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Презентация на тему: Америка – как мы ее видим

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Презентация на тему: Америка – как мы ее видим

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№ слайда 1
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 2 Американец – человек, который делает что-либо, потому что так не делали раньше.
Описание слайда:

Американец – человек, который делает что-либо, потому что так не делали раньше. (Марк Твен). Американец – человек, который делает что-либо, потому что так не делали раньше. (Марк Твен). Америка – самая богатая страна в мире, потому что половина ее населения составляют сбежавшие из Европы кассиры и их потомки. (Казимеж Бартошевич). Америка не знает, куда направляться, но бьёт рекорд скорости по дороге туда (Леонард Лис Левинсон). Американцы: народ, который ищет пилюлю от всех болезней – и избирает её в конгресс. (Джон Барримор). Молодость – самая традиция Америки, ей уже триста лет. (Оскар Уайльд). У американцев больше машин, сберегающих время, и меньше времени, чем у любого другого народа. (Автор неизвестен). Что меня особенно поразило в Америке – это как родители слушаются своих детей. (Английский король Эдуард 8 в 1957г.) Американцы требуют от своих мужей таких исключительных достоинств, какие англичанки ожидают найти разве что у лакеев. (Сомерсет Моэм). Хэппи-энд – вот наша национальная религия. (Мэри Маккарти).

№ слайда 3
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№ слайда 4
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№ слайда 5
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№ слайда 6
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№ слайда 7
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 8 Two of the states are separated from the others. Which of them? Two of the state
Описание слайда:

Two of the states are separated from the others. Which of them? Two of the states are separated from the others. Which of them?

№ слайда 9 Name the one of the 5 Great Lakes which lies entirely on the territory of the US
Описание слайда:

Name the one of the 5 Great Lakes which lies entirely on the territory of the USA ? Name the one of the 5 Great Lakes which lies entirely on the territory of the USA ?

№ слайда 10 The mountain system in the West of the USA ? The mountain system in the West of
Описание слайда:

The mountain system in the West of the USA ? The mountain system in the West of the USA ?

№ слайда 11 On what river does Washington stand? On what river does Washington stand?
Описание слайда:

On what river does Washington stand? On what river does Washington stand?

№ слайда 12 What is the longest river? What is the longest river?
Описание слайда:

What is the longest river? What is the longest river?

№ слайда 13 What place is not part of any state and is 60 square miles in area? What place i
Описание слайда:

What place is not part of any state and is 60 square miles in area? What place is not part of any state and is 60 square miles in area?

№ слайда 14 Whose address is 600 Pennsylvania Avenue? Whose address is 600 Pennsylvania Aven
Описание слайда:

Whose address is 600 Pennsylvania Avenue? Whose address is 600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

№ слайда 15 What pen name did an American writer use to sign the humorous stories which he w
Описание слайда:

What pen name did an American writer use to sign the humorous stories which he wrote in prison? What pen name did an American writer use to sign the humorous stories which he wrote in prison?

№ слайда 16 Which American President was the 1 to live in the White House? Which American Pr
Описание слайда:

Which American President was the 1 to live in the White House? Which American President was the 1 to live in the White House?

№ слайда 17 Name the 1954 Nobel Laureate in Literature who wrote “The Sun Also Rises”. Name
Описание слайда:

Name the 1954 Nobel Laureate in Literature who wrote “The Sun Also Rises”. Name the 1954 Nobel Laureate in Literature who wrote “The Sun Also Rises”.

№ слайда 18 Name the famous inventor of an electric lamp. Name the famous inventor of an ele
Описание слайда:

Name the famous inventor of an electric lamp. Name the famous inventor of an electric lamp.

№ слайда 19 Who is the singer ? Who is the singer ?
Описание слайда:

Who is the singer ? Who is the singer ?

№ слайда 20 Name one of the best Universities of the USA? Name one of the best Universities
Описание слайда:

Name one of the best Universities of the USA? Name one of the best Universities of the USA?

№ слайда 21 Which country presented the US with the Statue of Liberty? Which country present
Описание слайда:

Which country presented the US with the Statue of Liberty? Which country presented the US with the Statue of Liberty?

№ слайда 22 Give the names of the 3 ships on which Christopher Columbus made his first voyag
Описание слайда:

Give the names of the 3 ships on which Christopher Columbus made his first voyage to America? Give the names of the 3 ships on which Christopher Columbus made his first voyage to America?

№ слайда 23 Name the centre of the military industrial complex in the USA? Name the centre o
Описание слайда:

Name the centre of the military industrial complex in the USA? Name the centre of the military industrial complex in the USA?

№ слайда 24 Where are situated the famous motor companies: Chrysler, General Motors… Where a
Описание слайда:

Where are situated the famous motor companies: Chrysler, General Motors… Where are situated the famous motor companies: Chrysler, General Motors…

№ слайда 25 Which sport is considered to be the national pastime of America ? Which sport is
Описание слайда:

Which sport is considered to be the national pastime of America ? Which sport is considered to be the national pastime of America ?

№ слайда 26 Name the 2 main political parties and their symbols.
Описание слайда:

Name the 2 main political parties and their symbols.

№ слайда 27 Which famous American document begins with the words, “We, the people of the Uni
Описание слайда:

Which famous American document begins with the words, “We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union…” Which famous American document begins with the words, “We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union…”

№ слайда 28 Who was the youngest president of the US? Who was the youngest president of the
Описание слайда:

Who was the youngest president of the US? Who was the youngest president of the US?

№ слайда 29 Who is that?
Описание слайда:

Who is that?

№ слайда 30 Name the type of the state. Name the type of the state.
Описание слайда:

Name the type of the state. Name the type of the state.

№ слайда 31 What means 50 stars and 13 stripes on the flag of the US? What means 50 stars an
Описание слайда:

What means 50 stars and 13 stripes on the flag of the US? What means 50 stars and 13 stripes on the flag of the US?

№ слайда 32
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 33
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 34
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 35
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 36 The USA, Canada, Australia, The New Zealand The USA, Canada, Australia, The New
Описание слайда:

The USA, Canada, Australia, The New Zealand The USA, Canada, Australia, The New Zealand

№ слайда 37 Eskimos. Eskimos.
Описание слайда:

Eskimos. Eskimos.

№ слайда 38
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№ слайда 39
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 40
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 41
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