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Презентация на тему: The problem of homeless animals

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Презентация на тему: The problem of homeless animals

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№ слайда 1
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 2 Городская научно – социальная программа«Шаг в будущее, Электросталь»МОУ "СОШ № 1
Описание слайда:

Городская научно – социальная программа«Шаг в будущее, Электросталь»МОУ "СОШ № 19""The problem of homeless animals" Автор: Баталина Наталья Руководитель: Сидорова Е.В. учитель английского языка

№ слайда 3 The most ancient animal tamed by the person. The majority of cynologists count a
Описание слайда:

The most ancient animal tamed by the person. The majority of cynologists count a wolf as a unique ancestor of a dog (Charles Darwin’s opinion), and all modern breeds – a result of artificial selection.

№ слайда 4 Conrad Lorenz has propounded a theory about an origin of different kinds of dogs
Описание слайда:

Conrad Lorenz has propounded a theory about an origin of different kinds of dogs from wolves and from jackals

№ слайда 5 Charles Linney considered the ancestor of a domestic dog is certain independent
Описание слайда:

Charles Linney considered the ancestor of a domestic dog is certain independent (which is missed nowadays) wild «ancient dog»

№ слайда 6 Mesolithic period Neolithic period Stone Ages Bronze age Ancient Egypt Ancient E
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Mesolithic period Neolithic period Stone Ages Bronze age Ancient Egypt Ancient EastAncient Greece and Rome

№ слайда 7 Five basic types of dogs:
Описание слайда:

Five basic types of dogs:

№ слайда 8 The first cultivated dogs, most likely, were both watchmen, and assistants in hu
Описание слайда:

The first cultivated dogs, most likely, were both watchmen, and assistants in hunting. Then there was a division of dogs into groups depending on their economic purpose (assignment).

№ слайда 9
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№ слайда 10 P h e l i n o l o g y is s t u d y i n g c a t s
Описание слайда:

P h e l i n o l o g y is s t u d y i n g c a t s

№ слайда 11 In the temples denoted to goddess Bast (Egyptians represented her as a cat or a
Описание слайда:

In the temples denoted to goddess Bast (Egyptians represented her as a cat or a woman with a cat's head), there were a lot of cats honored as sacred animals.

№ слайда 12 Times have changed, and the population of many countries has a fashionable tende
Описание слайда:

Times have changed, and the population of many countries has a fashionable tendency to purchase exotic animals, including cats and dogs of rare breeds.

№ слайда 13 1. From a homeless animal the person can catch skin disease, such as ringworm. D
Описание слайда:

1. From a homeless animal the person can catch skin disease, such as ringworm. During this disease the person’s lymphatic nodes inflame, his head, nails, skin is ill, and especially it is dangerous for children who like to play with homeless animals. 2. Homeless cats and dogs can catch fleas; they are carriers of typhus as fleas can get on people, as people can also catch these similar illnesses. With a view of hygiene it is necessary to keep up cleanliness of pets and it’s better to fear of homeless animals.3. Furiousness. This illness arises after a sting of an infected animal, and it is characterized by defeat of the central nervous system. This disease spreads everywhere; also this disease has a very high death rate. That is why it is necessary to conduct preventive maintenance of vagrant animals. After a sting of an infected animal the inoculation is necessary, but it is very hard for the person.4. Mites. Dogs and cats can be intermediate carriers of various hookworms. People can catch such illness as encephalitis. It is the inflammation of grey material of brain.5. Lice. Lice are insects without wings. They are stationary parasites of mammals, have specific owners among them and eat blood.

№ слайда 14 people must observe rules of maintenance and feeding of dogs and cats, take good
Описание слайда:

people must observe rules of maintenance and feeding of dogs and cats, take good care of them; there must be no contact of animals with intermediate owners and carriers of parasites; rats and mice must be destroyed;catching and sterilization of rambling dogs, cats and other animals;isolation of ill dogs and cats; people mustn’t feed dogs and cats with infected meat products.

№ слайда 15 Dialogue with animals enriches the inner world of a person, makes it more bright
Описание слайда:

Dialogue with animals enriches the inner world of a person, makes it more brightly and more emotional, as it opens a window in a new unknown earlier area of concepts and representations.

№ слайда 16 Modern people unlike our ancestors, who worshipped animals, concern to animals,
Описание слайда:

Modern people unlike our ancestors, who worshipped animals, concern to animals, not as to alive essences, but as to unnecessary things which are thrown out without need.

№ слайда 17 In our city there are pet-shops in which various exotic kinds of animals also ar
Описание слайда:

In our city there are pet-shops in which various exotic kinds of animals also are sold.

№ слайда 18
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 19 Several years ago the model Juliana Romanova set on her fighting dog on peaceful
Описание слайда:

Several years ago the model Juliana Romanova set on her fighting dog on peacefully napping homeless mongrel. It seemed to her little, and, having got a kitchen knife from her sack, she has killed the dog.

№ слайда 20 “We are in the answer for those whom have tamed ”.
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“We are in the answer for those whom have tamed ”.

№ слайда 21
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№ слайда 22
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№ слайда 23
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№ слайда 24
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№ слайда 25 B i l l o f R i g h t s.
Описание слайда:

B i l l o f R i g h t s.

№ слайда 26 Social research.
Описание слайда:

Social research.

№ слайда 27 Question 1.Do you have any pets?
Описание слайда:

Question 1.Do you have any pets?

№ слайда 28 90 % have got dogs.
Описание слайда:

90 % have got dogs.

№ слайда 29
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 30 Do you take good care of your pets?Had or has your pet any serious illneses?
Описание слайда:

Do you take good care of your pets?Had or has your pet any serious illneses?

№ слайда 31 Have you ever left off animals?
Описание слайда:

Have you ever left off animals?

№ слайда 32
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№ слайда 33 Have you ever taken homeless animals?
Описание слайда:

Have you ever taken homeless animals?

№ слайда 34
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 35 Do you want to give money for building shelters in our town?
Описание слайда:

Do you want to give money for building shelters in our town?

№ слайда 36
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№ слайда 37
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 38 “We are in the answer for those whom have tamed ”.
Описание слайда:

“We are in the answer for those whom have tamed ”.

№ слайда 39 Thank you for being with me!
Описание слайда:

Thank you for being with me!

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