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Презентация на тему: The presentation of the 4o th US president

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Презентация на тему: The presentation of the 4o th US president

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№ слайда 1 THE PRESENTATION OF THE 40 TH US PRESIDENT by “TEENS” teamof Rodnodolinskay scho
Описание слайда:

THE PRESENTATION OF THE 40 TH US PRESIDENT by “TEENS” teamof Rodnodolinskay school

№ слайда 2 Ronald Wilson Reagan Ronald Wilson Reagan (February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004) was
Описание слайда:

Ronald Wilson Reagan Ronald Wilson Reagan (February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004) was the 40th President of the United States, the 33rd Governor of California and prior to that, an actor.Reagan was born in Tampico in Whitesid County, Illinois, reared in Dixon in Lee County, Illinois, and educated at Eureka College in Eureka, Illinois, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics and sociology. Upon his graduation, Reagan first moved to Iowa to work as a radio broadcaster and then in 1937 to Los Angeles, California. He began a career as an actor, first in films and later televisionThe official portrait of the president Reagan, 1981

№ слайда 3 Entertainment career
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Entertainment career

№ слайда 4 Marriages and children In 1938, Reagan co-starred in the film Brother Rat with a
Описание слайда:

Marriages and children In 1938, Reagan co-starred in the film Brother Rat with actress Jane Wyman. They were engaged at the Chicago Theatre and married on January 26, 1940. Together they had two children, Maureen and Christine, and adopted a third, Michael (born 1945).Later Reagan met actress Nancy Davis in 1949. They were engaged at Chasen's restaurant in Los Angeles and were married on March 4, 1952.Ronald and Nancy Reagan aboard a boat in California in 1964

№ слайда 5 Governer Of California, 1967-1975 California Republicans were impressed with Rea
Описание слайда:

Governer Of California, 1967-1975 California Republicans were impressed with Reagan's political views and charisma after his "Time for Choosing" speech, and nominated him for Governor of California in 1966. In Reagan's campaign, he emphasized two main themes: "to send the welfare bums back to work," "to clean up the mess at Berkeley”Ronald and Nancy celebrate Reagan’s gubernatorial victory

№ слайда 6 1976 presidential campaign Ronald Reagan on the podium with Gerald Ford at the 1
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1976 presidential campaign Ronald Reagan on the podium with Gerald Ford at the 1976 Republican National Convention after narrowly losing the presidential nomination

№ слайда 7 1980 presidential campaign Reagan campaigns with Nancy and Senator Strom Thurmon
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1980 presidential campaign Reagan campaigns with Nancy and Senator Strom Thurmond in South California, 1980

№ слайда 8 Presidency, 1981-1985first term Reagan wave from the limousine taking them down
Описание слайда:

Presidency, 1981-1985first term Reagan wave from the limousine taking them down Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House, after inauguration

№ слайда 9 “reaganomics” and Economy Reagan and Nancy greet King Juan I of Spain and his wi
Описание слайда:

“reaganomics” and Economy Reagan and Nancy greet King Juan I of Spain and his wife Queen Sofia, in October, 1981

№ слайда 10 Lebanon and operation Urgent Fury (Grenada), 1983 Reagan meets with Prime Minist
Описание слайда:

Lebanon and operation Urgent Fury (Grenada), 1983 Reagan meets with Prime Minister Eugenia Charles of Dominica in the Oval Office about ongoing events in Grenada.

№ слайда 11 Escalation of the cold War Reagan, the first American President ever to address
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Escalation of the cold War Reagan, the first American President ever to address the British Parliament, predicts will be left on the “ash-heap of history”

№ слайда 12 1984 presidential campaign 1984 presidential electoral votes by state.Reagan won
Описание слайда:

1984 presidential campaign 1984 presidential electoral votes by state.Reagan won every state except for Mondale’s home state of Minnesota 9and Washington, D.C.)

№ слайда 13 Second term, 1985-1989 Reagan is sworn in for a second term as president in the
Описание слайда:

Second term, 1985-1989 Reagan is sworn in for a second term as president in the Capitol RotundaWar on drugsLibya bombingImmigrationIran-Contra AffairEnd of the Cold war

№ слайда 14 Post-presidential years, 1989-2004 Reagan and Nancy in Los Angeles after leaving
Описание слайда:

Post-presidential years, 1989-2004 Reagan and Nancy in Los Angeles after leaving the White House, early 1990s

№ слайда 15 Death Nancy Reagan: "My family and I would like the world to know that President
Описание слайда:

Death Nancy Reagan: "My family and I would like the world to know that President Ronald Reagan has died after 10 years of Alzheimer's Disease at 93 years of age. We appreciate everyone's prayers." Margaret Thatcher: "Ronald Reagan had a higher claim than any other leader to have won the Cold War for liberty and he did it without a shot being fired.“General Secretary Gorbachev: "[He was] a man who was instrumental in bringing about the end of the Cold War," and deemed him "a great President."

№ слайда 16 Reagan and Gorbachev
Описание слайда:

Reagan and Gorbachev

№ слайда 17 reagan’s Honors The Presidential Medal of Freedom (from President George H.W. Bu
Описание слайда:

reagan’s Honors The Presidential Medal of Freedom (from President George H.W. Bush, 1993)The United States Military Academy’s Sylvanus Thayer AwardThe Order of the BathGrand Cordon of the Order of the ChrysanthemumRepublican Senatorial Medal of Freedom

№ слайда 18 Reagan’s Statue A bronze statue of Reagan, Capitol Rotunda
Описание слайда:

Reagan’s Statue A bronze statue of Reagan, Capitol Rotunda

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