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Презентация на тему: The mass media in Great Britain and Russia.

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Презентация на тему: The mass media in Great Britain and Russia.

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№ слайда 1
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 2 The press, the radio and TV play an important role in the life of society. They
Описание слайда:

The press, the radio and TV play an important role in the life of society. They inform, educate and entertain people. They also influence the way people look at the world and make them change their views. Mass media shapes public opinion. The press, the radio and TV play an important role in the life of society. They inform, educate and entertain people. They also influence the way people look at the world and make them change their views. Mass media shapes public opinion.

№ слайда 3
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 4
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 5 Channel 1 has 26% viewers because it transmitters its programmes to all parts of
Описание слайда:

Channel 1 has 26% viewers because it transmitters its programmes to all parts of Russian Federation including the Far East, Kazakhstan and so on. It is free for viewers, and there are programmes for general entertainment to meet tastes. Channel 1 specializes in news, serials and programmes, describing the official point of view. Channel 1 has 26% viewers because it transmitters its programmes to all parts of Russian Federation including the Far East, Kazakhstan and so on. It is free for viewers, and there are programmes for general entertainment to meet tastes. Channel 1 specializes in news, serials and programmes, describing the official point of view.

№ слайда 6 Russian television has more thаn half the audience because it is watched all ove
Описание слайда:

Russian television has more thаn half the audience because it is watched all over Russia, and all TV sets have this channel, but in some parts of the Russian Federation it is not Transmitted. The channel specializes in serials and talk-shows. Russian television has more thаn half the audience because it is watched all over Russia, and all TV sets have this channel, but in some parts of the Russian Federation it is not Transmitted. The channel specializes in serials and talk-shows.

№ слайда 7 NTV viewers like more serious programmes dealing with politics, news, discussion
Описание слайда:

NTV viewers like more serious programmes dealing with politics, news, discussions, etc. This channel specializes in the latest news and analyses of the political and economical situation. It has some entertaining programmes, but not many. NTV viewers like more serious programmes dealing with politics, news, discussions, etc. This channel specializes in the latest news and analyses of the political and economical situation. It has some entertaining programmes, but not many.

№ слайда 8 TVC has 37% of the audience because it is watched by those who want to relax and
Описание слайда:

TVC has 37% of the audience because it is watched by those who want to relax and also because it is a cable channel and not all people have it in their homes. TVC has 37% of the audience because it is watched by those who want to relax and also because it is a cable channel and not all people have it in their homes.

№ слайда 9 MTV specializes in musical programmes. Culture Channel specializes in programmes
Описание слайда:

MTV specializes in musical programmes. Culture Channel specializes in programmes about museums and cultural events.

№ слайда 10 -How many channels does your TV set have? -How many channels does your TV set ha
Описание слайда:

-How many channels does your TV set have? -How many channels does your TV set have? -It has 6 channels. -Does it? What are the channels? -They are Channel 1; Russia; NTV;MTV; Culture; TV-7 and Ren-TV. -What do your parents enjoy watching? -My father prefers watching sport events and news, so he tunes to NTV and very often. My mum is fond of serials, so she prefers Russian Television. -What about your sister? -She is crazy about nature programmes, she watches. -Are there any programmes the whole family views? -Oh, yes. We all like science fiction and feature films. We are especially fond of old Russian comedies. -What is your favorite channel? -Our favorite channel is NTV. They show many good films.

№ слайда 11 The BBC has two television channels: BBC 1 and BBC 2. The BBC has two television
Описание слайда:

The BBC has two television channels: BBC 1 and BBC 2. The BBC has two television channels: BBC 1 and BBC 2. BBC 2 offers more serious programmes than BBC 1 –documentaries and discussions, plays and serials operas and concerts.

№ слайда 12 BBC 2 programmes feature lighter plays and series, comedy and spots, but they al
Описание слайда:

BBC 2 programmes feature lighter plays and series, comedy and spots, but they also broadcast some interesting documentaries. BBC 2 programmes feature lighter plays and series, comedy and spots, but they also broadcast some interesting documentaries.

