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Презентация на тему: Биография Достоевского

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Презентация на тему: Биография Достоевского

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№ слайда 1
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№ слайда 2 He wrote many works that have entered the history of nations and peoples. Thanks
Описание слайда:

He wrote many works that have entered the history of nations and peoples. Thanks to him aliens learn Russian culture. We should thank this man for what he advocated morality and light in the soul.

№ слайда 3 Poor and Folk (Бедные люди) Poor and Folk (Бедные люди) Humiliated and Insulted
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Poor and Folk (Бедные люди) Poor and Folk (Бедные люди) Humiliated and Insulted (Униженные и Оскорблённые) Crime and Punishment (Преступление и Наказание) The Idiot (Идиот) Demons (Бесы) The Brothers Karamazov (Братья Карамазовы) And many more

№ слайда 4 To learn more about work of this great writer's teacher invited us to the museum
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To learn more about work of this great writer's teacher invited us to the museum, the birthplace of Fyodor and we are very grateful for this. To learn more about work of this great writer's teacher invited us to the museum, the birthplace of Fyodor and we are very grateful for this. It is located at the metro station "Dostoevskaya"

№ слайда 5 When we came out of the subway, we saw a big building with columns, thought it w
Описание слайда:

When we came out of the subway, we saw a big building with columns, thought it was a museum, but in fact it was a hospital, near which he was born a great writer. When we came out of the subway, we saw a big building with columns, thought it was a museum, but in fact it was a hospital, near which he was born a great writer. Mariinsky was a hospital for the poor. Every day, young Fyodor observed long queues of the city’s have-nots and, although his father strictly prohibited it, often talked to them. Their stories later served as the basis for some of his tales about the poor and the humble.

№ слайда 6
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№ слайда 7 The first thing visitors see it the modest drawing room and the small bedroom wh
Описание слайда:

The first thing visitors see it the modest drawing room and the small bedroom which young Fyodor shared with his older brother Mikhail, with two chests serving as their beds.

№ слайда 8 Front led to the "Working the room" and dining - room. There were card
Описание слайда:

Front led to the "Working the room" and dining - room. There were card-tables for the classes and reading dining table at which the family doctor was going to considerable Dostoevsky (in the second half of 1830. It was already seven children). Front led to the "Working the room" and dining - room. There were card-tables for the classes and reading dining table at which the family doctor was going to considerable Dostoevsky (in the second half of 1830. It was already seven children).

№ слайда 9 Next to the Workers 'hall' was a close room has been painted in dark color. The
Описание слайда:

Next to the Workers 'hall' was a close room has been painted in dark color. The living memorial concentrated core of the museum - memorial furniture owned by Dostoevsky: a bookcase, an oval table and chairs in mahogany. Next to the Workers 'hall' was a close room has been painted in dark color. The living memorial concentrated core of the museum - memorial furniture owned by Dostoevsky: a bookcase, an oval table and chairs in mahogany.

№ слайда 10 Bedroom semi-dark room behind a screen similar to the tragic the fate of the wri
Описание слайда:

Bedroom semi-dark room behind a screen similar to the tragic the fate of the writer's mother Maria Fyodorovna Dostoevsky. Here she spent her last days of his life, when opened galloping consumption has made her position hopeless. Here the mother for the last time blessed his children. Bedroom semi-dark room behind a screen similar to the tragic the fate of the writer's mother Maria Fyodorovna Dostoevsky. Here she spent her last days of his life, when opened galloping consumption has made her position hopeless. Here the mother for the last time blessed his children.

№ слайда 11 Further, the long corridor we went into the next room, where she lived according
Описание слайда:

Further, the long corridor we went into the next room, where she lived according to the guide helpers. Now there is an exhibition of works by artists, illustrations for the works of Dostoevsky. And at the very center of the room, eye-catching - a portrait of Fyodor Further, the long corridor we went into the next room, where she lived according to the guide helpers. Now there is an exhibition of works by artists, illustrations for the works of Dostoevsky. And at the very center of the room, eye-catching - a portrait of Fyodor

№ слайда 12 At the end of the tour we were shown a pen and autograph of the writer. A very p
Описание слайда:

At the end of the tour we were shown a pen and autograph of the writer. A very pleasant feeling when you feel yourself a part of something big, a part of history. At the end of the tour we were shown a pen and autograph of the writer. A very pleasant feeling when you feel yourself a part of something big, a part of history.

№ слайда 13 One of the most vivid impressions of the evening - monument Fyodor Dostoevsky, w
Описание слайда:

One of the most vivid impressions of the evening - monument Fyodor Dostoevsky, who we saw leaving the museum. He impressed me with its sincerity and frankness. Our guide explained to us that if you stand at the correct angle, you can see the poet'smind. Then there will be a meeting with yourself. And we must decide are ready for it or not. One of the most vivid impressions of the evening - monument Fyodor Dostoevsky, who we saw leaving the museum. He impressed me with its sincerity and frankness. Our guide explained to us that if you stand at the correct angle, you can see the poet'smind. Then there will be a meeting with yourself. And we must decide are ready for it or not.

№ слайда 14 I would like to thank Elena Viktorovna and our group for this wonderful evening.
Описание слайда:

I would like to thank Elena Viktorovna and our group for this wonderful evening. I really enjoyed this museum, and I think a couple of years I will definitely come back I would like to thank Elena Viktorovna and our group for this wonderful evening. I really enjoyed this museum, and I think a couple of years I will definitely come back

№ слайда 15
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