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Презентация на тему: Starch and modified strach

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Презентация на тему: Starch and modified strach

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№ слайда 1 Starch and modified strach Kharitonova Marina№ 239-536-9277 “B” class Scientific
Описание слайда:

Starch and modified strach Kharitonova Marina№ 239-536-9277 “B” class Scientific supervisor: English teacher Gymnasium № 11 Zezyulya Lyudmila Nicolaevna№ 207-212-400

№ слайда 2 The aim of my research work is to explain the presence of modified starch in foo
Описание слайда:

The aim of my research work is to explain the presence of modified starch in food in which it shouldn’t.Tasks of my research work are: find the theoretical material of starch and modified starch; analyze the label on the content of modified starch products; check the products, which often have the starch; prepare the starch at home.

№ слайда 3 STARCH Starch is a polymer based on glucose. Starch is a carbohydrate consisting
Описание слайда:

STARCH Starch is a polymer based on glucose. Starch is a carbohydrate consisting of a large number of glucose. This polysaccharide is produced by all green plants as an energy store. It is the most common carbohydrate in the human diet and it is in potatoes, wheat, corn, and rice.Pure starch is a white, tasteless and odorless powder that is insoluble in cold water or alcohol. It was invented by George Washington Carver. It consists of two types of molecules: the linear and helical amylose and the branched amylopectin. Depending on the plant, starch generally contains 20 to 25% amylose and 75 to 80% amylopectin.

№ слайда 4 Name The word “starch” is derived from Middle English sterchen, meaning to stiff
Описание слайда:

Name The word “starch” is derived from Middle English sterchen, meaning to stiffen.

№ слайда 5 History Wheat starch paste was used in Ancient Egypt possibly to glue papyrus (f
Описание слайда:

History Wheat starch paste was used in Ancient Egypt possibly to glue papyrus (first described in History of Pliny the Elder around AD 77-79). Romans used it in cosmetic creams, to powder the hair and to thick sauces. Persians and Indians used it to make wheat halva. In China starch used in paper production, from 700 AD.

№ слайда 6 Biosynthesis Carbon dioxide and water are converted into starch and oxigen 6CO2
Описание слайда:

Biosynthesis Carbon dioxide and water are converted into starch and oxigen 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2nC6H12O6(глюкоза) → (C6H10O5)n + nH2O 6nCO2 + 5nH2O → (C6H10O5)n+ 6nO2

№ слайда 7 "Regulation of starch" 1. Starches combine well with each other and combine badl
Описание слайда:

"Regulation of starch" 1. Starches combine well with each other and combine badly with other products. 2. It is best to combine starches with a salad of raw vegetables. 3. Starches are digested better when the body is enough vitamin B.

№ слайда 8 Products with the highest starch content in%
Описание слайда:

Products with the highest starch content in%

№ слайда 9 Food, in which the starch is thermally processed, too hard to digest and derive 
Описание слайда:

Food, in which the starch is thermally processed, too hard to digest and derive 

№ слайда 10 Analysis of the labels Products that contain modified starches:  Ketchup «Calve»
Описание слайда:

Analysis of the labels Products that contain modified starches:  Ketchup «Calve»  «Maggi»  Mayonnaise Maheev "  «Knor» dressing for chicken  «Aktual" dairy product  «Rolton" meat  ■ Products that contain corn starch:  «Maggi»  ■ Foods that contain wheat starch:  Chips «Pringles»  Bread Waffle "Elizoveta" ■ Products that contain potato starch:  «Pripravych" "Soup Alphabet"  «Pripravych" "Star Soup" 

№ слайда 11 Experiment № 1 "Preparation of starch at home" 1. Take 3 potatoes.
Описание слайда:

Experiment № 1 "Preparation of starch at home" 1. Take 3 potatoes.

№ слайда 12 2. Clean and peel them.
Описание слайда:

2. Clean and peel them.

№ слайда 13 3. Grate to obtain "mush"
Описание слайда:

3. Grate to obtain "mush"

№ слайда 14 4. Then it should be washed in the water. To get a lot to overcome, the water fi
Описание слайда:

4. Then it should be washed in the water. To get a lot to overcome, the water filters.

№ слайда 15 5. Repeat several times until the water in the glass will be clear. Ready starch
Описание слайда:

5. Repeat several times until the water in the glass will be clear. Ready starch should be dried.

№ слайда 16 Experiment № 2 "Identification of starch in foods" More starch in unripe apples,
Описание слайда:

Experiment № 2 "Identification of starch in foods" More starch in unripe apples, since it is produced only in green parts of plants.. Sausage contains modified starch. In the modified starch is the same reaction as that of natural gas.  In rice starch contains 72 -78%, so it will turn a darker color. In the flour contains large amounts of starch and, consequently, in the bread. Potatoes - is best known source of starch.

№ слайда 17 Experiment № 3 "Preparation of starch glue" 1. Tablespoon of starch (flour) shou
Описание слайда:

Experiment № 3 "Preparation of starch glue" 1. Tablespoon of starch (flour) should dissolve in hot water. 2. Cool to get a lot.

№ слайда 18 The resulting application, glued starch paste
Описание слайда:

The resulting application, glued starch paste

№ слайда 19 Experiment № 4 If to check all yogurts at the grocery store you will find modifi
Описание слайда:

Experiment № 4 If to check all yogurts at the grocery store you will find modified corn starch. It sounds unappetizing but it is better not to eat them.

№ слайда 20 CONCLUSION Modified starch does not cause severe harm to our health because it i
Описание слайда:

CONCLUSION Modified starch does not cause severe harm to our health because it is a natural starch, which has one or more characteristics changed. It is used as a thickener. But in the meat industry added modified starch, because the market is likely low-grade meat sausages. Starch 3-3.5 times cheaper than beef and 2 times cheaper than soy isolate. Natural starch - an important component of our food, it must be eaten. But how? For the normal digestion of food need more vitamins and minerals, because their actions in the body are interconnected. Without this condition, the starch ferments poisoning us. Almost every day expectorated mucus amyloid, which fills our body and causes endless colds, and colds. As well as starchy foods should be 20% of the food, rather than 80-90%, as it is now!

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