№ слайда 13 ITV (channel 3) and channel 4 are independent commercial organizations which get
Описание слайда:

ITV (channel 3) and channel 4 are independent commercial organizations which get most of their money from advertising. ITV (channel 3) and channel 4 are independent commercial organizations which get most of their money from advertising. ITV (channel 3) consists of fourteen programme companies, each serving a different part of the country. Channel 4 serves the whole country. In Wales, this channel transmits programmes in the Welsh language (S4C).

№ слайда 14 Thanks to satellite, TV viewers in Britain can watch TV from many European count
Описание слайда:

Thanks to satellite, TV viewers in Britain can watch TV from many European countries, including France, Germany, Italy, and as far as Russia. Thanks to satellite, TV viewers in Britain can watch TV from many European countries, including France, Germany, Italy, and as far as Russia.

№ слайда 15 Some channels such as SKY One and Super channel provide general entertainment, b
Описание слайда:

Some channels such as SKY One and Super channel provide general entertainment, but most satellite channels are devoted to more specialized topics, such as sports, news, pop and rock music, children’s programmes and feature films. Some channels such as SKY One and Super channel provide general entertainment, but most satellite channels are devoted to more specialized topics, such as sports, news, pop and rock music, children’s programmes and feature films.

№ слайда 16 There are currently over two and a half million homes in Britain which can conne
Описание слайда:

There are currently over two and a half million homes in Britain which can connect to cable TV. Cable systems can have between 30 and 45 TV channels. Cable TV viewers pay for the programmes they want too see. There are currently over two and a half million homes in Britain which can connect to cable TV. Cable systems can have between 30 and 45 TV channels. Cable TV viewers pay for the programmes they want too see.

№ слайда 17
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 18 On “Family Matters” families talk (in fact they usually argue) about their probl
Описание слайда:

On “Family Matters” families talk (in fact they usually argue) about their problem in front of an audience.

№ слайда 19 Во время передачи “Дела Семейные” семьи разговаривают ( на самом деле они обычно
Описание слайда:

Во время передачи “Дела Семейные” семьи разговаривают ( на самом деле они обычно спорят ) о своих проблемах перед аудиторией зрителей. Во время передачи “Дела Семейные” семьи разговаривают ( на самом деле они обычно спорят ) о своих проблемах перед аудиторией зрителей.

№ слайда 20 “Blind Date” is all about romance. Three girls are asked questions by a young ma
Описание слайда:

“Blind Date” is all about romance. Three girls are asked questions by a young man “Blind Date” is all about romance. Three girls are asked questions by a young man ( he can’t see the girls ). He then chooses one of them and they go out for a “date”. The following week they come back and talk about what happened.

№ слайда 21 “Свидание в слепую” целиком посвящено романтическим отношениям. Молодой человек
Описание слайда:

“Свидание в слепую” целиком посвящено романтическим отношениям. Молодой человек задаёт вопросы трём девушкам “Свидание в слепую” целиком посвящено романтическим отношениям. Молодой человек задаёт вопросы трём девушкам ( он не может видеть девушек ). Затем он выбирает одну из них, и они идут на «свидание». Через неделю они снова приходят в студию и разговаривают о том, что произошло.

№ слайда 22 “Net work 7” is a mixture of pop videos, interviews, fashion, sport, quizzes and
Описание слайда:

“Net work 7” is a mixture of pop videos, interviews, fashion, sport, quizzes and news. It uses the latest techniques and is show late at night. “Net work 7” is a mixture of pop videos, interviews, fashion, sport, quizzes and news. It uses the latest techniques and is show late at night.

№ слайда 23 «Сеть 7»- смесь видеоклипов поп-музыки, интервью, моды, спорта, викторин и новос
Описание слайда:

«Сеть 7»- смесь видеоклипов поп-музыки, интервью, моды, спорта, викторин и новостей. Она «Сеть 7»- смесь видеоклипов поп-музыки, интервью, моды, спорта, викторин и новостей. Она ( передача ) использует самые новейшие технологии, и её показывают поздно вечером.

№ слайда 24 One of the most successful US shows on UK TV. It is about two drug-squad detecti
Описание слайда:

One of the most successful US shows on UK TV. It is about two drug-squad detectives – Sonny Crockett ( Don Johnson ) and Ricardo Tubbs ( Philip Michael Thomas ) dealing with the problems of vice in Miami. One of the most successful US shows on UK TV. It is about two drug-squad detectives – Sonny Crockett ( Don Johnson ) and Ricardo Tubbs ( Philip Michael Thomas ) dealing with the problems of vice in Miami.

