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Презентация на тему: Kyiv National Linguistic University

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Презентация на тему: Kyiv National Linguistic University

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№ слайда 1 Kyiv National Linguistic University
Описание слайда:

Kyiv National Linguistic University

№ слайда 2 Kyiv National Linguistic University is a higher education institution in Kiev, U
Описание слайда:

Kyiv National Linguistic University is a higher education institution in Kiev, Ukraine. It was founded in 1948 as Kiev State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. It has the status of autonomous institutions. In common parlance it's called "In'Yaz" which means "foreign languages." Kyiv National Linguistic University is a higher education institution in Kiev, Ukraine. It was founded in 1948 as Kiev State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. It has the status of autonomous institutions. In common parlance it's called "In'Yaz" which means "foreign languages."

№ слайда 3 Until 2013 there were 10 faculties and 2 institutes into which the university wa
Описание слайда:

Until 2013 there were 10 faculties and 2 institutes into which the university was divided: Until 2013 there were 10 faculties and 2 institutes into which the university was divided:

№ слайда 4 The University promotes the exchange of students, postgraduate students, profess
Описание слайда:

The University promotes the exchange of students, postgraduate students, professors and teachers. It encourages participation in international meetings, linguistic and educational programmes, cultural events, conferences. The University promotes the exchange of students, postgraduate students, professors and teachers. It encourages participation in international meetings, linguistic and educational programmes, cultural events, conferences.

№ слайда 5 46 higher educational institutions / organizations in Europe, the Middle and Far
Описание слайда:

46 higher educational institutions / organizations in Europe, the Middle and Far East and North America are partners of KNLU. The largest number of international contacts is established with the universities of the Republic of Korea (7), France (7), Germany (4), Russia (9), and China (5). 46 higher educational institutions / organizations in Europe, the Middle and Far East and North America are partners of KNLU. The largest number of international contacts is established with the universities of the Republic of Korea (7), France (7), Germany (4), Russia (9), and China (5). KNLU cooperates with foreign embassies, international organizations, centers and foundations.

№ слайда 6 Institute of Oriental Languages which exists on the basis of KNLU is the leader
Описание слайда:

Institute of Oriental Languages which exists on the basis of KNLU is the leader of student's mobility programmes implementing. Each year it receives foreign and sends Ukrainian students to study in Japan, Korea, China etc.. Institute of Oriental Languages which exists on the basis of KNLU is the leader of student's mobility programmes implementing. Each year it receives foreign and sends Ukrainian students to study in Japan, Korea, China etc..

№ слайда 7 Kyiv National Linguistic University is one of the leading Ukrainian centers of p
Описание слайда:

Kyiv National Linguistic University is one of the leading Ukrainian centers of philological training and translation where over 20 foreign languages are taught. Kyiv National Linguistic University is one of the leading Ukrainian centers of philological training and translation where over 20 foreign languages are taught.

№ слайда 8 Campuses and buildings KNLU has 3 educational facilities where classes are held,
Описание слайда:

Campuses and buildings KNLU has 3 educational facilities where classes are held, 4 student dormitories, a computerized library with more than 1 million books in storage, 10 computer classes for 300 students, a modern sports center, a student cafeteria and various buffets.

№ слайда 9
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