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Презентация на тему: My favorite singer

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Презентация на тему: My favorite singer

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№ слайда 1 My favorite singer
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My favorite singer

№ слайда 2 My favorite singer is Oxxxymiron
Описание слайда:

My favorite singer is Oxxxymiron

№ слайда 3 Miron Fyodorov was born on 31 January 1985 in Leningrad. Oxxxymiron is a famous
Описание слайда:

Miron Fyodorov was born on 31 January 1985 in Leningrad. Oxxxymiron is a famous Russian rapper.

№ слайда 4 In 2001, Miron appears on Hip Hop EN and met with many rappers in September rele
Описание слайда:

In 2001, Miron appears on Hip Hop EN and met with many rappers in September released his first track "Demo-freestyle style bancor" (currently lost). Then a little later he records a track with and by VeTaL group iSQUAD called "Knights of verbiage". It then writes a few more tracks called "Best MC" and CVRP

№ слайда 5 In 2008, after a 7 year hiatus produces the track "London against all". This yea
Описание слайда:

In 2008, after a 7 year hiatus produces the track "London against all". This year comes the first clip of Myron, "I'm a hater".By the fall of 2011 Oxxxymiron, Schokk & Ivan "Vanya Lenin" Kara created a label under which he released the album "the high road"

№ слайда 6 oxxxymiron participated in the versus 1) In September 14th, 2013 the battle betw
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oxxxymiron participated in the versus 1) In September 14th, 2013 the battle between Krip-A-Krip VS Oxxxymiron - Oxxxymiron defeated with the score 0:3

№ слайда 7 2) In April 15th, 2014 the battle between Dunya VS Oxxxymiron - Oxxxymiron won
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2) In April 15th, 2014 the battle between Dunya VS Oxxxymiron - Oxxxymiron won

№ слайда 8 3) April 12, 2015 the battle between Johnyboy VS Oxxxymiron - Oxxxymiron won wit
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3) April 12, 2015 the battle between Johnyboy VS Oxxxymiron - Oxxxymiron won with the score 5:0

№ слайда 9 4) June 19th, 2016 battle between ST VS Oxxxymiron - Oxxxymiron won with the sco
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4) June 19th, 2016 battle between ST VS Oxxxymiron - Oxxxymiron won with the score 3:0

№ слайда 10 Singles 2011 — "hot and cold" 2011 — "Eastern Mordor“ 2011 — "Hello from the bot
Описание слайда:

Singles 2011 — "hot and cold" 2011 — "Eastern Mordor“ 2011 — "Hello from the bottom" 2011 — "My mentality“ 2011 — "Russian Cockney“ 2012 — "roly-poly“ 2012 — "Ultima Thule" 2013 — "Sasuke" 2015 — "LVD“ 2015 — "Londongrad“ 2015 — "the city of the sole"Singles 2014 — "the Earth burns" 2014 — "I was bored" 2015 — "deja vu" 2015 — "Madness" 2015 — "Breathless" 2016 — "Imperial" 2016 — "Flashback" 2016 — "Evolution"

№ слайда 11 The END
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