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Презентация на тему: English is necessary for Russian people

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Презентация на тему: English is necessary for Russian people

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№ слайда 1 English is necessary for Russian people
Описание слайда:

English is necessary for Russian people

№ слайда 2 The Aim Is to tell people about a great role of English language among Russians,
Описание слайда:

The Aim Is to tell people about a great role of English language among Russians, to increase motivations of Krasny Kut students in learning of foreign language, to develop prestige of English teaching and to create the end product.

№ слайда 3 The tasks To know the reasons of learning English language in Russia.To learn mo
Описание слайда:

The tasks To know the reasons of learning English language in Russia.To learn more about the ways of English learning and different textbooks of Russian and English publishers.To take an interview from the teachers of English language of Krasny Kut district.To show the advantages of the textbooks «New Opportunities» and to think about the beautiful advertising booklets.To organize competition «Is English is necessary for you? » and questionnaires «Why do Russian learn English? », «Do the students know about the textbooks of foreign publishers? » among the students of schools №1 .

№ слайда 4
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№ слайда 5 Part №I Reasons of learning English
Описание слайда:

Part №I Reasons of learning English

№ слайда 6 What are the reasons of learning English?
Описание слайда:

What are the reasons of learning English?

№ слайда 7 Enter our competition!!!Get your story published! 16 February 2012 DOMO (Childre
Описание слайда:

Enter our competition!!!Get your story published! 16 February 2012 DOMO (Children’s Organization of International Relations) has just announced a writing contest «Is English necessary for you? »You can write a composition and give your opinion. The deadline is 16 March 2012. Don’t miss a chance. Show your abilities. The best compositions will be published in the project «English is necessary for Russian people» Send your stories tothe English teacher – N.I. Lazarevathe 9 form student – Ann Kiselnikova Good luck – and get started!

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№ слайда 12 Part №II Teaching is Love made visible
Описание слайда:

Part №II Teaching is Love made visible

№ слайда 13 Interview How long have you been working at school?Why did you choose the profes
Описание слайда:

Interview How long have you been working at school?Why did you choose the profession of the teacher of foreign languages?Do you enjoy your job nowadays?How do you consider how to interest young people in pedagogical profession and to increase the number of English teachers?

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№ слайда 16
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№ слайда 17 Good luck!!!
Описание слайда:

Good luck!!!

№ слайда 18 Videofilm
Описание слайда:


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