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Презентация на тему: Modern Technologys

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Презентация на тему: Modern Technologys

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№ слайда 1 Modern Technologys
Описание слайда:

Modern Technologys

№ слайда 2 What is technology? set of methods, tools ability to live easier Empowerment occ
Описание слайда:

What is technology? set of methods, tools ability to live easier Empowerment occasion to express themselves

№ слайда 3
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 4 What is Web 2.0? LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Vkontakte Mail.ru
Описание слайда:

What is Web 2.0? LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Vkontakte Mail.ru

№ слайда 5 Social Media and Employee Engagement Blogs and corporate social media pages are
Описание слайда:

Social Media and Employee Engagement Blogs and corporate social media pages are most effective Excellent form of communication in some cases BETTER than email Create more active employee participation and greater satisfaction Current employees can be our best marketing/advertising tool.

№ слайда 6 Benefits of Recruiting Through Social Media Attracts passive and other top quali
Описание слайда:

Benefits of Recruiting Through Social Media Attracts passive and other top quality candidates. Builds a more personal relationship. Improves corporate branding. Improves the candidate experience. Human contact element. Increases traffic to the corporate website. Reduces recruiting costs.

№ слайда 7 Do you Remember?
Описание слайда:

Do you Remember?

№ слайда 8 Mobile is not just a phone. There’re text, email, video and web technology.
Описание слайда:

Mobile is not just a phone. There’re text, email, video and web technology.

№ слайда 9 Why mobile? Freedom Anywhere / anytime access Mobile web is on nearly everything
Описание слайда:

Why mobile? Freedom Anywhere / anytime access Mobile web is on nearly everything. Mobile phone usage outnumbers PC usage Mobile access greater than PC access

№ слайда 10 Mobile Recruiting Voice Text - SMS Web – corporate career site / blogs Search –
Описание слайда:

Mobile Recruiting Voice Text - SMS Web – corporate career site / blogs Search – Autosearch / Profiler/ Indeed Social networking – LinkedIn, Facebook, Apps! Proximity marketing Mobile email Video / audio

№ слайда 11 Mobile Device Lineup Recruiting apps Construction apps QA / QC Safety apps Vario
Описание слайда:

Mobile Device Lineup Recruiting apps Construction apps QA / QC Safety apps Various field apps

№ слайда 12 Social Media / Mobile Technology The future is now. The future is mobile.
Описание слайда:

Social Media / Mobile Technology The future is now. The future is mobile.

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