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Презентация на тему: Management styles

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Презентация на тему: Management styles

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№ слайда 1 Management styles
Описание слайда:

Management styles

№ слайда 2 1. What makes a good leader or manager?
Описание слайда:

1. What makes a good leader or manager?

№ слайда 3 2. There are many qualities that are needed to be a good leader or manager. Thin
Описание слайда:

2. There are many qualities that are needed to be a good leader or manager. Think creatively to provide a vision for the company and solve problemsBe calm and make clear decisions Possess excellent two-way communication skillsThe desire to achieve great thingsBe well informed and knowledgeable about matters relating to the business

№ слайда 4 3. Do you have to be born with the correct qualities or can you be taught to be
Описание слайда:

3. Do you have to be born with the correct qualities or can you be taught to be a good leader?

№ слайда 5 4. There are three main categories of leadership styles: AutocraticPaternalistic
Описание слайда:

4. There are three main categories of leadership styles: AutocraticPaternalistic Democratic

№ слайда 6 Autocratic Description: senior managers take all the important decisions with no
Описание слайда:

Autocratic Description: senior managers take all the important decisions with no involvement from workers; quick decision making Advantages: Effective when employing many low skilled workers; No two-way communication so can be de-motivating Disadvantages: creates “them and us” attitude between managers and workers

№ слайда 7 Paternalistic Description: Managers make decisions in best interests of workers
Описание слайда:

Paternalistic Description: Managers make decisions in best interests of workers after consultation; More two-way communication so motivating Advantages: Workers feel their social needs are being met Slows down decision making Disadvantages: Still quite a dictatorial or autocratic style of management

№ слайда 8 Democratic Description: Workers allowed to make own decisions. Advantages: Some
Описание слайда:

Democratic Description: Workers allowed to make own decisions. Advantages: Some businesses run on the basis of majority decisions; Authority is delegated to workers which is motivatingDisadvantages: Useful when complex decisions are required that need specialist skills; Mistakes or errors can be made if workers are not skilled or experienced enough

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