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Презентация на тему: What season do you like best?

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Презентация на тему: What season do you like best?

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№ слайда 1 PROJECT: “What season do you like best?” Выполнили ученицы 5 «А» класса МОУ СОШ
Описание слайда:

PROJECT: “What season do you like best?” Выполнили ученицы 5 «А» класса МОУ СОШ №5пгт ЯшкиноКемеровской областиКузакина МарияЛугинина НастяХамидулина Дарья

№ слайда 2 Spring is green,Summer is bright,Autumn is yellow,Winter is white.
Описание слайда:

Spring is green,Summer is bright,Autumn is yellow,Winter is white.

№ слайда 3 Spring associations Ice-breakerFloating of iceIcicleBirds' singingGreen grassThe
Описание слайда:

Spring associations Ice-breakerFloating of iceIcicleBirds' singingGreen grassThe 8th MarchThe first thunder-stormYoung leavesMelting snowSmall streamsBirds' nestsWarm breeze

№ слайда 4 Spring Questions Do you like spring?Do you like birds' songs'?Do you like the fi
Описание слайда:

Spring Questions Do you like spring?Do you like birds' songs'?Do you like the first thunder-storm?Do you like the floating of ice?Do you like the first flowers?What is your favourite spring flower?Do you like the 8th March?What are the trees in spring?Why do you like spring?What are the spring months?What are the days in spring?What are the nights in spring?

№ слайда 5 March brings breezes loyd and shrill, Stirs the dancing daffodil.April brings th
Описание слайда:

March brings breezes loyd and shrill, Stirs the dancing daffodil.April brings the primrose sweet, scatters daisies at our feet.May brings flocks of pretty lambs, skipping by their fleecy dams.

№ слайда 6 Spring, spring, spring!The trees are green,Blue skies are seen,Grey winter’s gon
Описание слайда:

Spring, spring, spring!The trees are green,Blue skies are seen,Grey winter’s gone away,The world looks new and gay.

№ слайда 7 The bright sunThe beautiful flowersGreen leavesBlue skyNice butterfliesWarm rain
Описание слайда:

The bright sunThe beautiful flowersGreen leavesBlue skyNice butterfliesWarm rainBirds’ singingSeaRiding a bike

№ слайда 8 Do you like summer?Do you like birds' songs'?Do you like to swim in the sea?Do y
Описание слайда:

Do you like summer?Do you like birds' songs'?Do you like to swim in the sea?Do you like summer flowers?What is your favourite summer flower?What are the trees in summer?Why do you like summer?What are the summer months?What are the days in summer?What are the nights in summer?

№ слайда 9 June brings tulips, lilies, roses, full the children's hands with posies.Hot Jul
Описание слайда:

June brings tulips, lilies, roses, full the children's hands with posies.Hot July brings cooling showers, apricots and pretty flowers.August brings the sheaves of corn, then the harvest home is borne.

№ слайда 10 Summer, summer, summer!The sun is shining,The flowers are blooming,The sky is bl
Описание слайда:

Summer, summer, summer!The sun is shining,The flowers are blooming,The sky is blue,The rains are few.

№ слайда 11 Umbrella SlushThe first of September The first snowMilk-mushroomGloomy cloudsSho
Описание слайда:

Umbrella SlushThe first of September The first snowMilk-mushroomGloomy cloudsShort daysLong nightsYellow leavesBack to schoolFall of the leaves

№ слайда 12 Do you like autumn?Do you like fall of the leaves?Do you like muchrooms?Do you l
Описание слайда:

Do you like autumn?Do you like fall of the leaves?Do you like muchrooms?Do you like the first snow?Do you like to go to the school?What mood do you have in autumn?Do you like the first frost?Do you like nuts?What are the days in autumn?What are the nights in autumn?What are the trees in autumn?What are the autumn months?

№ слайда 13 Warm September brings the fruit, sportsmen then begin to school.October brings t
Описание слайда:

Warm September brings the fruit, sportsmen then begin to school.October brings the pheasant, then to gather nuts is pleasant.Dull November brings the blast, then the leaves are whirling fast.

№ слайда 14 Autumn, autumn, autumn!The summer is over,The trees are bare,There's mist in the
Описание слайда:

Autumn, autumn, autumn!The summer is over,The trees are bare,There's mist in the gardenAnd frost in the air.

№ слайда 15 Much snowSkatingSkiingSnowflakesSnowballsSnowmenFrostFather FrostNew Year
Описание слайда:

Much snowSkatingSkiingSnowflakesSnowballsSnowmenFrostFather FrostNew Year

№ слайда 16 Do you like winter?Do you like snowflakes?Do you like to play snowballs?What can
Описание слайда:

Do you like winter?Do you like snowflakes?Do you like to play snowballs?What can you do in winter?What winter sports do you know?What can you do in winter holidays?Do you like Christmas?What is the weather like winter?What are the days in winter?What are the nights in winter?Why do you like winter?What are the winter months?

№ слайда 17 December brings the sleet, Blazing fire and Christmas. January brings the snow,
Описание слайда:

December brings the sleet, Blazing fire and Christmas. January brings the snow, Makes our feet and fingers glow.February brings the rain,Thaws the frozen lake again.

№ слайда 18 Winter, winter, winter!The snow is falling,The wind is blowing,The ground is whi
Описание слайда:

Winter, winter, winter!The snow is falling,The wind is blowing,The ground is whiteAll day and night.

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