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Презентация на тему: Top National Dishes

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Презентация на тему: Top National Dishes

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№ слайда 1 Top National Dishes
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Top National Dishes

№ слайда 2 England-Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding A lot of English family have a Roast di
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England-Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding A lot of English family have a Roast dinner on Sunday.  A roast dinner consists of roasted meat (usually beef, lamb, or chicken) accompanied with a variety of vegetables, roasted potatoes, and a homemade Yorkshire pudding (which is pancake ).

№ слайда 3 USA – Hamburger A good pound of beef topped with cheese, bacon, pickles, onion,
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USA – Hamburger A good pound of beef topped with cheese, bacon, pickles, onion, lettuce and tomatoes means YUM. The sign of a good burger is that it is stacked so high it won’t fit in your mouth.

№ слайда 4 Greece – Souvlaki This is to the Greeks like what burgers are to the Americans,
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Greece – Souvlaki This is to the Greeks like what burgers are to the Americans, fast food on a stick! Souvlaki is basically grilled meat on a skewer that has been marinated in a citrus and herb marinade and then thrown on a flame grill to give it a rich smoky flavor.

№ слайда 5 Italy-Lasagna, Pizza, Polenta Flat pasta randomly distributed in layers with gro
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Italy-Lasagna, Pizza, Polenta Flat pasta randomly distributed in layers with ground beef (or other meats), cheese, and tomato sauce, and baked in an oven. Flat round bread topped with tomato sauce, cheese, and various meat/vegetarian/seafood toppings, and baked in an oven. Polenta Cornmeal porridge - eaten plain or fried/grilled.

№ слайда 6 France (Crêpe) Thin wheat or buckwheat flour batter pancakes. Sweet fillings inc
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France (Crêpe) Thin wheat or buckwheat flour batter pancakes. Sweet fillings include chocolate sauce, jelly, preserves, spreads, or whipped cream, while savory fillings include ham, sausage, cheese, and mushroom.  

№ слайда 7 Ukraine (Borsch) and vareniki Beetroot soup with a pork or beef broth base. &nbs
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Ukraine (Borsch) and vareniki Beetroot soup with a pork or beef broth base.  Boiled dumplings stuffed with potato, cheese, or other filling and lazy ones.

№ слайда 8 Russia (Pelmeni) Dumplings with a 45% beef, 35% mutton, and 20% pork filling. Th
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Russia (Pelmeni) Dumplings with a 45% beef, 35% mutton, and 20% pork filling. The filling is seasoned with salt and pepper, while mushrooms and onions can be optionally added.

№ слайда 9 China (Peking Duck) Maltose syrup glazed-duck is roasted in an oven till it turn
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China (Peking Duck) Maltose syrup glazed-duck is roasted in an oven till it turns brown. While the skin is served dipped in sugar-garlic sauce, the meat is served with sweet bean sauce, spring onions, and pancakes. Cucumber sticks are additional accompaniments.

№ слайда 10 Germany (Sauerbraten) Beef braised in its own marinade and simmered in a pot for
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Germany (Sauerbraten) Beef braised in its own marinade and simmered in a pot for several hours. The marinade typically consists of red wine vinegar, cloves, nutmeg, peppercorns, cinnamon, ginger, and juniper berries. Potato dumplings and red cabbage are popular accompaniments.

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