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Презентация на тему: Who knows animals best ?

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Презентация на тему: Who knows animals best ?

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№ слайда 1 Who Knows Animals Best?
Описание слайда:

Who Knows Animals Best?

№ слайда 2 Where does the dolphin live?In the mountainsIn the fieldsIn the seas
Описание слайда:

Where does the dolphin live?In the mountainsIn the fieldsIn the seas

№ слайда 3 2. What can you see in the picture?Horses near the riverMen in the mountainsMen
Описание слайда:

2. What can you see in the picture?Horses near the riverMen in the mountainsMen with horses

№ слайда 4 3. Which animals live in Russia?MonkeysKoalasFoxes
Описание слайда:

3. Which animals live in Russia?MonkeysKoalasFoxes

№ слайда 5 4. What does the eagle eat?It likes to eat green leaves of the trees.It eats mic
Описание слайда:

4. What does the eagle eat?It likes to eat green leaves of the trees.It eats mice, small birds and animals.It can fly high in the sky.

№ слайда 6 5. Which animal is the longest?The snakeThe wolfThe frog
Описание слайда:

5. Which animal is the longest?The snakeThe wolfThe frog

№ слайда 7 6. Which animal can live in the desert?The giraffeThe camelThe bear
Описание слайда:

6. Which animal can live in the desert?The giraffeThe camelThe bear

№ слайда 8 7. What do cows do for people?They carry things and people.They are very useful.
Описание слайда:

7. What do cows do for people?They carry things and people.They are very useful.They give milk and meat.

№ слайда 9 8. Which animals cannot live in the ocean?Dolphins and fishWhalesCamels and shee
Описание слайда:

8. Which animals cannot live in the ocean?Dolphins and fishWhalesCamels and sheep.

№ слайда 10 Who Knows Animals Best?1c 2a 3c 4b 5a 6b 7c 8c
Описание слайда:

Who Knows Animals Best?1c 2a 3c 4b 5a 6b 7c 8c

№ слайда 11 Презентация подготовлена на лексическом материале учебника “Enjoy English” 4 кла
Описание слайда:

Презентация подготовлена на лексическом материале учебника “Enjoy English” 4 класс (авт. М.З. Биболетова, О.А. Денисенко, Н.Н Трубанёва) Unit 3Использованные интернет-ресурсы:www.uralweb.ruwww.photo.eka-net.ru www.hebus.com www.Free3DWallpaper.comАвтор презентации:Замотаева Елена Юрьевна,учитель английского языкаМОУ СОШ № 9 пос. Нейво-Рудянка Свердловской обл.

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