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Презентация на тему: Industrial revolution in France

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Презентация на тему: Industrial revolution in France

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№ слайда 1 Industrialrevolution in France Emine Iminova. 101 I E
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Industrialrevolution in France Emine Iminova. 101 I E

№ слайда 2 Industrial revolution (industrial and technologicalrevolution) - is the system o
Описание слайда:

Industrial revolution (industrial and technologicalrevolution) - is the system ofeconomic and sociopolitical changes through transition from manual labor to machinery.

№ слайда 3 Industrialization - is the processof creating large-scale machine production in 
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Industrialization - is the processof creating large-scale machine production in all sectors of theeconomy and, above all, inthe industry.

№ слайда 4 Features of the Industrial Revolution in France prolonged nature; "survivability
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Features of the Industrial Revolution in France prolonged nature; "survivability" of small production, which is more difficult to mechanization; a large proportion of French industry had traditionally been geared to the manufacture of luxury goods;there were not such forms and extent of proletarianization of peasants and artisans in France;

№ слайда 5 agriculture in France was the main sector of the economy;cessation of importatio
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agriculture in France was the main sector of the economy;cessation of importation of British equipment, and the French invention significantly lagged behind the British; Limited use of capital in industry.

№ слайда 6 Stages of the Industrial Revolution in France
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Stages of the Industrial Revolution in France

№ слайда 7 From 1812 to 1850, almost 40 years, industrial production is increased only in 2
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From 1812 to 1850, almost 40 years, industrial production is increased only in 2 times, and over the next 20 years, to 1870. - in 3 times. In the middle of the XIX century France ranked the second place in the world (after England) in volume of industrial production,. At the World Exhibition in 1851 in London French technique was on the second place in number of awards after England. 

№ слайда 8
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№ слайда 9 Coal mining inFrance. Positive changes have occurred in the economy, the industr
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Coal mining inFrance. Positive changes have occurred in the economy, the industrial revolution was completed, quickly developed an internal and external trade, which experienced a genuine flowering.For 10 years the rail network grew from 148 up to 1535 km.

№ слайда 10 The growth of social contradictions. But economic growth, had notbrought improve
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The growth of social contradictions. But economic growth, had notbrought improvement of thepeople. King was on the sideof only one part ofthe financial bourgeoisie. Therefore, many entrepreneurshad been displeased with that.King Pear.Caricature ofLouis-Philippe.

№ слайда 11 The growth of social contradictions. Moving peasant’s family to the city.Workers
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The growth of social contradictions. Moving peasant’s family to the city.Workers, which recruited from the impoverished peasants were paid a little. Began a lot of strikes across the country.In 1831 and 1834  there was an uprising of weavers in Lyon.In 30-ies. Auguste Blanqui  created a number ofsocieties but they were defeated.

№ слайда 12 New trends in the economic development of France In 1871-1913 industrial product
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New trends in the economic development of France In 1871-1913 industrial production in France was tripled. There was a concentration of production and capital.Every year France exported 1,5 billion francs and became Europe's largest lender.In France was growing influence of financial industrial oligarchy.Franceilluminates the world.

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