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Презентация на тему: Famous English painter Anthony van Dyck

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Презентация на тему: Famous English painter Anthony van Dyck

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№ слайда 3 Anthony van Dyck grew up in a large family of a wealthy merchant of Antwerp. In
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Anthony van Dyck grew up in a large family of a wealthy merchant of Antwerp. In ten years, he began to study painting. Since 1617 was the closest assistant of Rubens, and in 1618 he became a member of the Guild of St. Luke. The first surviving independent works van Dyck ("crowning with thorns," around 1620, "St. Martin and the poor", 1620-1621 gg.) Anthony van Dyck grew up in a large family of a wealthy merchant of Antwerp. In ten years, he began to study painting. Since 1617 was the closest assistant of Rubens, and in 1618 he became a member of the Guild of St. Luke. The first surviving independent works van Dyck ("crowning with thorns," around 1620, "St. Martin and the poor", 1620-1621 gg.)

№ слайда 4 van Dyck quickly became fashionable portrait painter and created another picture
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van Dyck quickly became fashionable portrait painter and created another picture ("Family Portrait" circa 1620-1621 gg.) van Dyck quickly became fashionable portrait painter and created another picture ("Family Portrait" circa 1620-1621 gg.)

№ слайда 5 The artist has created the whole gallery of portraits of the Italian aristocrats
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The artist has created the whole gallery of portraits of the Italian aristocrats. In the image of cardinal Guido Bentivolo (1622-1623). This work has caused delight in contemporaries and followers of the poet. One of them has declared, that paints van Dyck – « an authentic flesh and blood, light and a transparency ». The artist has created the whole gallery of portraits of the Italian aristocrats. In the image of cardinal Guido Bentivolo (1622-1623). This work has caused delight in contemporaries and followers of the poet. One of them has declared, that paints van Dyck – « an authentic flesh and blood, light and a transparency ».

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