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Презентация на тему: The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

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Презентация на тему: The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

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№ слайда 1 The Seven Wondersof the Ancient World Урок -презентация
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The Seven Wondersof the Ancient World Урок -презентация

№ слайда 2
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№ слайда 3 The map of the Seven Wonders
Описание слайда:

The map of the Seven Wonders

№ слайда 4 The Pyramids of Giza The Pyramids belong to the 7 wonders because of the way the
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The Pyramids of Giza The Pyramids belong to the 7 wonders because of the way they were made. The tradition of building the pyramids started in ancient Egypt. The Pyramids are one of the oldest structures that are still on the earth. Each block weighs as much as 5 elephants. And most of the Pyramids are 450 feet high! The Pyramids of Giza are made for the dead because ancient people thought that the people that died would go to another life and if they gave them all of their important things the dead would help them and save them. The Pyramids are very big triangular shaped structures that have four flat sides that come together at the tip of the Pyramid. The Pyramids were used for the Kings tombs (Pharaons are the same things as kings).

№ слайда 5 The Hanging Gardens of Babylon The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were a pyramid of
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The Hanging Gardens of Babylon The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were a pyramid of brick and earth rising 5 levels high (3rd tallest of the Seven Wonders). It had terraces raised one above the other, resting upon cube-shaped pillars. Almost the whole structure was hollow (пустой; полый) so even the biggest trees could be planted inside. It was built for King Nebuchadnezzar II’s wife, who missed the green of her homeland, Persia.

№ слайда 6 История:Вавилонский царь Навуходоносор II (605 - 562 г. до н. э.) для борьбы про
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История:Вавилонский царь Навуходоносор II (605 - 562 г. до н. э.) для борьбы против главного врага - Ассирии, чьи войска дважды разрушали столицу государства Вавилон, заключил военный союз с царем Мидии, который был упрочен женитьбой Навуходоносора II на дочери мидийского царя Семирамиде. В архитектурном плане Висячие Сады представляли собой пирамиду, состоявшую из четырех ярусов - платформ, их поддерживали колонны высотой до 25 м. Чтобы предотвратить просачивание поливной воды, поверхность каждой платформы сначала покрывали слоем тростника, смешанного с асфальтом, затем двумя слоями кирпича, скрепленного гипсовым раствором, поверх всего укладывались свинцовые плиты. На них толстым ковром лежала плодородная земля, куда были высажены семена различных трав, цветов, кустарников, деревьев. Пирамида напоминала вечно цветущий зеленый холм. В полости одной из колонн помещались трубы, по ним вода из Евфрата, насосами день и ночь подавалась на верхний ярус садов, откуда она, стекая ручейками и небольшими водопадами, орошала растения нижних ярусов. Чудом казались журчание воды, тень и прохлада среди деревьев, вывезенных из далекой Мидии.

№ слайда 7 The Temple of ArtemisThe third wonder of the world was The Temple of Artemis, lo
Описание слайда:

The Temple of ArtemisThe third wonder of the world was The Temple of Artemis, located on the river Ephesus. (in present-day Turkey).It was made for the goddess Artemis. Artemis, also known as Diana, was the goddess of wild nature and hunting . The temple was famous for its use of marble and for its size. People said this temple was built by an architect named Theodorus (500 BC), however, it was rebuilt many times. It contained 107 columns which were 12 m high and were made of marble.The Temple of Artemis was gigantic. In fact, it was one of the largest temples the Greeks ever built.

№ слайда 8 The Temple of ZeusThe Temple of Zeus was finished around 456 BC in Olympia, Gree
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The Temple of ZeusThe Temple of Zeus was finished around 456 BC in Olympia, Greece. The statue of Zeus at Olympia was built by the famous Greek sculptor Phidias in 435 B.C. The statue was built in honor of Greek god Zeus for the Olympic games. This amazing structure was mostly made of ivory and gold, along with other valuable stones, such as ebony.The statue was 40 feet tall! Unfortunately, it was destroyed in a fire and little remains are available to see today. The Statue of Zeus was the most famous statue of ancient times.

№ слайда 9 The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus was located on the
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The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus was located on the Aegean sea in the city of Bodrum. The mausoleum was made in 350 B.C. The height of the mausoleum was 45m (140 ft).The structure of the mausoleum wasn't really beautiful but the decorations were what brought the beauaty. It had statues of people, lions, horses,and other animals.On the top of the roof was a statue of a chariot pulled by four horses.The mausoleum is special because it isn't dedicated to the Greek Gods. The mausoleum is a tomb for a king.For 16 centuries it stayed in perfect condition until an earthquake damaged the roof and colonnades.

№ слайда 10 The legend says:In 377 BC, the city of Halicarnassus was off the coast of Asia M
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The legend says:In 377 BC, the city of Halicarnassus was off the coast of Asia Minor (southwestern Turkey). There was a ruler, Hecatomnus, who was the father of a son and daughter. Mausolus, the son, and Artemisia, the daughter became husband and wife. Hecatomnus died, leaving Mausolus and Artemisia as the next rulers.In 353 BC Mausolus died. Queen Artemisia built a great tomb to show her love. The tomb was so great because of its size and decorations that future tombs where named Mausoleums after King Mausolus.

