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Презентация на тему: English in My Life

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Презентация на тему: English in My Life

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№ слайда 1 English in my life The presentation was done by Aleksandra Shvyrkova Form 7B Sch
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English in my life The presentation was done by Aleksandra Shvyrkova Form 7B School 571 with advanced learning of English Saint-Petersburg

№ слайда 2 Introduction Nowadays the knowledge of English is very important in the world. E
Описание слайда:

Introduction Nowadays the knowledge of English is very important in the world. Everyone will understand you if you speak English. That is why many people learn English all over the world. I’m not an exception.

№ слайда 3 A little about myself I’m 13 years old. I study at school 571 with advanced lear
Описание слайда:

A little about myself I’m 13 years old. I study at school 571 with advanced learning of English. I’ve been learning English for eight years. Now I have upper-intermediate level. I like English. For me it’s always interesting to learn a foreign language.

№ слайда 4 How it all started I started learning English when I was six years old. My mum h
Описание слайда:

How it all started I started learning English when I was six years old. My mum helped me a lot, though she doesn’t know English very well. She made different games to make it more interesting and easier.

№ слайда 5 Where I’m taught english Of course I’m taught English at my school, but after sc
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Where I’m taught english Of course I’m taught English at my school, but after school I have extra English lessons in Orange Language centre and at school Olympics. I really like all the teachers. They often teach me new skills.

№ слайда 6 Reading If I want to read some book I often read it in English. Some time ago I
Описание слайда:

Reading If I want to read some book I often read it in English. Some time ago I read only adapted books, but now I can read even original texts. I’ve already read “The Canterville ghost”, “Harry Potter” and now I’m reading “451 Fahrenheit” by Ray Bradberry.

№ слайда 7 music I like music very much, especially English music. One of my favourite sing
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music I like music very much, especially English music. One of my favourite singers is Aura Dione. Almost all of her music is calm and relaxing. Some of her songs are easy to understand. Above there is one of her songs.

№ слайда 8 Films Sometimes I watch films in English. Though the speech is hard to understan
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Films Sometimes I watch films in English. Though the speech is hard to understand it’s very interesting because you learn the real colloquial language. The best film was “Furry vengeance”.

№ слайда 9 Abroad I have been to Egypt this summer. Many workers spoke Russian, but I manag
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Abroad I have been to Egypt this summer. Many workers spoke Russian, but I managed to use English to communicate with them. But there were many English and Italians in our hotel. It was pleasant to talk with them.

№ слайда 10 Daily use Everyone needs English to understand signs or just for surfing in the
Описание слайда:

Daily use Everyone needs English to understand signs or just for surfing in the Internet because some sites are in English.

№ слайда 11 Practicing I think it’s more important to talk easily in English. There are peop
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Practicing I think it’s more important to talk easily in English. There are people who can read and write but can’t even say a word. And we have people who don’t know much grammar but can talk. In the evenings my mum often asks me to tell what has happened today in English. It’s a good practice!

№ слайда 12 Some future plans Let’s imagine that I’m about 25 years old, I’ve already finish
Описание слайда:

Some future plans Let’s imagine that I’m about 25 years old, I’ve already finished school and graduated from the university. Why do I need English now? Why is it important for me?

№ слайда 13 Work Firstly, I like Mathematics and I’m going to be a programmer. They need Eng
Описание слайда:

Work Firstly, I like Mathematics and I’m going to be a programmer. They need English because they work with international programs. They usually create or correct mistakes in them.

№ слайда 14 Travelling Secondly, I need English for travelling. I like to travel. I think ev
Описание слайда:

Travelling Secondly, I need English for travelling. I like to travel. I think everybody does. I use English to find out some information I need.

№ слайда 15 Meeting new people Thirdly, I can meet new people from different countries. We c
Описание слайда:

Meeting new people Thirdly, I can meet new people from different countries. We can even become friends. It’s really cool!

№ слайда 16 Conclusion If you are young it will be easier for you to learn a foreign languag
Описание слайда:

Conclusion If you are young it will be easier for you to learn a foreign language. That’s why I’m trying my best to work as hard as I can now. I know-I’ll need it for my future life.

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