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Презентация на тему: Mobile Mania

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Презентация на тему: Mobile Mania

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№ слайда 1 Mobile Mania Выполнила: Пенькова Н.В., учитель английского языка МБОУ ЭМЛи №29
Описание слайда:

Mobile Mania Выполнила: Пенькова Н.В., учитель английского языка МБОУ ЭМЛи №29

№ слайда 2 New Words Mobile phoneTo ownTo be in contact (to stay in touch, to keep in touch
Описание слайда:

New Words Mobile phoneTo ownTo be in contact (to stay in touch, to keep in touch)To text, send messagesTo download music, pictures, gamesTo use for talking (sending messages, e-mails, connecting to the Internet, taking photos, etc.)

№ слайда 3 Do you have a mobile phone? How often do you use it?What do you usually use it f
Описание слайда:

Do you have a mobile phone? How often do you use it?What do you usually use it for?Can you live without your mobile phone?

№ слайда 4 Mobile Mania In 2003 more than 4oo million people around the world owned a mobil
Описание слайда:

Mobile Mania In 2003 more than 4oo million people around the world owned a mobile phone. In Finland almost all teenagers owned a mobile phone.

№ слайда 5 Match the teenagers to the reasons why they like texting. It is usually easier t
Описание слайда:

Match the teenagers to the reasons why they like texting. It is usually easier to write a message than to say it.It is cheaper than making phone calls.You can contact more than one person at a time.You can send messages in private.AdamHayleyElizabeth William

№ слайда 6 Both Emma and Tony talk to their friends on their mobile phones. People use thei
Описание слайда:

Both Emma and Tony talk to their friends on their mobile phones. People use their mobile phones for talking and for other things. In Venezuela, many people connect to the Internet with their mobile phones. Not many teenagers in Finland owned a mobile phone in 2003. Less than half the population of the USA had mobile phones in 2003. Most people write long text messages.

№ слайда 7 Useful phrases I think (believe, suppose, consider) that…. MaybePossibly you are
Описание слайда:

Useful phrases I think (believe, suppose, consider) that…. MaybePossibly you are right there but …. Perhaps I admit that …, but … I don’t agree with you. I disagree.You are wrong. I don’t think so. It is not true that ….

№ слайда 8 Dear parents, Thanks a lot for your Christmas present. It’s amazing. …but almost
Описание слайда:

Dear parents, Thanks a lot for your Christmas present. It’s amazing. …but almost all my classmates own mobile phones. I would like to have it, too. Will you buy me a mobile phone, please… With love, Vanya

№ слайда 9 To write a personal letter to my son; To convince him that it is (un)necessary t
Описание слайда:

To write a personal letter to my son; To convince him that it is (un)necessary to have a mobile phone and why.

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