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Презентация на тему: Youth subculture

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Презентация на тему: Youth subculture

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№ слайда 1
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№ слайда 2 The subculture „PUNK” was created in the early 70s in the UK. Characteristic fea
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The subculture „PUNK” was created in the early 70s in the UK. Characteristic feature of the young people it was a battle against everything nice and tidy. creation date of July 6, 1976, the Sex Pistols concert The subculture „PUNK” was created in the early 70s in the UK. Characteristic feature of the young people it was a battle against everything nice and tidy. creation date of July 6, 1976, the Sex Pistols concert

№ слайда 3 Their trademark is the clothes, hairstyle Their trademark is the clothes, hairst
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Their trademark is the clothes, hairstyle Their trademark is the clothes, hairstyle

№ слайда 4 The creators of this style are: The creators of this style are:
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The creators of this style are: The creators of this style are:

№ слайда 5 Subculture developed in the early 70s Twentieth century was created in Britain a
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Subculture developed in the early 70s Twentieth century was created in Britain and the United States, however, metalworkers can be found in many countries. Fans of heavy metal Music make up the community. Subculture developed in the early 70s Twentieth century was created in Britain and the United States, however, metalworkers can be found in many countries. Fans of heavy metal Music make up the community.

№ слайда 6 Classic style is long hair metalheads, tight jeans, white trainers, denim vests.
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Classic style is long hair metalheads, tight jeans, white trainers, denim vests. They are also a sign of T-shirts and badges with shells Classic style is long hair metalheads, tight jeans, white trainers, denim vests. They are also a sign of T-shirts and badges with shells

№ слайда 7 Music has a heavy sound and worship Satan Music has a heavy sound and worship Sa
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Music has a heavy sound and worship Satan Music has a heavy sound and worship Satan

№ слайда 8 Subculture arose in the late 70th and 80s Twentieth century post-punk movement.
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Subculture arose in the late 70th and 80s Twentieth century post-punk movement. Is associated with Gothic Music coming from cold wave, in addition. Goths listen to Gothic metal, doom metal. People of this Subculture is characterized by the distance to the world, verbal praise of death, sometimes passionate and romantic approach to life Subculture arose in the late 70th and 80s Twentieth century post-punk movement. Is associated with Gothic Music coming from cold wave, in addition. Goths listen to Gothic metal, doom metal. People of this Subculture is characterized by the distance to the world, verbal praise of death, sometimes passionate and romantic approach to life

№ слайда 9 Dominates in Goth black mixed with red and violet. Typical costumes are ready re
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Dominates in Goth black mixed with red and violet. Typical costumes are ready retro dresses, black leather jackets and pants, and dark glasses. There are also other combinations. important element is to make-up: pale face, black nails, lips and bloodshot eyes firmly underlined. Other features are willing to look long hair, jewelry, and pointy shoes. Dominates in Goth black mixed with red and violet. Typical costumes are ready retro dresses, black leather jackets and pants, and dark glasses. There are also other combinations. important element is to make-up: pale face, black nails, lips and bloodshot eyes firmly underlined. Other features are willing to look long hair, jewelry, and pointy shoes.

№ слайда 10 Characteristic features are the black cats, candles, bats, cobwebs, shadows, dar
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Characteristic features are the black cats, candles, bats, cobwebs, shadows, darkness, graveyards, the occult, long hair, silver jewelry, etc Characteristic features are the black cats, candles, bats, cobwebs, shadows, darkness, graveyards, the occult, long hair, silver jewelry, etc

№ слайда 11
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№ слайда 12
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№ слайда 13 Create in Jamaica in the late 60's, gathering the young people of the Negro comm
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Create in Jamaica in the late 60's, gathering the young people of the Negro communities. In Poland it is also a large number of people inspired by the ideology of this Subculture. Is associated with reggae Music and ganja Create in Jamaica in the late 60's, gathering the young people of the Negro communities. In Poland it is also a large number of people inspired by the ideology of this Subculture. Is associated with reggae Music and ganja

№ слайда 14 An important element of the costume are : An important element of the costume ar
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An important element of the costume are : An important element of the costume are : Dreadlocks Sweatshirt rasta, T-shirts in the rasta colors: yellow, red and green.

№ слайда 15
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