№ слайда 25 Один из самых успешных американских сериалов на британском телевидении. Он – о д
Описание слайда:

Один из самых успешных американских сериалов на британском телевидении. Он – о двух полицейских из отдела по борьбе с распространением наркотиков – Сони Крокете ( Дон Джонсон ) и Рик- Один из самых успешных американских сериалов на британском телевидении. Он – о двух полицейских из отдела по борьбе с распространением наркотиков – Сони Крокете ( Дон Джонсон ) и Рик- кардо Таббсе (Филипп Майкл Томас ) , которые занимаются проблемами преступности в Майами.

№ слайда 26 These are both extremely popular. “EastEnders “is set the wealthy eastern sectio
Описание слайда:

These are both extremely popular. “EastEnders “is set the wealthy eastern section of London. Over 20 million people watch it every week. “Neighbours“is an Australian “soap” . Like “EastEnders “ it is the story of a local community. But in this case, the characters all live in a suburb of Melbourne. These are both extremely popular. “EastEnders “is set the wealthy eastern section of London. Over 20 million people watch it every week. “Neighbours“is an Australian “soap” . Like “EastEnders “ it is the story of a local community. But in this case, the characters all live in a suburb of Melbourne.

№ слайда 27 Эти два сериала чрезвычайно популярны. Действие сериала «Жители Ист-Энда» происх
Описание слайда:

Эти два сериала чрезвычайно популярны. Действие сериала «Жители Ист-Энда» происходит в богатой восточной части Лондона. Еженедельно этот сериал смотрят свыше 20 миллионов человек. «Соседи» - австралийская «мыльная опера». Как и «Жители Ист-Энда», это рассказ о местном сообществе. Но в этом случае все персонажи живут в пригороде Мельбурна. Эти два сериала чрезвычайно популярны. Действие сериала «Жители Ист-Энда» происходит в богатой восточной части Лондона. Еженедельно этот сериал смотрят свыше 20 миллионов человек. «Соседи» - австралийская «мыльная опера». Как и «Жители Ист-Энда», это рассказ о местном сообществе. Но в этом случае все персонажи живут в пригороде Мельбурна.

№ слайда 28 Weekly television programme on BBC 1 in which a selection of recently released p
Описание слайда:

Weekly television programme on BBC 1 in which a selection of recently released pop and rock hits is performed live or video including those in the top ten. Each week the show finishes with the number one single. It runs every Thursday. Weekly television programme on BBC 1 in which a selection of recently released pop and rock hits is performed live or video including those in the top ten. Each week the show finishes with the number one single. It runs every Thursday.

№ слайда 29 Еженедельная телепрограмма по ВВС 1, в которой представлена подборка недавно вып
Описание слайда:

Еженедельная телепрограмма по ВВС 1, в которой представлена подборка недавно выпущенных поп и рок-хитов ,исполняемых «вживую» или в виде видеоклипов, вошедших в лучшую десятку. Каждую неделю шоу завершается исполнением сингла, занявшего первое место. Она (передача) идёт каждый четверг. Еженедельная телепрограмма по ВВС 1, в которой представлена подборка недавно выпущенных поп и рок-хитов ,исполняемых «вживую» или в виде видеоклипов, вошедших в лучшую десятку. Каждую неделю шоу завершается исполнением сингла, занявшего первое место. Она (передача) идёт каждый четверг.

№ слайда 30 Television is a great way to learn. It’s easier than reading a book. I wish we c
Описание слайда:

Television is a great way to learn. It’s easier than reading a book. I wish we could watch more television at school. But on the whole, most telly programmes are rubbish, too serious. Television should be entertaining, you know, fun. I wish there were more police shows and sports. And more adverts, too. Television is a great way to learn. It’s easier than reading a book. I wish we could watch more television at school. But on the whole, most telly programmes are rubbish, too serious. Television should be entertaining, you know, fun. I wish there were more police shows and sports. And more adverts, too.

