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Презентация на тему: All about EMO

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Презентация на тему: All about EMO

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№ слайда 1 All about EMO))) made by Vera DityatyevaNadezhda DenginaYana Solodnikova
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All about EMO))) made by Vera DityatyevaNadezhda DenginaYana Solodnikova

№ слайда 2 History of EMO-movement EMO style appeared in the USA in 1980s. It’s believed th
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History of EMO-movement EMO style appeared in the USA in 1980s. It’s believed that the founders of this movement are the “Rise Of Springs”, because they were the first who added unique for EMO-style technique of singing – the singer added his own emotions, cry, tears, screams… a lot of people liked this way and called it EMO as an abbreviation from word EMOTIONAL

№ слайда 3 EMO MUSIC To tell the truth, there are not a lot of real EMO groups. EMO is ofte
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EMO MUSIC To tell the truth, there are not a lot of real EMO groups. EMO is often used just as a popular brand. But EMO-teens prefer these groups:- My Chemical Romance- Fall Out Boy- Placebo- Bullet for my Valentine- Killerpilze- Tokio Hotel- Panic at the disco- The KillersIn Russia there are not so many EMO-groups, but so popular are “Origami”, “Animal Jazzz”, “Moi rakety vverkh”…

№ слайда 4 EMO STYLE You can recognize EMO-teen very easy, because they prefer to mix black
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EMO STYLE You can recognize EMO-teen very easy, because they prefer to mix black color with bright ones – most popular, of course, pink, blue, orange, yellow, and other acid colors.

№ слайда 5 EMO STYLE Also EMO like accessorizes, such as badges, chains, belts, special tra
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EMO STYLE Also EMO like accessorizes, such as badges, chains, belts, special trainers, hoodie, T-shirts with prints…

№ слайда 6 EMO STYLE Emo-teens prefer to make crazy things on their heads….)))))))) and, of
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EMO STYLE Emo-teens prefer to make crazy things on their heads….)))))))) and, of course, bright make up…

№ слайда 7 EMO STYLE The most popular thing EMO like is very long fringe…
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EMO STYLE The most popular thing EMO like is very long fringe…

№ слайда 8 EMO STYLE And, of course, a lot of piercing…
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EMO STYLE And, of course, a lot of piercing…

№ слайда 9 EMO STYLE Also EMO like to photo themselves…
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EMO STYLE Also EMO like to photo themselves…

№ слайда 10 EMO BEHAVIOUR True EMO-teens usually are very emotional people. They like to cry
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EMO BEHAVIOUR True EMO-teens usually are very emotional people. They like to cry, scream… Sometimes they hate life and want to die. But, as you know, EMO is often used just as a popular brand, so majority of people who call themselves EMO just like bright colors, badges and emotional music…

№ слайда 11 EMO BEHAVIOUR EMO like to dream about something… as you understand, all we a bit
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EMO BEHAVIOUR EMO like to dream about something… as you understand, all we a bit EMO… they often seem very sad…

№ слайда 12 EMO BEHAVIOUR Not many adult like EMO-movement, so true EMO-teens like to close
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EMO BEHAVIOUR Not many adult like EMO-movement, so true EMO-teens like to close in themselves. They’re also very cynical and modest…

№ слайда 13 EMO IN RUSSIA EMO-movement came to Russia 2-3 years ago and a lot of people beca
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EMO IN RUSSIA EMO-movement came to Russia 2-3 years ago and a lot of people became its followers…

№ слайда 14 EMO IN RUSSIA The major EMO-problems in Russia is Antiemo movement. Those who fo
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EMO IN RUSSIA The major EMO-problems in Russia is Antiemo movement. Those who follow it can’t understand emotional kids, hate them sometimes real fights take place, even with victims. It’s awful, because no one should suffer from his or her beliefs and principles…

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