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Презентация на тему: Hippies in our life!

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Презентация на тему: Hippies in our life!

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№ слайда 1 Hippies in our life! Работу выполнили ученицы 10 класса МОУ сош №4 города Петров
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Hippies in our life! Работу выполнили ученицы 10 класса МОУ сош №4 города Петровска Мещерякова Мария и Безверхова Екатерина

№ слайда 2 On streets spring hippies wander.To grated old jeans have stuckEarth lumps, smal
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On streets spring hippies wander.To grated old jeans have stuckEarth lumps, small stalks and blades.And to a city fresh paints in a novelty,And the winter skin – is rough and close.The city has got rid of boredom and a rash –Be glad, people in streets of hippie,It seems that and the truth has come spring.

№ слайда 3 The hippie subculture was originally a youth movement that arose in the United S
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The hippie subculture was originally a youth movement that arose in the United States during the mid-1960s, swiftly spreading to other countries around the world. Hippies protested against Puritan morals of some Protestant churches, and also propagandized aspiration to return to natural cleanliness through love and pacifism. One of the most known slogans of hippie: «Make love, not war!», They unite in System. It some kind of club in which accept not everyone. The system shares on groups (party) where there are two layers: "pioneers" and “oldovie" (mammoths). "Pioneers" - teenagers, “oldovie" - the old members of System seriously penetrating into problems of religion, mysticism, art creativity.

№ слайда 4 As hippies often intertwined with flowers in hair, distributed flowers to passer
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As hippies often intertwined with flowers in hair, distributed flowers to passers-by and inserted them into weapon barrels of policemen and soldiers, them began to name «children of colours». Symbol of hippie is pacific

№ слайда 5 Hippies wear simple clothes, blue jeans and open sandals.They often chose bright
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Hippies wear simple clothes, blue jeans and open sandals.They often chose brightly colored clothing and wore unusual styles, such as bell-bottom pants, vests, tie-dyed garments, dashikis, peasant blouses, and long, full skirtsAlso they carried a bandana or wreaths from colours on a head.

№ слайда 6 Hippies like to have fun and sometimes some members of this subculture are on dr
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Hippies like to have fun and sometimes some members of this subculture are on drugs. But sometimes they despise them.Hippies prefer to listen to a reggae music.

№ слайда 7 Hippies very much like to travel.It is considered one of symbols of movement of
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Hippies very much like to travel.It is considered one of symbols of movement of hippie an old minibus "the Volkswagen", which hippie traditionally painted in style «Flower Power ».

№ слайда 8 So modern hippies look!
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So modern hippies look!

№ слайда 9 The famous hippiesForeign hippiesJohn Lennon Joplin, Dzhenis Baez, Dzhoan Kaessa
Описание слайда:

The famous hippiesForeign hippiesJohn Lennon Joplin, Dzhenis Baez, Dzhoan Kaessady, Nile Romny, Hugh AyzlyMorrison, Jim Hendrix, Jimmy Ebbi Hoffman Jerry the Ruby Domestic hippiesAnna Gerasimov (Умка), the singer Jury Morozov, the musician, the philosopher Evgenie Tchitcherin, the musician Olga Arefyev, the singer Sergey Solmi, the artist

№ слайда 10 To be hippie — means to trust in the world, as a way of the permission of disagr
Описание слайда:

To be hippie — means to trust in the world, as a way of the permission of disagreements between people, ideologies, religions. The way to the world lies through love and tolerance. To love — means to accept others such what they to eat, give them freedom to express. And, of course, not to condemn them for appearance. It is an essence of philosophy of hippie.Hippies sought to free themselves from societal restrictions, choose their own way, and find new meaning in life

№ слайда 11 Thank you for attention
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Thank you for attention

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