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Презентация на тему: Literature for Children

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№ слайда 9 1700s 1700s Many of the books read by children during the 1700s were books writt
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1700s 1700s Many of the books read by children during the 1700s were books written for adults. These were adventurous stories with interesting characters. For example, Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe (1719) tells the story of a man who is shipwrecked on a deserted island. Another such book was Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels (1726). It is about the adventures of a traveler in strange lands.

№ слайда 10 John Newbery in London, England, published the first edition of the well-known M
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John Newbery in London, England, published the first edition of the well-known Mother Goose rhymes in the 1760s. A version of Newbery's book was first published in the United States in about 1785. Since then, generations of children have learned the traditional rhymes, such as Little Miss Muffett. John Newbery in London, England, published the first edition of the well-known Mother Goose rhymes in the 1760s. A version of Newbery's book was first published in the United States in about 1785. Since then, generations of children have learned the traditional rhymes, such as Little Miss Muffett.

№ слайда 11 1800s 1800s By the 1800s children's books were becoming an important kind of lit
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1800s 1800s By the 1800s children's books were becoming an important kind of literature. Authors began making their stories more interesting and imaginative.

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№ слайда 14 Two German brothers,Wilhelm and Jakob Grimm, published a collection of old Germa
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Two German brothers,Wilhelm and Jakob Grimm, published a collection of old German fairy tales in 1812. The collection is commonly called Grimm's Fairy Tales. It features stories about such characters as Snow White and Cinderella. Two German brothers,Wilhelm and Jakob Grimm, published a collection of old German fairy tales in 1812. The collection is commonly called Grimm's Fairy Tales. It features stories about such characters as Snow White and Cinderella.

№ слайда 15 In the late 1800s Sazanami Iwaya of Japan wrote Japanese Fairy Tales, a collecti
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In the late 1800s Sazanami Iwaya of Japan wrote Japanese Fairy Tales, a collection of old stories. In 1896 K. Langloh Parker retold the folktales of the Aborigines (the native people of Australia) in Australian Legendary Tales. A collection of Latin American folktales appeared at about the same time in Brazil. It was called Contos da Carochinha. In the late 1800s Sazanami Iwaya of Japan wrote Japanese Fairy Tales, a collection of old stories. In 1896 K. Langloh Parker retold the folktales of the Aborigines (the native people of Australia) in Australian Legendary Tales. A collection of Latin American folktales appeared at about the same time in Brazil. It was called Contos da Carochinha.  

№ слайда 16 1900s and Today 1900s and Today The 1900s saw an explosion in the number of chil
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1900s and Today 1900s and Today The 1900s saw an explosion in the number of children's books being published.    

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№ слайда 18 In Great Britain and the United States much children's literature of this time f
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In Great Britain and the United States much children's literature of this time focused on interesting characters in fantastic worlds. In Great Britain and the United States much children's literature of this time focused on interesting characters in fantastic worlds.

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