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Презентация на тему: costco shop

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Презентация на тему: costco shop

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№ слайда 1
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 2 Revenues of 71 Billion Revenues of 71 Billion 550 Warehouses Today – Operates in
Описание слайда:

Revenues of 71 Billion Revenues of 71 Billion 550 Warehouses Today – Operates in: 40 States 9 Countries $137 million average sales/warehouse 141,000 square feet/warehouse 143,000 employees worldwide More than 1.4 million transactions/day

№ слайда 3
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 4
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 5 CEO: James Sinegal CEO: James Sinegal Headquarters: Issaquah, WA Inception: Seat
Описание слайда:

CEO: James Sinegal CEO: James Sinegal Headquarters: Issaquah, WA Inception: Seattle, WA 1983 Stock Symbol: COST (NASDAQ) Founders: James Sinegal & Jefferey Brotman

№ слайда 6 Cost strategy Cost strategy Penetration Pricing Below the Line Promotion No fril
Описание слайда:

Cost strategy Cost strategy Penetration Pricing Below the Line Promotion No frills “Diversion” Buying Strategy “Treasure hunt" shopping experience

№ слайда 7 Costco targets independent small business owners who have typically $100,000 or
Описание слайда:

Costco targets independent small business owners who have typically $100,000 or more of personal income Costco targets independent small business owners who have typically $100,000 or more of personal income Actual average Costco customer is women in large householders with income of $50,000 or more Most popular with Hispanic and Asian ethnic groups Typically customer visits 8-11 times per year

№ слайда 8 Gold Star Member = $ 50 Gold Star Member = $ 50 Business Member = $ 50 Executive
Описание слайда:

Gold Star Member = $ 50 Gold Star Member = $ 50 Business Member = $ 50 Executive Member = $ 100 Membership fees allow Costco to maintain low margins

№ слайда 9 Retail Retail Discount and Variety Retail Warehouse Clubs and Superstores (prima
Описание слайда:

Retail Retail Discount and Variety Retail Warehouse Clubs and Superstores (primary) Gasoline Retailers Grocery Retail Nonstore Retail Internet Retail Consumer Services Optical Services Travel Agencies and Services Financial Services Lending Mortgage Banking and Related Services Insurance Property and Casualty Autos and Other Vehicles Homeowners Insurance

№ слайда 10 550 warehouses Worldwide 550 warehouses Worldwide 403 in US 76 in Canada 21 in U
Описание слайда:

550 warehouses Worldwide 550 warehouses Worldwide 403 in US 76 in Canada 21 in UK 6 in Korea 5 in Taiwan 8 in Japan 31 in Mexico

№ слайда 11
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 12 54.1m loyal cardholders 54.1m loyal cardholders Strong member renewals Absolute
Описание слайда:

54.1m loyal cardholders 54.1m loyal cardholders Strong member renewals Absolute pricing authority Exceptional employees Excellent merchandise Quality image

№ слайда 13 Cannibalization Cannibalization Costco's overexpansion domestically risks cannib
Описание слайда:

Cannibalization Cannibalization Costco's overexpansion domestically risks cannibalizing the sales of preexisting stores James Sinegal leave Maintaining high wages Costco's average pay, for example, is $17 an hour, 42 percent higher than its fiercest rival, Sam's Club Maintaining profit margins

№ слайда 14 Recession has allowed Costco opportunities for luxury-item deals, including the
Описание слайда:

Recession has allowed Costco opportunities for luxury-item deals, including the chance to sell prime-grade meat that used to go almost exclusively to restaurants. With people eating out less often, said Sinegal, "there are not as many steaks being sold in restaurants, and we're selling them." Recession has allowed Costco opportunities for luxury-item deals, including the chance to sell prime-grade meat that used to go almost exclusively to restaurants. With people eating out less often, said Sinegal, "there are not as many steaks being sold in restaurants, and we're selling them." To take over, merge with, or form strategic alliances with other global retailers, focusing on specific markets such as Europe or the Greater China Region. The stores are currently only trade in a relatively small number of countries. Therefore there are tremendous opportunities for future business in expanding consumer markets, such as China and India.

№ слайда 15 Being a global retailer means that you are exposed to political problems in the
Описание слайда:

Being a global retailer means that you are exposed to political problems in the countries that you operate in. Being a global retailer means that you are exposed to political problems in the countries that you operate in. The cost of producing many consumer products tends to have fallen because of lower manufacturing costs. Manufacturing cost have fallen due to outsourcing to low-cost regions of the World. This has lead to price competition, resulting in price deflation in some ranges. Intense price competition is a threat. Bad economic times (current recession)

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