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Презентация на тему: Учнівська презентація

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Презентация на тему: Учнівська презентація

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№ слайда 1
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 2 Мета: Мета: Дізнатися: Як впливає музика на життя людей? Які рок і поп групи най
Описание слайда:

Мета: Мета: Дізнатися: Як впливає музика на життя людей? Які рок і поп групи найпопулярніші серед тінейджерів сьогодні? Що хорошого і поганого в рок і поп музиці? Дослідити: ЯК ВПЛИВАЮТЬ РІЗНІ ТИПИ МУЗИКИ НА ЖИТТЯ ЛЮДЕЙ? Якій музиці віддають перевагу наші батьки, друзі?

№ слайда 3
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 4 Яку музику люблять слухати наші однокласники та батьки? Яку музику люблять слуха
Описание слайда:

Яку музику люблять слухати наші однокласники та батьки? Яку музику люблять слухати наші однокласники та батьки? - Поп музику - 50 % - Рок музику – 20 % - Народну – 20 % - Всі види - 10 %

№ слайда 5 The most popular pop and rock groups The most popular pop and rock groups among
Описание слайда:

The most popular pop and rock groups The most popular pop and rock groups among teenagers are: ”Tokyo Hotel”, ” Ranetky”, ”King and shut”, ” Via gra”, ’’Kamikadze’’, ’’ Ne angely’’. Our classmates like listen pop music the most. Each kind of music has its harmful and not harmful sides. Pop music for and against: For : Young people look for new rhythms and new styles. The rhythms are full of energy and force: just what appeals to young people. The melody is easily caught. The words of the songs are about the young people's world: their hopes, dreams, sorrows and joys. Young people get a drive listening to this music. It is an experimental kind of music: sometimes groups achieve interesting forms. Pop music attracts many young people.

№ слайда 6 Before rejecting old rhythms, see if the new ones are really better. Before reje
Описание слайда:

Before rejecting old rhythms, see if the new ones are really better. Before rejecting old rhythms, see if the new ones are really better. The rhythms may be new and energetic, but they lack variety: it’s the same beat again and again. The melodies are mostly simple and as easily forgotten as caught. The words of some of the songs are absolutely senseless. Medical research has proved that the sound produced by powerful amplifiers at some pop concerts does great harm to the nervous system. Indeed ,cases of hysteria are not unusual at pop concerts. In Australia taped pop music is used for frighten the sharks off the public beaches. Obviously, the sharks nerves cannot stand this kind of noise. Rock music Harmful: Rock music is often played loud and can damage peoples ears. It can make people aggressive. The words may cause negative emotions ,sometimes the texts are absolutely senseless. Not harmful : It can make people feel exited and be full of life ,energy. It makes people to dancing. It stimulates their minds and gives people creative power. Young people search for new rhythms and new styles. The words of the songs relate to the younger people world, their hopes, dreams, disappointments and joys.

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