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Презентация на тему: The present perfect or the past simple?

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Презентация на тему: The present perfect or the past simple?

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№ слайда 1 The present perfect or the past simple? 8 КЛАССВЫПОЛНИЛА: ДИВЕЕВА О.Н
Описание слайда:

The present perfect or the past simple? 8 КЛАССВЫПОЛНИЛА: ДИВЕЕВА О.Н

№ слайда 2 Remember! We use the present perfect to talk about a past experience. We use the
Описание слайда:

Remember! We use the present perfect to talk about a past experience. We use the past simple to talk about an action which happened at a specific time in the past, often with a time reference.Q Have you tried the new swimming pool?A Yes. I went there for a swim last night.

№ слайда 3 Look at two sentences and answer the questions The Russians sold Alaska to the A
Описание слайда:

Look at two sentences and answer the questions The Russians sold Alaska to the American government in 1967.Alaska has only been an American state since 1959.1. Which tense is used to talk generally about a past experience?2. Which tense is used to give specific details about a past action?

№ слайда 4 Present perfect or past simple 1.Boris ____(already/see) the film The Lord of th
Описание слайда:

Present perfect or past simple 1.Boris ____(already/see) the film The Lord of the Rings three times.2.Sally____(watch) a video last night.3.I ___ (just/write)a letter- can you post it?4. Maria____ (send) a postcard to her grandmother last week.5.James ___ (buy)some new trainers and he’s very happy with them.6. Peter ____ (run) a marathon yesterday.7. Sarah____ (never/go)ice skating before.

№ слайда 5 Complete the questions and answer them 1.What___ (you/do) last weekend?2.How man
Описание слайда:

Complete the questions and answer them 1.What___ (you/do) last weekend?2.How many live music concerts___ (you/go) to?3.Where___ (you/go) for your last holiday?4.___ (you/do) a parachute jump before?5.___ (you/watch) television yesterday?6.Which foreign cities___(you/visit)?7.___(you/ever/climb) a mountain?8.What___(you/get) for your birthday?

№ слайда 6 Complete the sentences using the present perfect or the past simple The Dixons__
Описание слайда:

Complete the sentences using the present perfect or the past simple The Dixons___(live) at Winterlake Lodge in the Alaskan wilderness for many years. They___(open) their first lodge in 1983.They___(come) face to face with bears more than once. One winter, a bear___(come) into the house at night,___(eat) some fruit and___(break) a window before leaving.The teenage daughters___(learn) how to cook using their home-grown food.Until a few years ago, they___(keep) honeybeers, but the honey___(attract) too many bears!Nature___(always/play) an important part in their everyday lives.The family___(just/celebrate) Christmas.

№ слайда 7 Complete the news stories using the correct form of the present perfect or the p
Описание слайда:

Complete the news stories using the correct form of the present perfect or the past simple

№ слайда 8 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions to find out about your experiences
Описание слайда:

Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions to find out about your experiences. Use these and your own ideas. go to a rock concertswim in the sea do a parachute jump climb a mountain see a wild animal visit a foreign country

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