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Презентация на тему: Amazing animals

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Презентация на тему: Amazing animals

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№ слайда 3 The largest fish in the world is the whale shark. It grows to about 12,5 metres
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The largest fish in the world is the whale shark. It grows to about 12,5 metres in length and weight up to 25 tonnes. But don’t worry! It’s harmless! The largest fish in the world is the whale shark. It grows to about 12,5 metres in length and weight up to 25 tonnes. But don’t worry! It’s harmless!

№ слайда 4 The animal with the largest eye in the world is the giant squid. Its eye can be
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The animal with the largest eye in the world is the giant squid. Its eye can be 27 centimetres across. The animal with the largest eye in the world is the giant squid. Its eye can be 27 centimetres across.

№ слайда 5 Spiders spin webs. These are made of silk. Spider’s silk is fifteen finer than h
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Spiders spin webs. These are made of silk. Spider’s silk is fifteen finer than human hair, but it is stronger than steel in new Guinea people use spider’s webs to catch fish. Spiders spin webs. These are made of silk. Spider’s silk is fifteen finer than human hair, but it is stronger than steel in new Guinea people use spider’s webs to catch fish.

№ слайда 6 Only humans and some monkeys can see all the colour. Many other animals see the
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Only humans and some monkeys can see all the colour. Many other animals see the world in black, white and shades of grey. Only humans and some monkeys can see all the colour. Many other animals see the world in black, white and shades of grey.

№ слайда 7 The longest rabbit’s ears ever recorded measured 77 centimetres from top to bott
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The longest rabbit’s ears ever recorded measured 77 centimetres from top to bottom The longest rabbit’s ears ever recorded measured 77 centimetres from top to bottom

№ слайда 8 There is fish in Malaysia that can climb trees. It has two fins which is uses li
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There is fish in Malaysia that can climb trees. It has two fins which is uses like feet. It travels over dry land to find insects. There is fish in Malaysia that can climb trees. It has two fins which is uses like feet. It travels over dry land to find insects.

№ слайда 9 Spiders have eight eyes and eight legs. Spiders have eight eyes and eight legs.
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Spiders have eight eyes and eight legs. Spiders have eight eyes and eight legs.

№ слайда 10 Web Web Spin Knees Eyes Trunk Climb black, white and shades of grey Made of silk
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Web Web Spin Knees Eyes Trunk Climb black, white and shades of grey Made of silk 12,5 metres in length weight up to 25 tonnes human hair stronger than steel to catch fish.

№ слайда 11 How many eyes have got spiders? How many eyes have got spiders? How many knees h
Описание слайда:

How many eyes have got spiders? How many eyes have got spiders? How many knees have got elephants? Who spins webs? What animals can see all the colour? What’s the largest fish in the world? What animal has got the largest eyes?

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