property.*how to participate in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help. * how to describe experiences and events, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans for the future.*how to write simple connected texts on familiar or of personal interest. * how to write personal letters, telling them about their personal experiences and impressions.

№ слайда 15
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№ слайда 16 I can do:* understand the basic provisions clearly spoken utterances within the
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I can do:* understand the basic provisions clearly spoken utterances within the literary standards of known me to the topic with which I deal at work, at school, on vacation, etc. * understand what is at stake in most radio and TV programs on current events and programs related to my personal or professional interests. It should be speaking with a clear and relatively slow.* understand texts, built on the frequency of everyday linguistic material and professional communication .* understand descriptions of events feelings and wishes in personal letters .* deal with most situations that arise during their stay in the country to learn language .* without prior preparation to participate in dialogues on familiar to me / I'm interested in the topic (for example, "family", "hobbies", "job" "travel", "current events") .* build a simple coherent statements about their personal experiences and events, to talk about their dreams, hopes and desires .* briefly justify and explain their views and intentions .* tell a story or relate the plot of a book or film and to express this attitude .* write simple connected text on familiar or of personal interest .* write personal letters, telling them about their personal experiences and impressions.

№ слайда 17 My Language Biography
Описание слайда:

My Language Biography

№ слайда 18 In my language biography I can:* think about how and where I can learn English o
Описание слайда:

In my language biography I can:* think about how and where I can learn English outside classes * clear up how I prefer to learn * realize what to do to be the best * see what I need to learn and formulate my course objectives* identify and assess my personal strengths and weaknesses* set learning goals* monitor my progress toward achieving these goals* build a repertoire of learning strategies* select pieces to be placed* learn to establish criteria for their selection* reflect, evaluate and record my own learning activities* become a more strategic learner who understands how to study and learn effectively and efficiently, and understands how to manage my studying and learning activities.

№ слайда 19 My Own Learning Goals for This Year * Participate positively in all classroom ac
Описание слайда:

My Own Learning Goals for This Year * Participate positively in all classroom activities* Be attentive* Listen attentively* Show and express my interest in what is said* Try to be friendly during the conversation* Say * Always do my best* Keep to the topic or conversation* Complete all assignments in time* Record works on each topic* Present examples of best work* Record my achievement* Create reflection essays* Create my learning objectives   

№ слайда 20 Getting better Personal strategies that will help me to get better:* reading str
Описание слайда:

Getting better Personal strategies that will help me to get better:* reading strategies: reading books, newspapers, magazines, business and private letters* listening strategies: watching radio and TV programs, watching films, performances, listening lectures disks and cassettes in English to develop listening comprehension* speaking strategies: conversing and communicating with native speakers and foreign people, interpreting and translating activities* writing strategies: writing business and private letters, faxes, SMS, e-mail, chat

№ слайда 21 Learning target
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Learning target

№ слайда 22 The biggest problem for me I can’t* to listen and understand reports or lectures
Описание слайда:

The biggest problem for me I can’t* to listen and understand reports or lectures, news, current events and films* to read and understand newspaper articles, news items and short stories in originalIt is difficult for me * to converse with native speakers* to take part in discussions* to give reasons and support my own opinionI am not good at* writing essay and reports* doing grammar tests* using “useful language”

№ слайда 23 My Dossier
Описание слайда:

My Dossier

№ слайда 24 Reflection essays Question to prompt reflective thinking could include:* Why did
Описание слайда:

Reflection essays Question to prompt reflective thinking could include:* Why did you select this piece to include?* How does this sample meet the assignment criteria?* What are the strengths of this work? Weaknesses? * How has your work changed during the term?* From looking at my portfolio/this sample I learned …* In what ways can you improve?* What is a realistic goal by the end of the term?* My portfolio/sample indicates that I …

№ слайда 25 II regional fair "Academie I design“
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II regional fair "Academie I design“

№ слайда 26
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№ слайда 28 I received this award for participation in the II regional fair «Academy of Desi
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I received this award for participation in the II regional fair «Academy of Design» (1)participation in the Olympiad «British Bulldog» (2) participation in the subject Olympiad (3)participation in the III regional fair «Academy of Design» (4)Yet ,that is all, but I will try to take part in a lot of other interesting English contests .

№ слайда 29 My opinion about my performance at the competition Of course, I’m not quite sati
Описание слайда:

My opinion about my performance at the competition Of course, I’m not quite satisfied with Trade Fair Organization , but here I will write comments on the statement in my address .(participation in the II regional fair «Academy of Design») It’s a pity, my speech was in Russian. I was very excited because I took part of this competition for the first time. That’s why my speech was so fast and nervous. I should work with my speech as Russian so English. 2) (participation in the Olympiad "British Bulldog“ ) This Olympiad is a typical subjects Olympiad. I can’t see mistakes in the texts, because I do not complete my education grammar. I think I shouldn’t be lazy and spend more time with my English speech and grammar.

№ слайда 30 I included this in my portfolio because This is one of my first letters of the E
Описание слайда:

I included this in my portfolio because This is one of my first letters of the English language. So seeing them, I'll work with my English and participate in other exciting and attractive contests in English . I can say it’s my stimulus .

№ слайда 31 Additional Material
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Additional Material

№ слайда 32
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