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Презентация на тему: South Korea

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Презентация на тему: South Korea

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№ слайда 1 South Korea
Описание слайда:

South Korea

№ слайда 2 Republic of Korea, or as we are accustomed to say, South Korea is a country in t
Описание слайда:

Republic of Korea, or as we are accustomed to say, South Korea is a country in the East Asia. Occupies the southern portion of the Korean Peninsula. Total area is about 98 thousand square kilometers. Poetic name of South Korea - Land of Morning Calm. The name Korea is derived from the ancient kingdom of Goryeo, which existed in the Korean Peninsula in the 10-14 centuries.

№ слайда 3 Modern South Korea is a highly developed country, one of the so-called "Asian ti
Описание слайда:

Modern South Korea is a highly developed country, one of the so-called "Asian tigers." South Korea is full of charm, weaving the old and new. Korea is both very old and very young country. Exotic and the old in it naturally combined with the latest achievements of world civilization. This is a country of ancient and unique culture, romantic sea and mountain scenery, hot springs, golden beaches, quaint islands and cliffs, waterfalls and caves, lush vegetation, unusual cuisine. At the same time it is a country of beautiful hotels, good roads, railways, high-quality modern service. Korea is a shopper's paradise, as it has an extensive network of stores and markets, where you can buy reasonably priced sturdy and quality products. Recently, the Japanese here is frequent for shopping. Every year in Korea are major international exhibitions, attracting businessmen from all over the world: a high quality level equipped modern exhibition centers provide everything necessary for their implementation.

№ слайда 4 PopulationSouth Korea occupy more than 50 million people. Most of whom are Korea
Описание слайда:

PopulationSouth Korea occupy more than 50 million people. Most of whom are Koreans, other than that a substantial weight in the country are of Japanese, Chinese, Filipinos, Americans United States. South Korea is densely populated and high levels of urbanization, urban population of more than 80% of the population. As the population of South Korea is characterized by a high degree of concentration in the capital. In the metropolitan area lived for almost 45% of the population of South Korea

№ слайда 5 HolidaysNew year on the solar calendar (January 1)
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HolidaysNew year on the solar calendar (January 1)

№ слайда 6 New year on the solar calendar (January 1)Salt (or New Year) - so the first day
Описание слайда:

New year on the solar calendar (January 1)Salt (or New Year) - so the first day of the first month, one of the most important holidays of the year. Koreans celebrate New Year twice. January 1 and 2 - the official date of the celebration of the New Year. New year on the lunar calendar is the approximate date - the end of January or beginning of February. It is usually celebrated with family and loved ones. Koreans also send thank-you cards to friends and comrades with wishes for the coming year

№ слайда 7 Chuseok is such a dish - rice patty NCSA (송편). NCSA - is a patty made from ric
Описание слайда:

Chuseok is such a dish - rice patty NCSA (송편). NCSA - is a patty made from rice flour with a variety of healthful fillers , such as: sesame seeds , a variety of beans , nuts , cinnamon, jujube , honey . Patties are cooked on a pair necessarily on a bed of pine needles.The rolled dough resembles a full moon pie filling - Crescent . Legend has it that during the three kingdoms , the king of the kingdom of Baekje found on tortoise shell inscription : " Baekje - it's a full moon , and Scilla - Crescent " that somehow predicted the fall of Baekje and the greatness of Scilla . Shilla Baekje defeated in the war since the Korean crescent - the symbol of victory and a bright future

№ слайда 8 Koreans think marriage is the most important stage in a person's life , and most
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Koreans think marriage is the most important stage in a person's life , and most negatively to divorce as a disgrace not only to each other but also to the parents - although , despite this, the number of divorces in recent years is growing rapidly.The wedding today is somewhat different from what it was before. First there is the usual Western-style ceremony in a church or city hall , the bride in a white wedding dress and the groom in a tuxedo , followed by a traditional ceremony in a different room where the bride and groom , dressed in Korean traditional costumes and following tradition, make bows parents

№ слайда 9 National dishes Kimchi - Korean dishes, an island flavored pickled (fermented) v
Описание слайда:

National dishes Kimchi - Korean dishes, an island flavored pickled (fermented) vegetables in the first place Peking cabbage.

№ слайда 10 Samgepsal (삼겹살; samɡjʌpsal) - a popular dish of Korean cuisine. Are pieces of
Описание слайда:

Samgepsal (삼겹살; samɡjʌpsal) - a popular dish of Korean cuisine. Are pieces of fatty pork peritoneum not passed marination, not sprinkled with spices that participants roast meal on the grill on a table [1]. Samgepsal usually served for dinner.Samgethan - whole cooked chicken stuffed with various herbs and ginseng root.Ramen (拉 麺, 柳 麺) - Japanese food with wheat noodles. Very popular in Korea and Japan, especially among young peopleKimchi Tighe - one of the most popular dishes in Korea. This soup of cabbage, meat and tofu. Methods of preparation of this dish can be counted a couple of dozen, that's for sure. The main differences, as always, the ingredients that are used in the preparation of kimchi Tighe.

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