Тренажер для закрепления лексики по теме: «Extreme Sports» для УМК Starlight 9
Choose the correct word
Choose the correct word
Choose the correct word
Choose the correct word
Choose the correct word
Choose the correct word
Read the definition and choose the word The activity of riding on a raft over rough, dangerous parts of a fast-flowing river.
Read the definition and choose the word The sport or activity of climbing glaciers.
Read the definition and choose the word The sport of riding bicycles off-road, often over rough terrain.
Read the definition and choose the word The sport in which a wide canopy resembling a parachute is attached to a person's body in order to allow them to glide through the air after jumping from or being lifted to a height.
Read the definition and choose the word The activity of swimming underwater using special breathing equipment.
Read the definition and choose the word Cross-country racing on motorcycles.
Find the odd word
Find the odd word
Find the odd word
Список источников Английский язык. 9 класс: учеб. для общеобразоват. учреждений и шк. с углубл. изучением англ. яз. / [К. М. Баранова, Д. Дули, В. В. Копылова и др.]. – М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2013. – 216 с.: ил. – (Звездный английский). Электронный словарь ABBY Lingvo х 5
Список источников иллюстраций