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Презентация на тему: Birth Signs

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Презентация на тему: Birth Signs

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№ слайда 1 Birth Signs
Описание слайда:

Birth Signs

№ слайда 2 GeminiMay 21 -June 20.Element - airFavorable days: Wednesday, Sunday.Adverse day
Описание слайда:

GeminiMay 21 -June 20.Element - airFavorable days: Wednesday, Sunday.Adverse day - Thursday.Favorable numbers: 3,5,12,18.Magic number - 8.Symbol - mask.Metal - gold. The Twins – the 3d sign of the zodiac . They are unselfish. They are active, good at arts. They make friends very easily. There are people with strong will.

№ слайда 3 AriesMarch 21 - April 19.Element - fireFavorable days: Tuesday, Sunday.Adverse d
Описание слайда:

AriesMarch 21 - April 19.Element - fireFavorable days: Tuesday, Sunday.Adverse days: Friday, Saturday.Favorable numbers: 4,7,9,11.Magic number - 7.Plant - symbol: beansSymbols: the ram, deer.Favorable stones: a ruby, emerald.Metal: iron, steel. The Aries – the first sign of the zodiac . Aries are brave , firm ( stable ) , intellectual , talented , kind , active , obstinate . They like to lead . Many of them like to work as journalists on TV and radio . They do not like dull work . They like to dispute.

№ слайда 4 April 20 - May 20.TaurusElement: ground.Favorable days: Monday, Friday.Adverse d
Описание слайда:

April 20 - May 20.TaurusElement: ground.Favorable days: Monday, Friday.Adverse day - Tuesday.Favorable numbers: 2,4,6,16.Magic number - 5.Plant - symbol: milletThe Bull – the 2nd sign of the zodiac . They are hardworking , impatient . Taurus like to be attentive to other people . They are musical . They are good at farming and commerce . Taurus seldom listen to advice .

№ слайда 5 VirgoElement – ground.Favorable day – Wednesday.Adverse days: Thursday, Friday.F
Описание слайда:

VirgoElement – ground.Favorable day – Wednesday.Adverse days: Thursday, Friday.Favorable numbers: 3,5,6,12,20,27.Magic number - 5.Plant - symbol: millet.Symbol: a cube.Favorable stone: a marble.Metal: tinThe Virgin – the 6th sign of the zodiac . They are observant , religious , frank . Virgos have a very good ability to observe other people ; they like to criticize . They have strong sense of taste , sight , hearing ,and smell . They do not like morals . The Virgo like a praise.

№ слайда 6 September 23- October 22.LibraElement: air.Favorable days: Friday, Saturday.Adve
Описание слайда:

September 23- October 22.LibraElement: air.Favorable days: Friday, Saturday.Adverse days: Tuesday, Sunday.Favorable numbers: 2,6,7,8,9,15.Magic number - 8.Plant - symbol: wheat.Symbol: the book.Favorable stones: a coral, diamond, pearls, crystal.Metal: bronze. The Scales – the 7th sign of the zodiac . Libras are tender , kind , and dreamy . They are easy to get along with and they attract peoples attention very easily . Theysometimes can neither make a decision nor ask other people for help . The Libras like music , travels , visitors.

№ слайда 7 October 23 - November 21.ScorpioElement: water.Favorable day - Tuesday.Adverse d
Описание слайда:

October 23 - November 21.ScorpioElement: water.Favorable day - Tuesday.Adverse days: Monday, Friday.Favorable numbers: 4,5,8,9,10,11.Magic number: 6.Plant - symbol: millet.Symbol: a pyramid.Favorable stones: a coral, ruby, crystal. Metal: iron, steel.The Scorpion - the 8th sign of the zodiac . There are bright, emotional natures . Scorpios are good at medicine . They are persistent , courageous , and sometimes very obstinate , and this fact cause much harm . They are very energetic .

№ слайда 8 November 22 -December 21.SagittariosElement – fire.Favorable day – Thursday.Adve
Описание слайда:

November 22 -December 21.SagittariosElement – fire.Favorable day – Thursday.Adverse day – Wednesday.Favorable numbers: 3, 4 ,9.Magic number – 7.Plant - symbol: beans.Symbols: stars, staffs, arrows .Metal: zinc.Taste: bitter.Sagittarios – the 9th sign of the zodiac . There are very brave people, independent , and sensitive , They like hunting and sports . Their outdoor activity can sometimes cause them harm .

№ слайда 9 December 22 - January 19 .CapricornElement: groundFavorable days: Tuesday, Satur
Описание слайда:

December 22 - January 19 .CapricornElement: groundFavorable days: Tuesday, Saturday.Adverse days: Monday, Thursday.Favorable numbers: 3,5,7,8.Magic number: 5.Plant - symbol: millet.Symbol: a ladder.Favorable stone: a ruby.The Capricorn –the 10th sign of the zodiac . Capricorns are calm , systematic , economical . They are successful in life They are very hardworking .

№ слайда 10 LeoJuly 23 - August 22 .Element - fire.Favorable day - Sunday.Adverse day - Satu
Описание слайда:

LeoJuly 23 - August 22 .Element - fire.Favorable day - Sunday.Adverse day - Saturday.Favorable numbers: 1,5,9,11.Magic number: 7.Plant - symbol: beans.Favorable stones: amber, ruby, diamond.Metal: gold.The Leo – the 5th sign of the zodiac . Leos are strong personalities,very dynamic ; they do not like to be alone . They are very brave , unpredictable . People like their company .

№ слайда 11 June 21 - July 22 .CancerElement: water.Favorable days: Monday, Thursday.Adverse
Описание слайда:

June 21 - July 22 .CancerElement: water.Favorable days: Monday, Thursday.Adverse days: Tuesday, Saturday.Favorable numbers: 2,4,5,8.Magic number: 6.Plant - symbol: millet.Symbol: heart.Favorable stones: an emerald, ruby.Metal: silver.The Crab – the 4th sign of the zodiac . Cancers are kind , sensitive , good at arts . There are many good actors among them . People like them because they are very ready to help .There are unpredictable.

№ слайда 12 January 20 - February 18 .AguariusElements: air.Favorable days: Wednesday, Satur
Описание слайда:

January 20 - February 18 .AguariusElements: air.Favorable days: Wednesday, Saturday.Adverse day - Sunday.Favorable numbers: 2,4,8,9,11,13.Magic number - 8Plant - symbol: wheat.Symbol: wings.Metal: tin.The Aquarius – the 11th sign of the zodiac . Aquarians are veryoriginal , creative , sometimes very eccentric . They are very good friends . They are very logical , but sometimes can make unpredictable changes .

№ слайда 13 February 19 - March 20 .PiscesElement: water.Favorable days: Monday, Thursday, F
Описание слайда:

February 19 - March 20 .PiscesElement: water.Favorable days: Monday, Thursday, Friday.Adverse day - Wednesday.Favorable numbers: 3,6,7,9,11,12,13.Magic number - 6.Plant - symbol: millet.Symbol: a wave.Metal: zinc.The Fish – the 12 sign of the zodiac . Pisces are many – sided people , very sensitive and imaginative . They are good atarts , especially music , but their will is not very strong and they often obey stronger people . They prefer to be with small groups of people.

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