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Презентация на тему: Scottish dances

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Презентация на тему: Scottish dances

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№ слайда 1
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№ слайда 2 SCOTLAND is a country with surprisingly unique and rich history, full of contras
Описание слайда:

SCOTLAND is a country with surprisingly unique and rich history, full of contrasts and contradictions. The nature of Scotland is amazing and diverse. SCOTLAND is a country with surprisingly unique and rich history, full of contrasts and contradictions. The nature of Scotland is amazing and diverse.

№ слайда 3 It was here, in the homeland of the bagpipe and Duncan Macleod, Robert Burns and
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It was here, in the homeland of the bagpipe and Duncan Macleod, Robert Burns and Merlin the Magician… It was here, in the homeland of the bagpipe and Duncan Macleod, Robert Burns and Merlin the Magician…

№ слайда 4 …that dances unlike any other in spirit and presentation were born. …that dances
Описание слайда:

…that dances unlike any other in spirit and presentation were born. …that dances unlike any other in spirit and presentation were born.

№ слайда 5 Scottish dances very accurately convey their national traits to the audience. Sc
Описание слайда:

Scottish dances very accurately convey their national traits to the audience. Scottish dances very accurately convey their national traits to the audience. As other Celtic nations, the Scotts are warlike, emotional, but at the same time disciplined. These characteristics have given the Scottish folk dances unique flavour. Scottish dances can be described as perfected footwork, clear steps and geometry.

№ слайда 6
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№ слайда 7 … yet clear and logical on the other. Each Scottish dance can be represented wit
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… yet clear and logical on the other. Each Scottish dance can be represented with standard pattern. … yet clear and logical on the other. Each Scottish dance can be represented with standard pattern.

№ слайда 8 Another famous kind of Scottish dancing is Highland, developed from ceremonial a
Описание слайда:

Another famous kind of Scottish dancing is Highland, developed from ceremonial and military dances glorifying epic feats and art of war. Another famous kind of Scottish dancing is Highland, developed from ceremonial and military dances glorifying epic feats and art of war.

№ слайда 9 But whatever the dance will be – easy and social-oriented or solo and based on c
Описание слайда:

But whatever the dance will be – easy and social-oriented or solo and based on certain steps and figures, the most important thing in dancing is joy and pleasure you experience and share. But whatever the dance will be – easy and social-oriented or solo and based on certain steps and figures, the most important thing in dancing is joy and pleasure you experience and share.

№ слайда 10
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