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Презентация на тему: Kaleidoscope

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Презентация на тему: Kaleidoscope

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№ слайда 1 Kaleidoscope 900igr.net
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Kaleidoscope 900igr.net

№ слайда 2 History Sir David Brewster began work leading towards invention of the kaleidosc
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History Sir David Brewster began work leading towards invention of the kaleidoscope in 1815 when he was conducting experiments on light polarization. His initial design was a tube with pairs of mirrors at one end, pairs of translucent disks at the other, and beads between the two. Initially intended as a scientific tool, the kaleidoscope was later copied as a toy. Brewster later believed he would make money from this popular invention; however, a fault in his patent application allowed others to copy his invention.

№ слайда 3 Initially intended as a scientific tool, the kaleidoscope was later copied as a
Описание слайда:

Initially intended as a scientific tool, the kaleidoscope was later copied as a toy. Brewster later believed he would make money from this popular invention; however, a fault in his patent application allowed others to copy his invention.

№ слайда 4 A Kaleidoscope operates on the principle of multiple reflection, where several m
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A Kaleidoscope operates on the principle of multiple reflection, where several mirrors are together.

№ слайда 5 Modern kaleidoscopes are made of brass tubes, stained glass, wood, steel, gourds
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Modern kaleidoscopes are made of brass tubes, stained glass, wood, steel, gourds or almost any material an artist can use.

№ слайда 6 The part containing objects to be viewed is called the 'object chamber' or 'obje
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The part containing objects to be viewed is called the 'object chamber' or 'object cell'. Object cells may contain almost any material. 

№ слайда 7 Sometimes the object cell is filled with a liquid so the items float and move th
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Sometimes the object cell is filled with a liquid so the items float and move through the object cell in response to a slight movement from the viewer.

№ слайда 8 Kinds of kaleidoscopes A pentagonal dodecahedron A hexahedron (cube) A true sphe
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Kinds of kaleidoscopes A pentagonal dodecahedron A hexahedron (cube) A true sphere

№ слайда 9 A tetrahedron An icosahedron A spiky icosahedron
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A tetrahedron An icosahedron A spiky icosahedron

№ слайда 10 A torus The next kaleidoscope is named "Saturn's Ring." Another cube
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A torus The next kaleidoscope is named "Saturn's Ring." Another cube

№ слайда 11 Industry Most kaleidoscopes are mass-produced from inexpensive materials, and in
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Industry Most kaleidoscopes are mass-produced from inexpensive materials, and intended as children's toys. At the other extreme are handmade pieces that display fine craftsmanship. 

№ слайда 12 Craft galleries often carry a few kaleidoscopes, while other enterprises special
Описание слайда:

Craft galleries often carry a few kaleidoscopes, while other enterprises specialize in them, carrying dozens of different types from different artists and craftspeople.

№ слайда 13 Понравилась презентация? Скажи спасибо! Рада помочь! http://vk.com/kfurman
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