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Презентация на тему: Australia

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№ слайда 1 Australia Made by Polysalov Vitaliy Teacher: Bogachуova M.V.
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Australia Made by Polysalov Vitaliy Teacher: Bogachуova M.V.

№ слайда 2 Australia is the sixth country in the world by the size of territory, and this i
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Australia is the sixth country in the world by the size of territory, and this is the only country which occupies the whole continent. Australian Union includes the Australian mainland and several islands, the largest of which is Tasmania.

№ слайда 3 History of Australia The Great Barrier Reef Population Unique nature of the coun
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History of Australia The Great Barrier Reef Population Unique nature of the country Places of interest

№ слайда 4 The mainland of Australia was inhabited more than 42 thousand years ago by Abori
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The mainland of Australia was inhabited more than 42 thousand years ago by Aborigines. 1606 - discovery of Australia by the Dutch captain of the ship Duyfken Billemom Janszoon. In the XVII century, the Dutch have mapped the western and northern coast of New Holland, but did not attempt to acquire these lands.

№ слайда 5 In 1770 a British expedition of James Cook's ship ‘Endeavor’ explored and mapped
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In 1770 a British expedition of James Cook's ship ‘Endeavor’ explored and mapped the east coast of Australia. This area was named New South Wales and proclaimed a British possession.

№ слайда 6 The British colony of New South Wales begins with the settlement, later called S
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The British colony of New South Wales begins with the settlement, later called Sydney, which was founded on January 26, 1788 by Captain Arthur Phillip. Day 26 January in our days is a national holiday - the Australia Day.

№ слайда 7 In the territory of New South Wales were established independent colonies: South
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In the territory of New South Wales were established independent colonies: South Australia in 1836, Victoria in 1851 and Queensland in 1859. The colonization of Western and Northern Australia began. In the period from 1855 to 1890, six British colonies had self-government. January 1, 1901 - Australia was established as Australian Federation.

№ слайда 8 Australia willingly participated in the First and Second World War on the side o
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Australia willingly participated in the First and Second World War on the side of Great Britain. The population decreased sharply, but the Australians believed these lesions as the birth of the nation. The end of war brought a flood of immigrants, most of whom were British. Immigrants had a great influence on the development of the country reviving and expanding the cultural worldview of Australia

№ слайда 9 History of Australia The Great Barrier Reef Population Unique nature of the coun
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History of Australia The Great Barrier Reef Population Unique nature of the country Places of interest

№ слайда 10 Most of the territory is occupied by vast deserts and lowlands. Among the well-k
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Most of the territory is occupied by vast deserts and lowlands. Among the well-known deserts are: Great Sandy Desert, Great Victoria Desert. To the east of the mainland are badly damaged, the low mountains - Great Dividing Range.

№ слайда 11 The flora of Australia is diverse and represented by eucalyptus trees and many o
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The flora of Australia is diverse and represented by eucalyptus trees and many other plants, most of which are under protection.

№ слайда 12 Australia is extremely rich in its wildlife. Kangaroo is the most common herbivo
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Australia is extremely rich in its wildlife. Kangaroo is the most common herbivorous marsupial, the symbol of Australia. By popular legend, Cook asked the question: "What is this animal?" A local tribal leader said: "I do not understand," and this phrase, Cook took over the name of the animal.

№ слайда 13 None of the mainland of the world does not have so many rare and unique animals.
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None of the mainland of the world does not have so many rare and unique animals.

№ слайда 14 History of Australia The Great Barrier Reef Population Unique nature of the coun
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History of Australia The Great Barrier Reef Population Unique nature of the country Places of interest

№ слайда 15 Population Original survivors The Aborigines probably came to Australia from Sou
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Population Original survivors The Aborigines probably came to Australia from South East Asia about 60000 years ago. Australia in those days was a much wetter continent, with large forests and numerous lakes.

№ слайда 16 They were mostly nomads. The men hunted and the women collected plants and seeds
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They were mostly nomads. The men hunted and the women collected plants and seeds. They had no domestic animals except the dingo, and used tools made of wood and stone. The Aborigines did their hunting with spears and boomerangs

№ слайда 17 Dreamtime The Aborigines believe in the Dreamtime which was a time when their ‘s
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Dreamtime The Aborigines believe in the Dreamtime which was a time when their ‘spirit ancestors’ created the land and all forms of life on it. The didgeridoo is the oldest wind instrument in the world. The Aborigines sing lots of Dreamtime songs around campfires with the accompaniment of the didgeridoo, their national instrument.