№ слайда 11 Collosus of Rhodes Collosus of Rhodes was built on a small island on the Aegean
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Collosus of Rhodes Collosus of Rhodes was built on a small island on the Aegean Sea around 200 B.C. This was not just any statue, it was the statue of Helios, the sun god of Rhodes. The Colossus was 120 feet tall (that’s almost as tall as the Statue of Liberty). It took 12 years to build the Colossus. The statue of Helios was made of bronze and had iron bars inside, to support it and was hollow on the inside. The Colossus looked just like a bronze man, and he stood over the entrance of the harbor in Rhodes. The Colossus of Rhodes was destroyed by an earthquake in 224B.C.

№ слайда 12 The Pharos Lighthouse or The Lighthouse of Alexandria The seventh and last wonde
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The Pharos Lighthouse or The Lighthouse of Alexandria The seventh and last wonder of the world was The Pharos Lighthouse or The Lighthouse of Alexandria, in Egypt. This monument was 384 feet tall, was made of marble, and contained a mirror, which reflected the sun and could be viewed up to 35 miles away. At night a beacon of fire (сигнальный огонь) was used to light the tower instead. Upon the very top of this tower, there was a statue of Poseidon. Sadly, the lighthouse was destroyed after a series of disastrous earthquakes; it was the last wonder to disappear.

№ слайда 13 Remember please the countries where the Seven Wonders were built
Описание слайда:

Remember please the countries where the Seven Wonders were built

№ слайда 14 What can you tell us aboutthis construction?Which of the Ancient Wonders is the
Описание слайда:

What can you tell us aboutthis construction?Which of the Ancient Wonders is the oldest?a.) The Lighthouse of Alexandriab.) The Pyramids of Gizac.) The Hanging Gardens of Babylon  2.Why were the Great Pyramids built?a.) For the god Athenab.) In honor of the godsc.) For the pharaoh Khufu 

№ слайда 15 3. What present-day country is Babylon in?a) Iranb) Kuwaitc) Iraq 4. Who were th
Описание слайда:

3. What present-day country is Babylon in?a) Iranb) Kuwaitc) Iraq 4. Who were the Hanging Gardens built for? a) for King Nebuchadnezzar II b) for King Nebuchadnezzar II’s wife c) for Hecatomnus5. Who built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?a) Queen Victoriab) King Nebuchadnezzar IIc) Michaelangelo

№ слайда 16 6. Where was the temple of Artemis located?a.) in present-day Turkeyb.) in prese
Описание слайда:

6. Where was the temple of Artemis located?a.) in present-day Turkeyb.) in present-day Iraqc.) in present-day Pakistan 7. What was the temple of Artemis used for?a.) A marketplace and religious centerb.) A supermarketc.) A school for scribes

№ слайда 17 8. Who were the people mainly in charge of the building of the Tomb of King Maus
Описание слайда:

8. Who were the people mainly in charge of the building of the Tomb of King Mausollus?a.) Mausollusb.) Artemisia and Mausollus' wifec.) Alexander the Great 9. Who was buried under the Mausoleum?a) King Maussollosb) King Henry IVc) King Nebuchadnezzar II

№ слайда 18 10.When did Phidias build the Statue of Zeus?a.) 564 ADb.) 765 BCc.) 470 BC 11.
Описание слайда:

10.When did Phidias build the Statue of Zeus?a.) 564 ADb.) 765 BCc.) 470 BC 11. About how tall is the Statue of Zeus?a.) 40 feetb.) 40 metersc.) 12 feet12. Which of the six wonders destroyed was the last to disappear?a.) Statue of Zeusb.) Lighthouse of Alexandriac.) Hanging Gardens of Babylon 

№ слайда 19 13. How many years did it take to build the Colossus of Rhodes?a.) 16 yearsb.) 5
Описание слайда:

13. How many years did it take to build the Colossus of Rhodes?a.) 16 yearsb.) 5 yearsc.) 12 years 14. In what year did a strong earthquake damage the Colossus of Rhodes?a.) 226 BCb.) 429 ADc.) 189 BC 

№ слайда 20 15.) How was the Lighthouse of Alexandria eventually destroyed?a) fireb) earthqu
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15.) How was the Lighthouse of Alexandria eventually destroyed?a) fireb) earthquakec) Dynamite16.) What small island gave the city of Alexandria a double Harbor?a.) Rabbit Islandb.) Rhodesc.) Pharos

№ слайда 21 MatchingDirections: Identify the location of each of the Seven Wonders by matchi
Описание слайда:

MatchingDirections: Identify the location of each of the Seven Wonders by matching the letter of the column on the left to the correct number on the column on the right.

№ слайда 22 Thanks for work!
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Thanks for work!

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