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Презентация на тему: Seattle

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Презентация на тему: Seattle

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№ слайда 1 Seattle Completed
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Seattle Completed

№ слайда 2 The History Of Seattle The first white settlers was a group of Collins, who trie
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The History Of Seattle The first white settlers was a group of Collins, who tried to stake a claim at the mouth of the river Duwamish September 14, 1851. However, despite the fact that they were the first on the site, the land was able to write to the scout group Danny, what happened on 28 September 1851. In this circumstance, the head scout David Denny, sent a message to Portland, where the other members where encouraged to come to the settlement as soon as possible and all together. It occurred on 15 November, a group led by Arthur Denny came across the ocean and found the patient, the David and the unfinished winter. The settlement was named Alki point. After the first winter, marked by frequent showers and strong winds, almost the entire group Danny moved to a new place, which was called Duwamps or Duwamps. Remaining at the old place, the settlers renamed the village in new York Alki. In the next few years the two villages vied for the site of the main settlement, however, eventually won Duwamps. Since 1853 one of the founders of Duwamps, David Maynard campaigned for the renaming of Duwamps in Seattle, in appreciation to the leader of Cially, the main proponent of the cooperation of the Indian population of the North-Western United States with white colonists. This campaign came to fruition pretty soon, in 1855, the settlement was given the status of a city called Seattle.

№ слайда 3 The downtown Seattle and ferry at the Central waterfront.
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The downtown Seattle and ferry at the Central waterfront.

№ слайда 4 The city is situated on hilly terrain, but the landscape is not monotonous. They
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The city is situated on hilly terrain, but the landscape is not monotonous. They say that Seattle, like Rome, lies on seven hills: Capitol hill, First hill, West Seattle, beacon hill, Queen Anne hill, Magnolia hill, and the Denny hill.

№ слайда 5 Since 1869 the unofficial nickname of the city was "the Royal city", o
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Since 1869 the unofficial nickname of the city was "the Royal city", or rather "the Queen City", which comes from the "Pacific Queen of cities", so called the Seattle to Portland one real estate Agency, however in 1982 the officials of king County (which is owned and Seattle) held an official competition for the unofficial nickname, the result of which was chosen the title "the emerald city". The stream of new software are the "Gateway to Alaska", "Rain City" and "jet city" (thanks to Boeing). From the name of the inhabitants of Seattle can be translated as "setlite".

№ слайда 6 Seattle is known for many achievements, among which are the following: the birth
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Seattle is known for many achievements, among which are the following: the birthplace of grunge, the culture of consumption of coffee (American coffee, many networks were based in Seattle), high level of education among the inhabitants (more than 51 % of the population of Seattle had higher education).

№ слайда 7 The space needle is a tower 184 meters tall and 42 meters wide at the widest poi
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The space needle is a tower 184 meters tall and 42 meters wide at the widest point and weighs 9 550 tons. It is designed so that can withstand hurricanes with wind speeds up to 320 km/h and earthquakes up to 9.1 points. This is twice above the requirements of the building code at the time of construction. When the tower wind is deflected approximately 1 inch for every 10 mph of wind speed. 25 equipped with lightning conductors. Feature of the tower is a sightseeing platform at a height of 159 meters, the Sky City restaurant (sky city) and a gift shop. From the top of the tower you can see not only downtown Seattle, but also the Cascade mountains and mount Rainier, Elliott Bay and surrounding Islands.

№ слайда 8 The pike place market public market, located on the Pacific coast of Elliot Bay
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The pike place market public market, located on the Pacific coast of Elliot Bay in Seattle, Washington, USA. Opened on August 17, 1907, it is one of the oldest continental U.S. markets. Pike place market — the market seafood and agricultural produce of small farmers and artisans. Also acts as a kind of stage for street performers, clowns and singers, that, apparently, is the reason for its great popularity among tourists from all over the world. Pike market is located in downtown Seattle and is situated on 9 acres. The name of the market got through the homonymous street, in which is a pike place.

№ слайда 9 For a long time considered to be the Seattle regional center for the performing
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For a long time considered to be the Seattle regional center for the performing arts. Centennial Symphony orchestra Seattle Symphony Orchestra is one of the most recorded orchestras in the world and mainly performs in Benaroya Hall.

№ слайда 10 Fifth Avenue and the entrance to the Central library of Seattle, the main buildi
Описание слайда:

Fifth Avenue and the entrance to the Central library of Seattle, the main building of the library network of the city.

№ слайда 11 Park Green Lake Park is popular with runners, who provided 4.3 km of trails near
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Park Green Lake Park is popular with runners, who provided 4.3 km of trails near the lake.

№ слайда 12 Seattle Pacific is located between the Bay of Puget Sound on the West and lake W
Описание слайда:

Seattle Pacific is located between the Bay of Puget Sound on the West and lake Washington on the East. The main port city situated on the banks of Elliott Bay, belonging to the Puget Sound. To the West of this Bay is the Kitsap Peninsula and Olympic mountains on the Olympic Peninsula.

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