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Презентация на тему: Law and legal system

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Презентация на тему: Law and legal system

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№ слайда 1 Law and legal system Lesson ObjectivesTo understand what the role of law is in s
Описание слайда:

Law and legal system Lesson ObjectivesTo understand what the role of law is in societyTo distinguish criminal and civil legal systemsTo examine alternative means of resolving disputes

№ слайда 2 Why do we need laws? Think of as many reasons as you can why most societies have
Описание слайда:

Why do we need laws? Think of as many reasons as you can why most societies have laws and a legal system.To prevent anti-social and unacceptable behaviourTo regulate commercial and business transactionsTo identify who should rightfully own propertyTo regulate family and personal relationshipsTo provide means for citizens to resolve disputes with other citizens These are some of the most important but you may have thought of others

№ слайда 3 What is the law concerned with Which of the following does the law concern itsel
Описание слайда:

What is the law concerned with Which of the following does the law concern itself with?Going to schoolHelping your parents around the houseCatching a busDoing a part time jobBabysitting your younger brother or sisterBuying goods from a shopSurfing the internet

№ слайда 4 The distinctions between Civil Law and Criminal Law There are basically two type
Описание слайда:

The distinctions between Civil Law and Criminal Law There are basically two types of law:Civil law & Criminal law

№ слайда 5 Civil Law Civil law is concerned with the rights and duties of citizens in deali
Описание слайда:

Civil Law Civil law is concerned with the rights and duties of citizens in dealings with other citizensCivil law therefore covers activities such as: Lending and borrowing moneyEntering into contracts Disputes with neighbours Getting marriedInheritances and wills

№ слайда 6 Criminal Law Criminal offences are regarded as offences against societyIt deals
Описание слайда:

Criminal Law Criminal offences are regarded as offences against societyIt deals with such matters such as:Crimes against the person eg murder, assault & rape Property crimes eg theft, burglary, fraud and vandalism

№ слайда 7 Compensation or punishment? In civil law the courts award compensation where som
Описание слайда:

Compensation or punishment? In civil law the courts award compensation where someone can prove the other party is in the wrong.In criminal courts the aim is to punish wrongdoers and impose a sentence which prevents them from reoffending

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