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Презентация на тему: Impact of media on shaping the world and behavioral characteristics of adolescents

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Презентация на тему: Impact of media on shaping the world and behavioral characteristics of adolescents

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№ слайда 1 «Impact of media on shaping the world and behavioral characteristics of adolesce
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«Impact of media on shaping the world and behavioral characteristics of adolescents»

№ слайда 2 Everyone of us living in the modern world constantly face mass media. It occupie
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Everyone of us living in the modern world constantly face mass media. It occupies a very important part in our life. They affect our world outlook and very often completely develop social opinion. We get some news every day, reading magazines, watching TV or just spending time in the internet, but we cannot be sure of their reliability. Teenagers are the largest consumers of this kind of information as the most intensively a person developes till the age of 18.

№ слайда 3 The most popular of them are: 1.TV2.Press 3.Internet
Описание слайда:

The most popular of them are: 1.TV2.Press 3.Internet

№ слайда 4 What attracts young people most in this huge treasury of information?
Описание слайда:

What attracts young people most in this huge treasury of information?

№ слайда 5 As it turned out the most popular activity in the internet is to view funny vide
Описание слайда:

As it turned out the most popular activity in the internet is to view funny videos and spend a lot of time playing games.

№ слайда 6 I also decided to make a survey and find out what games are popular at school “B
Описание слайда:

I also decided to make a survey and find out what games are popular at school “Bayard”. I divided games into 3 kinds: strategies, shooters and quests.The results are the following:

№ слайда 7
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№ слайда 8 According to the table we can say that 37% of students are fond of strategies, 3
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According to the table we can say that 37% of students are fond of strategies, 30% of students like playing shooters and 33% of students enjoy playing quests.

№ слайда 9 I also decided to conduct a survey and find out what movies are popular at schoo
Описание слайда:

I also decided to conduct a survey and find out what movies are popular at school “Bayard”. I divided videos into 3 kinds: fights, videos where people play different musical instruments and others.There are the results:

№ слайда 10
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№ слайда 11 According to the table we can say that 40% of students are fond of fights, 23% o
Описание слайда:

According to the table we can say that 40% of students are fond of fights, 23% of students like videos where people play different musical instruments and 37% of students enjoy other kinds of videos.

№ слайда 12 We should solve this problem in spite of the fact that someone may not like it.
Описание слайда:

We should solve this problem in spite of the fact that someone may not like it. Our future depends on young generation. They should be sensible both mentally and physically.

№ слайда 13 Thank you for attention!
Описание слайда:

Thank you for attention!

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