№ слайда 31 British television is the best in the world. We have a lot of variety and good q
Описание слайда:

British television is the best in the world. We have a lot of variety and good quality. We try to entertain and educate. That’s why so many British television programmes are exported. We need more channels and more broadcasting. Up to 20 hours a day , for example. British television is the best in the world. We have a lot of variety and good quality. We try to entertain and educate. That’s why so many British television programmes are exported. We need more channels and more broadcasting. Up to 20 hours a day , for example.

№ слайда 32 The kids come home and turn on the box. Parents have no control. And some of the
Описание слайда:

The kids come home and turn on the box. Parents have no control. And some of the programmes are really violent. There are terrible problems with reading and writing. Kids don’t read books any more. They spend a lot of time just sitting and watching the telly. The kids come home and turn on the box. Parents have no control. And some of the programmes are really violent. There are terrible problems with reading and writing. Kids don’t read books any more. They spend a lot of time just sitting and watching the telly.

№ слайда 33
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 34 Most families in Britain have a radio set, thought they say that they don’t list
Описание слайда:

Most families in Britain have a radio set, thought they say that they don’t listen to the radio very often. BBC programmes are on the air from six in the morning until twelve o’clock at night. Among the programmes are comments and discussions, interviews with various people, broadcasts for schools, plays, serious and light music, short plays and sketches. A special programme consists mainly of informative talks and instructions in subjects, such as foreign languages, gardening, cooking, education. Most families in Britain have a radio set, thought they say that they don’t listen to the radio very often. BBC programmes are on the air from six in the morning until twelve o’clock at night. Among the programmes are comments and discussions, interviews with various people, broadcasts for schools, plays, serious and light music, short plays and sketches. A special programme consists mainly of informative talks and instructions in subjects, such as foreign languages, gardening, cooking, education.

№ слайда 35 There are many radio stations in modern Russia. There are Radio Russia, which sp
Описание слайда:

There are many radio stations in modern Russia. There are Radio Russia, which specializes in national and international news Radio St. Petersburg which offers cultural and educational programmes for children and regional news. The lovers of classical music should tune in to Orpheus Radio which broadcasts mainly musical programmes. There are many radio stations in modern Russia. There are Radio Russia, which specializes in national and international news Radio St. Petersburg which offers cultural and educational programmes for children and regional news. The lovers of classical music should tune in to Orpheus Radio which broadcasts mainly musical programmes.

№ слайда 36 1. -When I was at university 1. -When I was at university 2. -Yes, a lot af adva
Описание слайда:

1. -When I was at university 1. -When I was at university 2. -Yes, a lot af advantages 3. -What I really like is when i have guests in. 4. -My hours on air aren’t it that many compared to a normal job. 5. -I have to get in to Capital at about 5-5.30 6. -Three times a week, after my show I do DAs or personal appearances at clubs. It's extra money and good fun and it takes me all over London, but I don't get home until 3 am. a) -When did you decide to be a D. J.? b) -Are there any advantages to be a D. J.? c) -What do you like most in your job? d) -What about hours? e) -What do you usually do after the show?

№ слайда 37
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 38 Radio 1 is Britain’s oldest national pop station. Radio 1 is Britain’s oldest na
Описание слайда:

Radio 1 is Britain’s oldest national pop station. Radio 1 is Britain’s oldest national pop station. Radio 1 transmits a mixture of music, news information from 5.0 am to 2.00 am seven days a week. Radio 1 offer no commercials. Radio 2 broadcasts easy listening music. Radio 3 devoted to classical music and cricket. Radio 4 provides news, drama and current affairs. Radio 5combines sport and education. It also includes several hours of BBC World Service. There are more than 200 local radio stations in Britain. «Capital Radio» is one of the popular commercial local stations in Britain. Some stations broadcast in languages other than English. The World Service transmits in 37 language from London reaching a wide global audience.

№ слайда 39 Ответы: Ответы: -Когда я учился в университете. -Да, много преимуществ. -Что мне
Описание слайда:

Ответы: Ответы: -Когда я учился в университете. -Да, много преимуществ. -Что мне действительно нравится, так когда я приглашаю гостей. -Часов в эфире у меня не так уж много по сравнению с нормальной работой. Я прихожу на радиостанцию примерно в 5 или 5:30. -Трижды в неделе после программы я провожу личные программы в клубах. Это дополнительные деньги и хорошее развлечение, и я бываю по всему Лондону, но не попадаю домой раньше 3 утра. Вопросы: -Когда вы решили стать диск-жокеем? -Есть ли какие-нибудь преимущества в вашей работе ? -Как насчёт рабочего времени? -Что вы обычно делаете после программы?

