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Презентация на тему: The Unusual Sculptures and Monuments in English-Speaking Countries

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Презентация на тему: The Unusual Sculptures and Monuments in English-Speaking Countries

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№ слайда 1 The Unusual Sculptures and Monuments in English-Speaking Countries Работу выполн
Описание слайда:

The Unusual Sculptures and Monuments in English-Speaking Countries Работу выполнила Абдурахманова Галина Расуловна, учитель английского языка МБОУ Уметская СОШ Тамбовской области

№ слайда 2 Vancouver, Canada. Engagement rings in the ground at English Bay. By Dennis Oppe
Описание слайда:

Vancouver, Canada. Engagement rings in the ground at English Bay. By Dennis Oppenheim, made of glass, steel, and aluminum. It should be a good place to engage!

№ слайда 3 The real traffic light tree in London. Height of the "tree" - 8 meters, the bran
Описание слайда:

The real traffic light tree in London. Height of the "tree" - 8 meters, the branches and leaves had real lights. On this tree "grows" 75 working lights

№ слайда 4 This statue to Peter Pen was built on May 1, 1912 in London's Park, not far from
Описание слайда:

This statue to Peter Pen was built on May 1, 1912 in London's Park, not far from Kensington Palace

№ слайда 5 Italian painter and sculptor Lorenzo Quinn has prepared four-meter sculpture - a
Описание слайда:

Italian painter and sculptor Lorenzo Quinn has prepared four-meter sculpture - a huge aluminum child's hand takes the Fiat 500

№ слайда 6 Newton sculpture is in front of the British Library. Sculptor Eduardo Paolozzi b
Описание слайда:

Newton sculpture is in front of the British Library. Sculptor Eduardo Paolozzi built it in 1995. Paolozzi has perhaps more works of public sculpture around London than any other artist

№ слайда 7 «Little Ben» is located in the central part of London. It was built in 1892, rem
Описание слайда:

«Little Ben» is located in the central part of London. It was built in 1892, removed in 1964 and re-established in 1981

№ слайда 8 Unusual Monuments: Cadillac Ranch, Texas.Created in 1974, it consists of a row o
Описание слайда:

Unusual Monuments: Cadillac Ranch, Texas.Created in 1974, it consists of a row of half-buried Cadillac cars. Spray-painting graffiti or other messages on the cars is encouraged by the Ant Farm art group, which created the monument

№ слайда 9 USA, Philadelphia. Monument "Liberty" or in other words, it is called "Rush.“ Sc
Описание слайда:

USA, Philadelphia. Monument "Liberty" or in other words, it is called "Rush.“ Sculptor Zenos Frudakis

№ слайда 10 Sculpture-fountain "Mustangs of Las Colinas.“ Bronze mustangs run among the ston
Описание слайда:

Sculpture-fountain "Mustangs of Las Colinas.“ Bronze mustangs run among the stone jungle of Texas

№ слайда 11 This unusual monument is in front of the building of the company «Ernst & Young»
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This unusual monument is in front of the building of the company «Ernst & Young» in Los Angeles

№ слайда 12 Cat sculpture on a bench in Maryland. You can sit and have a rest here
Описание слайда:

Cat sculpture on a bench in Maryland. You can sit and have a rest here

№ слайда 13 Singing tree sculpture in the UK - is a musical sculpture resembling a tree, whi
Описание слайда:

Singing tree sculpture in the UK - is a musical sculpture resembling a tree, which consists of pipes of different sizes and comes alive when the wind blows

№ слайда 14 Monument to the football fans, Toronto, Canada
Описание слайда:

Monument to the football fans, Toronto, Canada

№ слайда 15 Unusual house is located on Oxford Street. Headington area residents saw the roo
Описание слайда:

Unusual house is located on Oxford Street. Headington area residents saw the roof with the metal tail shark, a length of about 7.5 m

№ слайда 16 Americans - practical people. The giant clothespin in Philadelphia, in Centre Sq
Описание слайда:

Americans - practical people. The giant clothespin in Philadelphia, in Centre Square Plaza. Its height is about 15 meters!

№ слайда 17 http://travel-child.ru/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/traffic-light-tree2.jpg http:/
Описание слайда:

http://travel-child.ru/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/traffic-light-tree2.jpg http://100dorog.ru/upload/contents/678/Питер.jpg http://doseng.org/uploads/posts/2011-01/thumbs/1296121613_2.jpg http://travel-child.ru/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/newton3.jpg http://www.winemillerrc.com/wp-content/Little_Ben_8214.jpg http://www.podolsknow.ru/upload/blog/960/960c0fd9b8661fa2ea3b00a877170f01.jpg http://www.podolsk-now.ru/upload/blog/6a1/6a171ab58ffd6778168bc9eaf5903052.jpg http://i2.imageban.ru/out/2010/05/03/49df125054fcd3bb66201d9219aa828c.jpg http://nibler.ru/uploads/users/5662/2012-06-28/koshkam-pamyatniki-skulptury-eto-interesno-poznavatelno-kartinki_7646783247.jpg http://paifo.ru/cache/multithumb_thumbs/b_350_200_16777215_0___images_stories_pamyatniki-1_tree.jpg http://files.adme.ru/files/news/part_30/305755/27.jpg http://chemodan.com.ua/news/user_files/Image/news/akula.jpg http://picturescool.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/0_16de4_f809ea31_L1.jpg http://picturescool.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/engagement-rings.jpg http://images2.cafemomstatic.com/images/user/gallery/post_1490304_1260128628_med.jpg?imageId=17406735

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