№ слайда 18 Art is very important to the Aborigines. For thousands of years they have painte
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Art is very important to the Aborigines. For thousands of years they have painted stories from their Dreamtime on rocks and barks. They have also painted their bodies for ceremonies. Uluru has several caves filled with paintings showing legends of the Dreamtime.

№ слайда 19 Since the settlers arrived in Australia, Aboriginal number has sharply reduced,
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Since the settlers arrived in Australia, Aboriginal number has sharply reduced, as well as the number of languages has decreased, from 250 to 50, and the official language - English. But nowadays there are Aborigines still alive in Australia who have not agreed to change the way of life. Modern Australian.

№ слайда 20 The language down under Australian and New Zealand speech has its origins in Coc
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The language down under Australian and New Zealand speech has its origins in Cockney London. The vowel a in words like ‘day’, ‘late’ is pronounced like I in ‘bite’ .(it makes ‘basin’ sound exactly the same as ‘bison’, the American word for a buffalo). Here is a joke which is both Cockney and Australian:“What’s the difference between a buffalo and bison?”“I don’t know. What’s the difference?“Yer can’t wash yer hands in a buffalo!”

№ слайда 21 History of Australia Population Unique nature of the country The Great Barrier R
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History of Australia Population Unique nature of the country The Great Barrier Reef Places of interest

№ слайда 22 Places of Interest Sydney Opera House — one of the most famous and easily recogn
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Places of Interest Sydney Opera House — one of the most famous and easily recognizable buildings of the world, which is the symbol of Sydney and one of the main attractions of Australia. The architecture of this building is unlike any in the world. Harbour Bridge — largest bridge in Sydney, one of the largest arch bridges of the world.

№ слайда 23 Captain James Cook's Cottage is located in the Park Fitzroy Gardens Melbourne. T
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Captain James Cook's Cottage is located in the Park Fitzroy Gardens Melbourne. This is the house where the captain grew up. After the death of James Cook, his wife sold the house, and it was carried to Australia.. Royal Exibition Building — building, located in Melbourne, is the largest object collection of the Museum of Victoria.

№ слайда 24 Uluru (Ayers Rock) - formed about 680 million years ago the 348-foot orange-brow
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Uluru (Ayers Rock) - formed about 680 million years ago the 348-foot orange-brown oval-shaped rock. Located in central Australia about 450 km from the town of Alice Springs. Its length is 3,6 km, width - about 3 km, and the base indented caves decorated with ancient rock paintings and carvings on the stone.

№ слайда 25 History of Australia Population Unique nature of the country The Great Barrier R
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History of Australia Population Unique nature of the country The Great Barrier Reef Places of interest

№ слайда 26 Great Barrier Reef The Australian Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef i
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Great Barrier Reef The Australian Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef in the world. It’s 2000 km long and can be seen from space! Just take a look at this natural wonder!

№ слайда 27 Corals make wonderful shapes. Some look like trees, others like flowers. There a
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Corals make wonderful shapes. Some look like trees, others like flowers. There are more than 400 types of coral in the Great Barrier Reef/ Corals are tiny animals that live only in warm seas. They need warmth and sunlight all the year round. When many corals grew in the same place they make a coral reef.

№ слайда 28 There are more than 1500 species of fish and 4000 types of mollusc in the Great
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There are more than 1500 species of fish and 4000 types of mollusc in the Great Barrier Reef. They are all the coloures of the rainbow.

№ слайда 29 In spite of its colorful markings, this angelfish can be hard to see among the b
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In spite of its colorful markings, this angelfish can be hard to see among the bright colours. Lots of unusual animals live in the Great Barrier Reef. This is a sea cow. In the past people mistook this creature for a mermaid.

№ слайда 30 The clown fish lives among the tentacles of large sea anemones. This brightly-co
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The clown fish lives among the tentacles of large sea anemones. This brightly-coloured fish is immune to the anemone’s stinging tentacles. It helps to attract other fish that the anemone catches and eats! Turtles are the most common reptiles on the Great Barrier Reef and six of the world’s seven turtle species live here.

№ слайда 31 Bottlenose dolphins are very sociable. Lots of people come to the Great Barrier
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Bottlenose dolphins are very sociable. Lots of people come to the Great Barrier Reef every year to enjoy this beautiful place.

№ слайда 32 Soft and warm climate, sandy beaches and big waves attract many tourists in any
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Soft and warm climate, sandy beaches and big waves attract many tourists in any season.

№ слайда 33 Welcome to Australia!
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Welcome to Australia!

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