№ слайда 40 All towns and cities throughout Russia have their own regional newspapers. These
Описание слайда:

All towns and cities throughout Russia have their own regional newspapers. These range from dailies to Sunday or weekend papers and some newspapers are published several times a month. All towns and cities throughout Russia have their own regional newspapers. These range from dailies to Sunday or weekend papers and some newspapers are published several times a month. These papers mainly include regional and local news of political and cultural life. They also provide place for local advertising. It is impossible to list all Russian regional papers. St. Petersburg has it’s own paper, St. Petersburg times and some regions of the city also have their own local papers which have a large circulation and provide people of St. Petersburg with news and features covering events in the city and in parts of the city. Regional papers serve interests of local people. Weekend local papers contain articles and features on weekend events, details of local theatre and cinema performances, festivals, crossword puzzles and other entertainment. Few of local papers are evening papers. Free sheets are papers delivered free to every house in the area. They consist largely of the advertising which finances them.

№ слайда 41
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 42 Newspapers and magazines play a great and very important role in the life of a m
Описание слайда:

Newspapers and magazines play a great and very important role in the life of a modern man. Reading a newspaper you can get information about the events that have taken or are going to have place in this country and abroad. You can also read articles about historical events and public figures of the past. The pages of newspapers carry articles on our economy, industry, agriculture and social life. Practically all newspapers also give radio and TV programmes, weather forecasts. Today Russia can be proud of the variety of newspapers circulating throughout the country. One can find newspapers of all kinds: national and local, official and private, quality and popular, newspapers issued for children, teenagers, for all kind of fans: sport-fans, car-fans, music fans, etc. Newspapers and magazines play a great and very important role in the life of a modern man. Reading a newspaper you can get information about the events that have taken or are going to have place in this country and abroad. You can also read articles about historical events and public figures of the past. The pages of newspapers carry articles on our economy, industry, agriculture and social life. Practically all newspapers also give radio and TV programmes, weather forecasts. Today Russia can be proud of the variety of newspapers circulating throughout the country. One can find newspapers of all kinds: national and local, official and private, quality and popular, newspapers issued for children, teenagers, for all kind of fans: sport-fans, car-fans, music fans, etc.

№ слайда 43 The freedom of press has become actual and real today. Most of the newspapers ca
Описание слайда:

The freedom of press has become actual and real today. Most of the newspapers can boast their independence, their individual styles, their peculiarities. Usually there are four or eight pages in a newspaper, but some newspapers have a twelve or sixteen pages. There is no need to read all of the articles. People can look through the newspapers and read the columns they are interested in. Every newspapers has its readers. I prefer to read "Komsomolka", "I - Molodoy". Besides the newspapers, there is a lot of magazines in our country. Some of them are very popular with the youth, for example "Younost", "Rovesnik", "TV-Park" and others. The freedom of press has become actual and real today. Most of the newspapers can boast their independence, their individual styles, their peculiarities. Usually there are four or eight pages in a newspaper, but some newspapers have a twelve or sixteen pages. There is no need to read all of the articles. People can look through the newspapers and read the columns they are interested in. Every newspapers has its readers. I prefer to read "Komsomolka", "I - Molodoy". Besides the newspapers, there is a lot of magazines in our country. Some of them are very popular with the youth, for example "Younost", "Rovesnik", "TV-Park" and others.

№ слайда 44 Quality papers contain political, industrial and cultural news. Quality papers c
Описание слайда:

Quality papers contain political, industrial and cultural news. Quality papers contain political, industrial and cultural news. Quality papers devote pages to finance matters and business. Quality papers have undramatic design with long commentary. Quality papers have more writing than pictures. Quality papers testimony in detail on serious news. Quality papers are interested in foreign news. Quality papers devote large sections to business and sports. Quality papers cover national and international news. Quality have short articles about less important events. Quality have short articles about the private lives of famous people. I think that tabloids are more popular because they contain what most people are interested in; TV programme, sports reports and horoscopes. Only 6% of people buy newspapers for news. There are many reasons why Russian people buy newspapers. There are special papers which are dedicated to sports events and famous players. Entertainment is another reason why people buy periodicals. Entertainment includes horoscopes, crossword puzzles and hum our. Many people buy TV programme. There are some people who read political newspapers which mostly deal with political events.

