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Презентация на тему: Мировое путешествие

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Презентация на тему: Мировое путешествие

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№ слайда 5 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island The United Kingdom of Gr
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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island The United States of America Canada Australia New Zealand Europe Asia North America Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean The South The North The West The East

№ слайда 6 Manchester Manchester Liverpool Glasgow Oxford New York Detroit Chicago Los - An
Описание слайда:

Manchester Manchester Liverpool Glasgow Oxford New York Detroit Chicago Los - Angeles Calgary Ottawa Montreal Toronto Canberra Sydney Melbourne Adelaide Wellington Auckland Christchurch Dunedin

№ слайда 7 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island The United Kingdom of Gr
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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island The United States of America Canada Australia New Zealand India The South African Republic

№ слайда 8
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№ слайда 9 11, Great West Road Directors 11, Great West Road Directors London ,W 25 England
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11, Great West Road Directors 11, Great West Road Directors London ,W 25 England , Ambrose Harper (Chairman) Telephone 01-567-122 Hector Grant (Managing) Telex 60153 William Buckhurst (Secretary) Fax …. Margaret Wiles HARPER AND GRANT LIMITED Cheboksary Electro- mechanical college, 17, Jakovlev Avenue, Cheboksary, Chuvashia, Russia, 428000 Tel. 8(352) 21-45-15 10th December , 2008 Dear sir, Miss Harper of the Export Services Branch, Board of Trade asked me to write to you direct. Our company specializes in making high quality office furniture and equipment. I suggest you to visit one of our exhibitions for about ten days in late December to study on the spot ways of introducing our products to the Russian market. They will take place in one of the following cities: New York, London, Calgary, Sydney and Auckland. I understand there is no import duty. A clerk with the customs has shown that little equipment of this kind has ever been sold to Russia and I understand Italian and French firms have been the main suppliers. Six copies of our catalogue are enclosed. If you can help me in working out an itinerary and introduce me to possible buyers and agents during your visit I should be most grateful. Yours faithfully, John Martin Sales Manager HARPER AND GRANT LTD.

№ слайда 10 __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ ____
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__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ___________ We have received your letter , in which you invite our colleagues to take part in the ________________________,held by your corporation. We are pleased to inform you that some of our managers will be ______________at this exhibition and will study ____________________, produced by your company . They will also help you to find possible__________________ during their visit. We are grateful and look forward to continue our ______ ___________________. _________________________ _________________________ buyers and agents business relations international exhibitions on business office furniture and equipment

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№ слайда 13 by bus by bus by bike by car
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by bus by bus by bike by car

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№ слайда 15 1 - How long did you spend with them? 1 - How long did you spend with them? 2 -
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1 - How long did you spend with them? 1 - How long did you spend with them? 2 - At a big shop in Oxford Street. 3 - Two weeks. I` ve got another week to go. 4 - At first I was with my relatives. 5 -What have you done since you got there? 6 - Where did you buy the CDs? 7 - Hello. 8 - Almost a week. 9 - And have you bought any souvenirs? 10 - How long have been in England? 11 - Yes. Some CDs and a book about Scotland.

№ слайда 16 - Hello. - How long have been in England? - Two weeks. I` ve got another week to
Описание слайда:

- Hello. - How long have been in England? - Two weeks. I` ve got another week to go. - What have you done since you got there? - At first I was with my relatives. - How long did you spend with them? - Almost a week. - And have you bought any souvenirs? - Yes. Some CDs and a book about Scotland. - Where did you buy the CDs? - At a big shop in Oxford Street.

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№ слайда 28 What’s the capital of Australia? What’s the capital of Australia? Sydney Melbour
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What’s the capital of Australia? What’s the capital of Australia? Sydney Melbourne Canberra

№ слайда 29 When did the Europeans settle in Australia? When did the Europeans settle in Aus
Описание слайда:

When did the Europeans settle in Australia? When did the Europeans settle in Australia? 1488 1788 1492 1901

№ слайда 30 Who discovered Australia? Who discovered Australia? Christopher Columbus Captain
Описание слайда:

Who discovered Australia? Who discovered Australia? Christopher Columbus Captain Cook Lewis and Clark

№ слайда 31 Who are the Australians natives? Who are the Australians natives? Eskimos Aborig
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Who are the Australians natives? Who are the Australians natives? Eskimos Aborigines Indians

№ слайда 32 Australia is not a … Australia is not a … Country Island Continent City
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Australia is not a … Australia is not a … Country Island Continent City

№ слайда 33 How many nationalities live in Australia? How many nationalities live in Austral
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How many nationalities live in Australia? How many nationalities live in Australia? 200 75 5 20

№ слайда 34 What is the official language of Australia? What is the official language of Aus
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What is the official language of Australia? What is the official language of Australia? French German English

№ слайда 35 Which city is Australia’s oldest and largest? Which city is Australia’s oldest a
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Which city is Australia’s oldest and largest? Which city is Australia’s oldest and largest? Sydney Melbourne Canberra

№ слайда 36 Which is a popular Australian animal? Which is a popular Australian animal? Koal
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Which is a popular Australian animal? Which is a popular Australian animal? Koala Kangaroo Emu

№ слайда 37 Which two animals can you see on the Australian coat of arms? Which two animals
Описание слайда:

Which two animals can you see on the Australian coat of arms? Which two animals can you see on the Australian coat of arms? Kangaroo & Dingo Koala & Parrot Kangaroo & Emu

№ слайда 38 What is the main Australian product? What is the main Australian product? Wool C
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What is the main Australian product? What is the main Australian product? Wool Cotton Silk

№ слайда 39
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№ слайда 40 New Zealand is … New Zealand is … Long and narrow Big and white Small and round
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New Zealand is … New Zealand is … Long and narrow Big and white Small and round

№ слайда 41 New Zealand is larger than … New Zealand is larger than … Australia Canada Great
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New Zealand is larger than … New Zealand is larger than … Australia Canada Great Britain

№ слайда 42 The weather is … The weather is … Not too hot and not too cold Very hot Extremel
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The weather is … The weather is … Not too hot and not too cold Very hot Extremely cold

№ слайда 43 The name to the country was given by … The name to the country was given by … Ca
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The name to the country was given by … The name to the country was given by … Captain James Cook Christopher Columbus Abel Tasman

№ слайда 44 There are … big cities in New Zealand. There are … big cities in New Zealand. 5
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There are … big cities in New Zealand. There are … big cities in New Zealand. 5 6 7

№ слайда 45 The capital of the country is … The capital of the country is … Hamilton Christc
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The capital of the country is … The capital of the country is … Hamilton Christchurch Wellington

№ слайда 46 New Zealanders are often called … New Zealanders are often called … Kiwis Kakapo
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New Zealanders are often called … New Zealanders are often called … Kiwis Kakapos Kookaburras

№ слайда 47
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№ слайда 48 It is situated on 2 large islands. It is situated on 2 large islands. It occupie
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It is situated on 2 large islands. It is situated on 2 large islands. It occupies the whole continent. The head of the state is Barak Obama. It is situated in the north-west of Europe. It has 2 official languages: English & French. It’s economy is based on pastoral farming. The Queen Elizabeth the second lives there. It is the sixth largest country in the world. It borders with Alaska. It is divided into 55 counties. It’s flag is white and red with a maple leaf. It’s symbol is the Statue of Liberty. It’s national colors are green and gold. It was discovered in 1492. Its national symbol is a not-flying bird.

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