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Презентация на тему: Личность Шерлок Холмса: миф и реальность

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Презентация на тему: Личность Шерлок Холмса: миф и реальность

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№ слайда 1 Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждениеМанычская средняя общеобразовательна
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Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждениеМанычская средняя общеобразовательная школа №11 «Личность Шерлок Холмса: миф и реальность».Выполнила: ученица 8 а класса, Дегтярева ЕкатеринаНаучный руководитель: Шконда Ольга Викторовна,учитель английского языка

№ слайда 2 Sherlock Holmes: myth and realityI invite you to explore the world of Sherlock H
Описание слайда:

Sherlock Holmes: myth and realityI invite you to explore the world of Sherlock Holmes

№ слайда 3 Sherlock Holmes was created by Arthur Conan Doyle. He is a famous writer. He was
Описание слайда:

Sherlock Holmes was created by Arthur Conan Doyle. He is a famous writer. He was born in Scotland. He wasа doctor and his medical knowledge was a great help to him in his detective stories. The name Sherlock Holmes became a name that everybody knew.

№ слайда 4 What are the attributes which combine to make a person a world-famous legend? Un
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What are the attributes which combine to make a person a world-famous legend? Unforgettable. Brilliant.Ageless. Immortal.Can all these qualities be attributed to Sherlock Holmes?

№ слайда 5 Sherlock Holmes described himself as a "consulting detective", we are told that
Описание слайда:

Sherlock Holmes described himself as a "consulting detective", we are told that he is able to solve a problem without leaving his home. He specializes in solving unusual cases using his extraordinary powers of observation and logical reasoning.

№ слайда 6 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle credited the conception of Holmes to his teacher at the m
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Sir Arthur Conan Doyle credited the conception of Holmes to his teacher at the medical school of Edinburgh University, the gifted surgeon and forensic detective, Joseph Bell.Holmes was named after Oliver Wendell Holmes, whom Conan Doyle admired, and an English cricketer named Sherlock.

№ слайда 7 Holmes is generally depicted in various media as wearing a deerstalker hat and s
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Holmes is generally depicted in various media as wearing a deerstalker hat and smoking a pipe. Holmes is described as a tall, lean gentleman with sharp eyes, and an aquiline nose. Despite his lean build, he is quite physically capable. He is a skillful boxer and fencer.

№ слайда 8 His personality and habitsHe describes himself and his habits as "Bohemian." He
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His personality and habitsHe describes himself and his habits as "Bohemian." He may suffer from bipolar disorderModern readers of the Holmes stories are apt to be surprised that he was an occasional user of cocaine and morphine

№ слайда 9 Holmes deductionHolmes deduction is more difficult to model his inference as ded
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Holmes deductionHolmes deduction is more difficult to model his inference as deduction using general principles. Holmes demonstrates his abilities to new clients by making on-the-spot deductions about their personalities and recent activities.

№ слайда 10 Watson was the great detective's loyal companion and Holmes was aware of his val
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Watson was the great detective's loyal companion and Holmes was aware of his value.In many of the stories, Holmes is assisted by the practical Watson, who is not only a friend but also his chronicler. In some later stories, Holmes criticizes Watson for his writings, usually because he relates them as exciting stories rather than as objective and detailed reports.

№ слайда 11 Holmes was not without feelings:he appreciated the opera and classical music. He
Описание слайда:

Holmes was not without feelings:he appreciated the opera and classical music. He was reserved towards women, because he felt their influence a distraction to his work, Holmes took an interest in a Miss Irene Adler, whom he always referred  to as 'the woman'. She was born in New Jersey in 1858.

№ слайда 12 "The Adventure of the Dancing Men“"The Adventure of the Final Problem“"A Scandal
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"The Adventure of the Dancing Men“"The Adventure of the Final Problem“"A Scandal in Bohemia“"The Adventure of the Empty House“"The Five Orange Pips“"The Adventure of the Second Stain“"The Adventure of the Devil's Foot“"The Adventure of the Priory School“The Baker Street Journal's list:"The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle“"The Adventure of Silver Blaze“"The Adventure of the Six Napoleons“"The Adventure of the Dancing Men“"The Adventure of the Empty House"Famous books about Sherlock Holmes

№ слайда 13 "My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know what other people don't k
Описание слайда:

"My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know what other people don't know.“"The air of London is sweeter for my presence." "My brain has always governed my heart.“""A man always finds it hard to realize that he may have finally lost a woman's love, however badly he may have treated her." "There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.“"You can never foretell what any one man will do, but you can say with precision what an average number will be up to. Individuals vary, but percentages remain constant.“"Education never ends, Watson. It is a series of lessons, with the greatest for the last”

№ слайда 14 Holmes and the cinemaSherlock Holmes has inspired the creation of thousands of e
Описание слайда:

Holmes and the cinemaSherlock Holmes has inspired the creation of thousands of essays, poems, books, plays, films and has been portrayed by more actors than any other person. He is frequently quoted in magazines and newspapers, on TV and radio, and even on the internet!

№ слайда 15 The Sherlock Holmes MuseumSherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson lived in a Victorian
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The Sherlock Holmes MuseumSherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson lived in a Victorian lodging house at 221b Baker Street between 1881-1904, according to the stories written by Conan Doyle. The house was built in 1815 . It is open as a museum dedicated to the life and times of Sherlock Holmes.

№ слайда 16 Visitors can sit in Mr. Holmes’s armchairto pose for photos, and  enter his bedr
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Visitors can sit in Mr. Holmes’s armchairto pose for photos, and  enter his bedroom. His things are in their usual places.

№ слайда 17
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№ слайда 18 The fame of Sherlock Holmes ensures that he will exist in many forms for many ce
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The fame of Sherlock Holmes ensures that he will exist in many forms for many centuries.

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