№ слайда 45
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 46 It is weekly magazine for girls around the age of 12-14 containing love stories
Описание слайда:

It is weekly magazine for girls around the age of 12-14 containing love stories in photographs and features on school parents romance pop music and fashion. There is a lot of confidential chatter and advice on various areas of life. It is weekly magazine for girls around the age of 12-14 containing love stories in photographs and features on school parents romance pop music and fashion. There is a lot of confidential chatter and advice on various areas of life.

№ слайда 47 You’ll get all the latest gossip on your favourite and beauty pop, film and soap
Описание слайда:

You’ll get all the latest gossip on your favourite and beauty pop, film and soap stars, brilliant fashion and beauty, fab competitions and exciting features sent to you for the same price as you’d pay in the shops! You’ll get all the latest gossip on your favourite and beauty pop, film and soap stars, brilliant fashion and beauty, fab competitions and exciting features sent to you for the same price as you’d pay in the shops!

№ слайда 48 Its articles are fun, refreshing ,but, most importantly ,they are written with a
Описание слайда:

Its articles are fun, refreshing ,but, most importantly ,they are written with a great deal of common sense. A magazine such as Just Seventeen approaching serious subjects with intelligence ,honesty and good humour. Its articles are fun, refreshing ,but, most importantly ,they are written with a great deal of common sense. A magazine such as Just Seventeen approaching serious subjects with intelligence ,honesty and good humour.

№ слайда 49
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 50 If you look at British advertisements you'll get some idea of what products or s
Описание слайда:

If you look at British advertisements you'll get some idea of what products or services are popular with British people. You'll also see what makes them want to spend their money. What does advertising encourage young people to spend their money on. - CD’s and cassettes, records and tapes - Make-up - Video - clothes - Sweets - cinema - Books and magazines - fast food

№ слайда 51 give true information's give true information's do not talk about the product's
Описание слайда:

give true information's give true information's do not talk about the product's defects help you choose best products show life unrealistically teach how to get the best value for your money make you buy one think instead another realistic image of a product are misleading truthful help to improve your taste are impossible to check put pressure on consumers famous people endorse products convince people to buy thinks they don’t need are creative/ silly/ funny/ clever /are annoying/ stupid

№ слайда 52 In 1999 the two Russians newspapers Izvestiya and Komsomolskaya Pravda conducted
Описание слайда:

In 1999 the two Russians newspapers Izvestiya and Komsomolskaya Pravda conducted a public opinion poll ‘Narodnaya Marka’. According to the poll the following 11 brand name goods are considered the best-selling brand name goods in Russian. In 1999 the two Russians newspapers Izvestiya and Komsomolskaya Pravda conducted a public opinion poll ‘Narodnaya Marka’. According to the poll the following 11 brand name goods are considered the best-selling brand name goods in Russian.

№ слайда 53
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 54 “ I’d like complain about the amount of toy advertising on the telly. Every time
Описание слайда:

“ I’d like complain about the amount of toy advertising on the telly. Every time you switch on there's some kind of advert for a new toy. This annoys me because they are purposely put on when children are watching. They will then go and bother their parents until they get what they want. This puts unnecessary pressure of mums, especially those who aren't well off. We all know what toys are on the market – we don’t need to be constantly reminded! ” (Rose Nunnelly, 14, Cucfield, West Sussex)

№ слайда 55 “Watching a film on television is really like watching twenty commercial with a
Описание слайда:

“Watching a film on television is really like watching twenty commercial with a film sandwiched in between. When I sit down to watch the show and am really enjoying the story, suddenly the film stops. There is a commercial interruption. That is the time for me to rush to the refrigerator. I prepare a snack and come back just in time for the start of the film. I hope that the sponsors aren’t counting on me to buy their products. I don’t even know what they are selling. (I am putting on a lot of weight. Hough!)” “Watching a film on television is really like watching twenty commercial with a film sandwiched in between. When I sit down to watch the show and am really enjoying the story, suddenly the film stops. There is a commercial interruption. That is the time for me to rush to the refrigerator. I prepare a snack and come back just in time for the start of the film. I hope that the sponsors aren’t counting on me to buy their products. I don’t even know what they are selling. (I am putting on a lot of weight. Hough!)” Phil Casey (15), Wales.

