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Презентация на тему: Роль книг в нашей жизни

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Презентация на тему: Роль книг в нашей жизни

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№ слайда 1 Урок английского языка по теме «Роль книг в нашей жизни» Подготовила учитель анг
Описание слайда:

Урок английского языка по теме «Роль книг в нашей жизни» Подготовила учитель английского языка МКОУ гимназии №2г.Кирово-ЧепецкаКировской областиБухтиярова Марина Николаевна

№ слайда 2 Unit 6The Pleasure of Reading The theme of the lesson:THE ROLE OF BOOKS IN OUR M
Описание слайда:

Unit 6The Pleasure of Reading The theme of the lesson:THE ROLE OF BOOKS IN OUR MODERN LIFE

№ слайда 3 The plan of the lesson:repeat the words on the topic and do the quizexplain the
Описание слайда:

The plan of the lesson:repeat the words on the topic and do the quizexplain the statements about reading and booksdiscuss biographies of some writersact out the dialogue from the book about Winnie-the-Poohact out your home dialoguesprepare your own answers to the whole topic

№ слайда 4 QUIZ Charles Dickens An encyclopedia A thriller The plot
Описание слайда:

QUIZ Charles Dickens An encyclopedia A thriller The plot

№ слайда 5 QUIZ AgathaChristie Fiction A volume A chapter
Описание слайда:

QUIZ AgathaChristie Fiction A volume A chapter

№ слайда 6 QUIZ Caxton A character A dictionary Ivanhoe
Описание слайда:

QUIZ Caxton A character A dictionary Ivanhoe

№ слайда 7 Words are Words are the voiceof the heart. Reading is to the mind what exercise
Описание слайда:

Words are Words are the voiceof the heart. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. Words are the voiceof the heart. A book is a garden carried in the pocket. A library is a hospital for the mind.

№ слайда 8 William Shakespeare April 23, 1564б, Stratford-upon-Avonhis parents, his educati
Описание слайда:

William Shakespeare April 23, 1564б, Stratford-upon-Avonhis parents, his educationhis family life and children1587, Londonmember of a well-known acting companythe Globe Theatre16131616 Stratford-upon-Avonhis plays – the whole world

№ слайда 9 Robert Burns Scottish poet and writerJanuary 25, 1759, Scotlandthe eldest of sev
Описание слайда:

Robert Burns Scottish poet and writerJanuary 25, 1759, Scotlandthe eldest of seven childrena few years of schooling – had work and povertyat the age of fifteenthe first book – 1786 – a great successfor Scotsmen – a symbol of national prideevery year 25 January – Burns Night – throughout BritainScotland’s national poet

№ слайда 10 Alexander Pushkin Moscow, 1799a family belonging to the “cream” of Moscow societ
Описание слайда:

Alexander Pushkin Moscow, 1799a family belonging to the “cream” of Moscow societyhis early educationhis first poem – the age of eight1820, his first published poem “Ruslan and Ludmila”, famousliterary Russian, a lot of poemsdied after a duel, 1837the best known “Eugene Onegin”

№ слайда 11 Alexander Allan Milne London, 1882his fatherthe age of 11, his early educationed
Описание слайда:

Alexander Allan Milne London, 1882his fatherthe age of 11, his early educationeditor of the journal “Granta”1905, his first book of humorous essaysthe age of 24, a post of assistant editor of the famous magazine “Punch”his wife and his only son Christopher Robina lot of poems for his son1926, his famous book “Winnie-the –Pooh”1956

№ слайда 12 OUR CLASS THEATRE Winnie-the-Pooh and the Rabbit, you are welcome!
Описание слайда:

OUR CLASS THEATRE Winnie-the-Pooh and the Rabbit, you are welcome!

№ слайда 13 What conversations can we hear in these situations? At the bookshop Between frie
Описание слайда:

What conversations can we hear in these situations? At the bookshop Between friends At the library

№ слайда 14 The Role of Books in Our Modern Life The reasons why people read booksThe main g
Описание слайда:

The Role of Books in Our Modern Life The reasons why people read booksThe main genres of booksMy favourite writerMy favourite bookReading is important and interesting because…

№ слайда 15 My advice for you:Read books!And you will love this amazing world!
Описание слайда:

My advice for you:Read books!And you will love this amazing world!

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