Конкурс интерактивных презентаций «Интерактивная мозаика» Pedsovet.su Film Film Film Востриков Иван, МОУ СОШ № 37 г. Улан-Удэ ученик 7 класса "в"
Historical center of movie industry in the USA
This film is based on real facts
The Academy Award in the film industry
A short, hand- drawn film usually made for children
Film in which the main emphasis is on humour
Film that uses suspense, tension and excitement as the main elements
There is a large white ... in the cinema
Well done!
Список использованных источников: http://www.smaily.ru/smile/ludia-2577.html http://i.allday.ru/uploads/posts/2009-04/1240769144_cf0df5d8f9fa.jpg http://megaobzor.com/load/miatozoff/photoplenka/01.jpg http://www.examiner.com/images/blog/wysiwyg/image/ist2_2724191-movie-state-clapboard-vector-300dpi-jpg.jpg