№ слайда 56
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 57
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 58 My teachers favorite programme is Namedny. It is presented by Leonid Parfyonov.
Описание слайда:

My teachers favorite programme is Namedny. It is presented by Leonid Parfyonov. My teacher like this TV personality because he find Parfyonov very clever and skilful. His programme consist of several parts and each is dedicated to a certain sphere of life – industry, culture, politics. He has a very interesting character – Masanya. Namedny tells us about different events and their causes, it describes how these events will influence the feature. Its really like no other show! My teachers favorite programme is Namedny. It is presented by Leonid Parfyonov. My teacher like this TV personality because he find Parfyonov very clever and skilful. His programme consist of several parts and each is dedicated to a certain sphere of life – industry, culture, politics. He has a very interesting character – Masanya. Namedny tells us about different events and their causes, it describes how these events will influence the feature. Its really like no other show!

№ слайда 59 Teens will always be concerned with the same stuff -fashion, movie stars, music
Описание слайда:

Teens will always be concerned with the same stuff -fashion, movie stars, music and sports. But life today is not that simple. AIDS (when the body's immune system is not working), drugs, drinking and the weakening of the ozone layer are some of the problems that concern young people today. So what does it take for American teens to be in on the latest trends and fashions? What do they read to keep up to date? Teens will always be concerned with the same stuff -fashion, movie stars, music and sports. But life today is not that simple. AIDS (when the body's immune system is not working), drugs, drinking and the weakening of the ozone layer are some of the problems that concern young people today. So what does it take for American teens to be in on the latest trends and fashions? What do they read to keep up to date?

№ слайда 60
Описание слайда:

№ слайда 61 Подростки всегда будут беспокоится об одном и том же- моде, звёздах кино, музыке
Описание слайда:

Подростки всегда будут беспокоится об одном и том же- моде, звёздах кино, музыке и спорте, но сегодня жизнь не так уж проста, СПИД (когда иммунная система тела не работает), наркотики, выпивка и истончение озонного слоя- вот некоторые из проблем, которые касаются молодых людей сегодня. Итак, что значит для американских подростков быть в курсе последних направлений и мод? Что они читают, чтобы быть современными? Подростки всегда будут беспокоится об одном и том же- моде, звёздах кино, музыке и спорте, но сегодня жизнь не так уж проста, СПИД (когда иммунная система тела не работает), наркотики, выпивка и истончение озонного слоя- вот некоторые из проблем, которые касаются молодых людей сегодня. Итак, что значит для американских подростков быть в курсе последних направлений и мод? Что они читают, чтобы быть современными?

№ слайда 62 Readers of Seventeen are usually high-school or college girls who are more conce
Описание слайда:

Readers of Seventeen are usually high-school or college girls who are more concerned about learning how to have a relationship with a normal guy than about what their favourite TV star had for breakfast. In its pages, you can find articles like "Planet Power" (how to save the Earth); "Body Ecology" (natural make-up, healthy hair); "Great Sports". Readers of Seventeen are usually high-school or college girls who are more concerned about learning how to have a relationship with a normal guy than about what their favourite TV star had for breakfast. In its pages, you can find articles like "Planet Power" (how to save the Earth); "Body Ecology" (natural make-up, healthy hair); "Great Sports".

№ слайда 63 Читатели «17» обычно девушки, учащиеся старшей школы или колледжа, которые больш
Описание слайда:

Читатели «17» обычно девушки, учащиеся старшей школы или колледжа, которые больше озабочены тем, как научиться налаживать отношения с нормальным парнем, чем тем, что их любимая телезвезда съела на завтрак. На страницах этого журнала можно найти такие статьи, как «Сила планеты»(как спасти землю), «Экология тела»( природная косметика, здоровые волосы), «Замечательный спорт». Читатели «17» обычно девушки, учащиеся старшей школы или колледжа, которые больше озабочены тем, как научиться налаживать отношения с нормальным парнем, чем тем, что их любимая телезвезда съела на завтрак. На страницах этого журнала можно найти такие статьи, как «Сила планеты»(как спасти землю), «Экология тела»( природная косметика, здоровые волосы), «Замечательный спорт».

