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Презентация на тему: Читаем с удовольствием

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Презентация на тему: Читаем с удовольствием

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№ слайда 1 Читаем с удовольствием презентацию подготовила Тарасова Л.А. Учитель английского
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Читаем с удовольствием презентацию подготовила Тарасова Л.А. Учитель английского языка МБОУ Новобытовская СОШ

№ слайда 2 Let me tell you some words about this book. The title of the book is …… The auth
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Let me tell you some words about this book. The title of the book is …… The author is …… The main character(s) of the book is(are) ….. It’s a ……………

№ слайда 3 Let me tell you some words about this book. 12. The title of the book is ……. 3.
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Let me tell you some words about this book. 12. The title of the book is ……. 3. The author is …… 4. The main character(s) of the book is(are) ….. 5. It’s a ……………

№ слайда 4 Let me tell you some words about this book. The title of the book is ……. The aut
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Let me tell you some words about this book. The title of the book is ……. The author is …… The main character(s) of the book is(are) ….. It’s a ……………

№ слайда 5 Let me tell you some words about this book. The title of the book is ……. The aut
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Let me tell you some words about this book. The title of the book is ……. The author is …… The main character(s) of the book is(are) ….. It’s a ……………

№ слайда 6 Let me tell you some words about this book. The title of the book is ……. The aut
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Let me tell you some words about this book. The title of the book is ……. The author is …… The main character(s) of the book is(are) ….. It’s a ……………

№ слайда 7 Let me tell you some words about this book. The title of the book is ……. The aut
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Let me tell you some words about this book. The title of the book is ……. The author is …… The main character(s) of the book is(are) ….. It’s a ……………

№ слайда 8 Let me tell you some words about this book. The title of the book is ……. The aut
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Let me tell you some words about this book. The title of the book is ……. The author is …… The main character(s) of the book is(are) ….. It’s a ……………

№ слайда 9 Let me tell you some words about this book. The title of the book is ……. The aut
Описание слайда:

Let me tell you some words about this book. The title of the book is ……. The author is …… The main character(s) of the book is(are) ….. It’s a ……………

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