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Презентация на тему: Advantages and disadvantages of city life

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Презентация на тему: Advantages and disadvantages of city life

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№ слайда 3 Many people live in towns, cities or in the country. We are going to tell you ab
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Many people live in towns, cities or in the country. We are going to tell you about advantages and disadvantages of living in city. A lot of people decide to move to the countryside nowadays. However, there are still many people who prefer stay in the town and say that they couldn't live anywhere else. So which place is better to live? Let's think about it. Many people live in towns, cities or in the country. We are going to tell you about advantages and disadvantages of living in city. A lot of people decide to move to the countryside nowadays. However, there are still many people who prefer stay in the town and say that they couldn't live anywhere else. So which place is better to live? Let's think about it. Living in a city is an idea about which people share differing opinions. Some are attracted to the bright lights and hustle and bustle offered by a major metropolitan area, while others would just as soon keep their distance from such an environment. Living in a city can offer residents an array of benefits, but it also comes with some disadvantages.

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