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Презентация на тему: Education in  Britain 

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Презентация на тему: Education in  Britain 

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№ слайда 1 Education in  Britain 
Описание слайда:

Education in  Britain 

№ слайда 2 Schools Childhood the child is very short: in 4 years of age he had already star
Описание слайда:

Schools Childhood the child is very short: in 4 years of age he had already started school time. In school, the child must be recorded with the quarter that follows him on his birthday. If a child goes to school after the allotted age , it may be a lot of confusion.

№ слайда 3 The education system School education includes two modules: the primar
Описание слайда:

The education system School education includes two modules: the primary - for children aged 4 to 11 years and the average - for children from 11 to 16 years. If parents want to teach your child at home, they need to get permission of the local Board of Education, which must be satisfied that the conditions of training are consistent with accepted standards.

№ слайда 4 The learning process In the 4 years of primary school, young students
Описание слайда:

The learning process In the 4 years of primary school, young students begin to study hard score, reading and writing, with the homework given 1 day a week. Classes at the elementary school are in a very soft, playful way, without any attempts to "adjust" all under one common level. Each child develops individually, in accordance with the level of its features.

№ слайда 5 Higher education In the UK there are over 100
Описание слайда:

Higher education In the UK there are over 100 universities. The most famous universities are Cambridge University, Oxford University, Glasgow University. 

№ слайда 6 University of Oxford Ranked second in the list of the oldest universities in the
Описание слайда:

University of Oxford Ranked second in the list of the oldest universities in the world's ,oldest English-speaking university in the world, as well as the first university in the UK.  Motto : "God - my light" (Dominus Illuminatio Mea (Latin) )

№ слайда 7 University of Cambridge Second university in the UK after Oxford and fourth in t
Описание слайда:

University of Cambridge Second university in the UK after Oxford and fourth in the world, one of the "ancient universities" of Great Britain and Ireland, one of the most famous universities in the world. Motto: From this place we gain enlightenment and precious knowledge.

№ слайда 8 University of Glasgow  The University of Glasgow is the four
Описание слайда:

University of Glasgow  The University of Glasgow is the fourth-oldest university in the English-speaking world Motto :The way, The truth, The life.

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