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Презентация на тему: Butterfly Life Cycle

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Презентация на тему: Butterfly Life Cycle

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№ слайда 1 Butterfly Life Cycle
Описание слайда:

Butterfly Life Cycle

№ слайда 2 This butterfly is laying eggs on parsley.
Описание слайда:

This butterfly is laying eggs on parsley.

№ слайда 3 Look! It is a parsley worm. A larva, or a caterpillar, is multi-legged eating ma
Описание слайда:

Look! It is a parsley worm. A larva, or a caterpillar, is multi-legged eating machine. It eats all day long. It crunches and munches. …crunch…crunch…crunch…It’s yummy! …munch…munch…munch…It’s tasty!

№ слайда 4 Caterpillar eats a lot of leaves. It becomes bigger and bigger, fatter and fatte
Описание слайда:

Caterpillar eats a lot of leaves. It becomes bigger and bigger, fatter and fatter. When the larva has eaten enough, it forms a chrysalis (or a pupa).

№ слайда 5 This chrysalis is only one day old.
Описание слайда:

This chrysalis is only one day old.

№ слайда 6 And how old is this chrysalis? And this chrysalis is already ten days old. But w
Описание слайда:

And how old is this chrysalis? And this chrysalis is already ten days old. But what is inside this pupa? A caterpillar? No! It isn’t a caterpillar yet! It is already a …

№ слайда 7 Look! A butterfly is emerging from a chrysalis. Look! It’s coming out!
Описание слайда:

Look! A butterfly is emerging from a chrysalis. Look! It’s coming out!

№ слайда 8 Look! The butterfly is still coming out. Oh! Poor thing! It’s so difficult!
Описание слайда:

Look! The butterfly is still coming out. Oh! Poor thing! It’s so difficult!

№ слайда 9 Oh, yes! It’s free! The butterfly is outside! It is lucky! But a lot of butterfl
Описание слайда:

Oh, yes! It’s free! The butterfly is outside! It is lucky! But a lot of butterflies die because they are not strong enough to come out!

№ слайда 10 It becomes stronger and stronger! Its wings become straight!
Описание слайда:

It becomes stronger and stronger! Its wings become straight!

№ слайда 11 Now it is ready to fly! What a beautiful butterfly! Fly, please, fly! I want to
Описание слайда:

Now it is ready to fly! What a beautiful butterfly! Fly, please, fly! I want to see your flying!

№ слайда 12 The four stages in the lifecycle of a butterfly: to lay eggs to become a … to tu
Описание слайда:

The four stages in the lifecycle of a butterfly: to lay eggs to become a … to turn into a … to eat to make a … to come out from a … to fly away A larva, known as a caterpillar A pupa (or a chrysalis) An adult butterfly

№ слайда 13 Lets read some poems about butterflies. - It's a little butterfly, Let it fly, l
Описание слайда:

Lets read some poems about butterflies. - It's a little butterfly, Let it fly, let it fly, Fly away into the sky. - OK! Fly, my dear butterfly, fly! High, in the blue, blue sky! But please, say to me ‘Goodbye!’ Fly, little butterfly, fly, Fly into the blue sky. One, two, three – You are free. Butterfly, butterfly, Where do you fly, So quick and so high In the blue, blue sky?

№ слайда 14 Oh! What is there? Do you see it too? It is something yummy! No, no, no! You don
Описание слайда:

Oh! What is there? Do you see it too? It is something yummy! No, no, no! You don’t see me!... It’s a mirage!... Believe me! I’m just a little twig! I’m not tasty!

№ слайда 15 Now you know some interesting facts about butterflies! See you! Goodbye!
Описание слайда:

Now you know some interesting facts about butterflies! See you! Goodbye!

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