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Презентация на тему: Invention

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Презентация на тему: Invention

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№ слайда 1 The Invention of Television
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The Invention of Television

№ слайда 2 1929 Vladimir Zworkin demonstrates the first practical electronic system for bot
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1929 Vladimir Zworkin demonstrates the first practical electronic system for both the transmission and reception of images using his new kinescope tube. John Baird opens the first TV studio, however, the image quality was poor. 1930 Charles Jenkins broadcasts the first TV commercial. The BBC begins regular TV transmissions.

№ слайда 3 Commercially available since the late 1920s, the television set has become commo
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Commercially available since the late 1920s, the television set has become commonplace in homes, businesses and institutions, particularly as a vehicle for advertising, a source of entertainment, and news. Since the 1950s, television has been the main medium for molding public opinion.[1] Since the 1970s the availability of video cassettes, laserdiscs, DVDs and now Blu-ray Discs, have resulted in the television set frequently being used for viewing recorded as well as broadcast material. In recent years, Internet television has seen the rise of television available via the Internet, e.g. iPlayer and Hulu. 1940 Peter Goldmark invents a 343 lines of resolution color television system.

№ слайда 4 The word "parachute" comes from the French prefix paracete, originally from the
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The word "parachute" comes from the French prefix paracete, originally from the Greek, meaning to protect against, and chute, the French word for "fall", and it was originally coined, as a hybrid word which meant literally "that which protects against a fall", by the French aeronaut François Blanchard (1753–1809) in 1785.

№ слайда 5 nocenzo Manzetti considered the idea of a telephone as early as 1844, and may ha
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nocenzo Manzetti considered the idea of a telephone as early as 1844, and may have made one in 1864, as an enhancement to an automaton built by him in 1849. He is considered by many Italians as the inventor of the telephone.

№ слайда 6 Vehicles for human transport that have two wheels and require balancing by the r
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Vehicles for human transport that have two wheels and require balancing by the rider date back to the early 19th century. The first means of transport making use of two wheels arranged consecutively, and thus the archetype of the bicycle, was the German draisine dating back to 1817. The term bicycle was coined in France in the 1860s.

№ слайда 7 history of the automobile typically begins as early as 1769, with the creation o
Описание слайда:

history of the automobile typically begins as early as 1769, with the creation of steam engined automobiles capable of human transport.[1] In 1806, the first cars powered by an internal combustion engine running on fuel gas appeared, which led to the introduction in 1885 of the ubiquitous modern gasoline- or petrol-fueled internal combustion engine.

№ слайда 8 he inventors of the first airplane were Orville and Wilbur Wright. On December 1
Описание слайда:

he inventors of the first airplane were Orville and Wilbur Wright. On December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers made the first successful experiment in which a machine (aka airplane) carrying a man rose by its own power, flew naturally and at even speed, and descended without damage.

№ слайда 9 Percy Spencer invented the first microwave oven after World War II from radar te
Описание слайда:

Percy Spencer invented the first microwave oven after World War II from radar technology developed during the war. Named the "Radarange", it was first sold in 1947. Raytheon later licensed its patents for a home-use microwave oven that was first introduced by Tappan in 1955, but these units were still too large and expensive for general home use. The countertop microwave oven was first introduced in 1967 by the Amana Corporation, which was acquired in 1965 by Raytheon.

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