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Презентация на тему: The most beautiful waterfalls in the world

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Презентация на тему: The most beautiful waterfalls in the world

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№ слайда 1 The most beautiful waterfalls in the world
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The most beautiful waterfalls in the world

№ слайда 2 Niagara Falls is probably the most famous in the world. It marks US and Canada b
Описание слайда:

Niagara Falls is probably the most famous in the world. It marks US and Canada border. Niagara is formed of two sections – the Horseshoe Falls on the Canadian side and the American Falls on the American side – that are separated by an island. The Horseshoe Falls are more impressive: water here drops 173 ft (53 m), while the American Falls drop only 70–100 ft

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№ слайда 4 The Victoria Falls or Mosi-oa-Tunya is a gorgeous waterfall, located on the Zamb
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The Victoria Falls or Mosi-oa-Tunya is a gorgeous waterfall, located on the Zambia and Zimbabwe border. The water of Zambezi river falls down in a straight line for 354 ft (108 m). It is wide ( 5,604 ft/1,708 m), therefore water spray raises very high and can be spotted from many kilometers away.

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№ слайда 7 Iguazu Falls are found on the border of Brazil and Argentina. Not very high (285
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Iguazu Falls are found on the border of Brazil and Argentina. Not very high (285 ft/87 m), but very impressive: it has 275 cascades, that form a horseshoe and stretch for 8858ft (2700 m).

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№ слайда 11   Angel Falls is the highest in the world, which falls down uninterrupted f
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  Angel Falls is the highest in the world, which falls down uninterrupted for 3,212 ft (979 m). You can visit it in Canaima National Park, which is protected by UNESCO. It is named after its discoverer US aviator Jimmie Angel.

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№ слайда 14 Kaieteur Falls is found in Guyana. Water falls for 741 ft (226 m), then it reach
Описание слайда:

Kaieteur Falls is found in Guyana. Water falls for 741 ft (226 m), then it reaches the first of the many steep cascades. It attracts many tourists, who like extreme trips, since the fall is in the middle of a wilderness with no urban amenities.

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№ слайда 16 Gullfoss is a magnificent waterfall located in southwest Iceland. Not particular
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Gullfoss is a magnificent waterfall located in southwest Iceland. Not particularly high (two 36 ft/11 m and 68 ft/21 m plunges), however, it is very beautiful. Due to a crevice, the river Hvítá seems to disappear into the abyss.

№ слайда 17
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