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Презентация на тему: День святого Валентина 7 класс

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Презентация на тему: День святого Валентина 7 класс

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№ слайда 1 St . Valentine`s Day . Миронова Людмила 7 «В» класс школа № 9 г. Гатчина 2014 го
Описание слайда:

St . Valentine`s Day . Миронова Людмила 7 «В» класс школа № 9 г. Гатчина 2014 год

№ слайда 2 St . Valentine`s Day is celebrated on February 14 . One of the international hol
Описание слайда:

St . Valentine`s Day is celebrated on February 14 . One of the international holidays is St. Valentine’s Day. This holiday has its story about two sweethearts, that’s why it’s called the day of all sweethearts. On this day many people make a declaration of love and propose marriage. And if they’ve already found their love, they just remind about it and make surprises or give presents to each other.

№ слайда 3 Every St . Valentine`s Day thousands of people travel to a small village on Scot
Описание слайда:

Every St . Valentine`s Day thousands of people travel to a small village on Scotland`s border with England to get married.

№ слайда 4 The village is called Gretna Green .It`s romantic reputation began in 1754 . In
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The village is called Gretna Green .It`s romantic reputation began in 1754 . In that times in England marriage for the people under the age of 21 without parents` permission was banned .However , in Scotland this permission was not required . Gretna Green was the first stop across the border . Many young couples came to Gretna Green to get married there .

№ слайда 5 In the last century , sweethearts would spend hours fashioning a home-made card
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In the last century , sweethearts would spend hours fashioning a home-made card or a present . There is a version of the first valentine . It was a bishop , a Christian Martyr who before he was put to death by the Romans sent a note of friendship to his jailer's blind daughter .

№ слайда 6 On this day boys and girls sweethearts , husbands and wives , friends and neighb
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On this day boys and girls sweethearts , husbands and wives , friends and neighbors exchange greetings of affection and love . People send each other greeting cards , chocolates and flowers . Valentine`s cards are very colorful , with a couple of human hearts or with doves on them .

№ слайда 7
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№ слайда 8 I love this holiday because it gives people happiness and joy. For sweethearts t
Описание слайда:

I love this holiday because it gives people happiness and joy. For sweethearts this holiday is another reason to show their love..

№ слайда 9 The end
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The end

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