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Презентация на тему: RDJ

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Презентация на тему: RDJ

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№ слайда 1 “Captain America: Civil War” Interview with Robert Downey Jr.
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“Captain America: Civil War” Interview with Robert Downey Jr.

№ слайда 2
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№ слайда 3 Speaking to Robert Downey Jr. is an experience. There’s no other way to say it.
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Speaking to Robert Downey Jr. is an experience. There’s no other way to say it. His mind moves faster than ours can process, and even when he’s not giving you any valuable information about Captain America: Civil War, he certainly makes you feel like you did. Speaking to Robert Downey Jr. is an experience. There’s no other way to say it. His mind moves faster than ours can process, and even when he’s not giving you any valuable information about Captain America: Civil War, he certainly makes you feel like you did. Tony Stark’s character has seen him attempting to maintain control, whether it’s with his life or the world, using his technology as a cocoon of protection. I think what’s interesting is not so much that he’s looking for more control but that he’s saying that as a group of individuals we all require a little bit more supervision than we might imagine.

№ слайда 4 Will Pepper Potts be a stronger presence than she did in either of the Avengers
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Will Pepper Potts be a stronger presence than she did in either of the Avengers movies? Will Pepper Potts be a stronger presence than she did in either of the Avengers movies? Well, she damn well better be! Again, it always comes down to not just the characters. But I talk with Gwyneth and she’s very game and the Russos have really smart cool ideas. . Pepper is perhaps the most important person to Tony Stark, and it’s relationships like that which are his driving force. All I do is fight for Pepper, and I lean on those relationships, that’s my go-to thing.

№ слайда 5 What can you say about working with Chris Evans? What can you say about working
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What can you say about working with Chris Evans? What can you say about working with Chris Evans? Chris Evans had the tallest mountain to climb out of any us.So in this Captain America: Civil War I think the biggest surprises and the biggest challenges, again, are being put to Chris Where is Tony [Stark] when we meet him here? Is he in a good place or a bad place? Well, it’s never fun when he’s in a good place is it? [Laughs.]

№ слайда 6 Tony is… Well, I think maybe a more efficient way to answer the question is wher
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Tony is… Well, I think maybe a more efficient way to answer the question is where is he in the universe? And I started thinking back with the first Avengers like, “These folks don’t use their passports that often, do they?” [Laughs.]

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