№ слайда 64 There are a lot more ads for fashion and less for skin creams. There isn't any s
Описание слайда:

There are a lot more ads for fashion and less for skin creams. There isn't any star-gazing here, and not much confidential chatter. Indeed, where Sassy and Teen try to act as pal, parent, fashion consultant and doctor, Seventeen gives greater independence to its audience. It's for the teen in transition, girls who are preparing to read Vogue, Cosmopolitan and other more mature women's magazines. There are a lot more ads for fashion and less for skin creams. There isn't any star-gazing here, and not much confidential chatter. Indeed, where Sassy and Teen try to act as pal, parent, fashion consultant and doctor, Seventeen gives greater independence to its audience. It's for the teen in transition, girls who are preparing to read Vogue, Cosmopolitan and other more mature women's magazines.

№ слайда 65 Рекламных объявлений моды гораздо больше, чем кремов для кожи. Здесь нет никаког
Описание слайда:

Рекламных объявлений моды гораздо больше, чем кремов для кожи. Здесь нет никакого глазенья на звёзд и немного доверительных бесед. Действительно, там , где «Сэсси» и «Подросток» стараются действовать как друг, родитель, консультант по моде и доктор., «17» представляет большую независимость своей аудитории. Он для подростка в переходном возрасте, для девушек, которые готовятся читать «Вог», «Космополитен» и другие журналы для более зрелых женщин. Рекламных объявлений моды гораздо больше, чем кремов для кожи. Здесь нет никакого глазенья на звёзд и немного доверительных бесед. Действительно, там , где «Сэсси» и «Подросток» стараются действовать как друг, родитель, консультант по моде и доктор., «17» представляет большую независимость своей аудитории. Он для подростка в переходном возрасте, для девушек, которые готовятся читать «Вог», «Космополитен» и другие журналы для более зрелых женщин.

№ слайда 66 So far it seems like girls are the only ones who read magazines. But look in the
Описание слайда:

So far it seems like girls are the only ones who read magazines. But look in the opposite direction and you'll find Sports Illustrated For Kids. This is one of the most popular youth magazines to be published in years. It covers top athletes and top sports, with short and colourful articles. It is a combination of magazine and colourful book. So far it seems like girls are the only ones who read magazines. But look in the opposite direction and you'll find Sports Illustrated For Kids. This is one of the most popular youth magazines to be published in years. It covers top athletes and top sports, with short and colourful articles. It is a combination of magazine and colourful book.

№ слайда 67 Пока кажется , что только девочки читают журналы. Но взгляните в противоположную
Описание слайда:

Пока кажется , что только девочки читают журналы. Но взгляните в противоположную сторону и, и вы увидите «Иллюстрированный спорт для детей». Это один из самых популярных молодёжных журналов, который печатается много лет. Он рассказывает о ведущих спортсменах и видах спорта в коротких и красочных статьях. Он представляет собой сочетание журнала и книжки с картинками. Пока кажется , что только девочки читают журналы. Но взгляните в противоположную сторону и, и вы увидите «Иллюстрированный спорт для детей». Это один из самых популярных молодёжных журналов, который печатается много лет. Он рассказывает о ведущих спортсменах и видах спорта в коротких и красочных статьях. Он представляет собой сочетание журнала и книжки с картинками.

№ слайда 68 So just what are American teens learning from these magazines? Sassy editor Jane
Описание слайда:

So just what are American teens learning from these magazines? Sassy editor Jane Pratt says, "Being a teenager is such a troubling time... At the same time, there's that feeling that anything is possible and that you will live forever." Idealism is practically synonymous with being a teenager. This is what makes being a teen so exciting, confusing and dangerous. So just what are American teens learning from these magazines? Sassy editor Jane Pratt says, "Being a teenager is such a troubling time... At the same time, there's that feeling that anything is possible and that you will live forever." Idealism is practically synonymous with being a teenager. This is what makes being a teen so exciting, confusing and dangerous.

№ слайда 69 Итак, что же американские подростки узнают из этих журналов, Редактор журнала «С
Описание слайда:

Итак, что же американские подростки узнают из этих журналов, Редактор журнала «Сэсси» Джейн Прэтт говорит: « Подростковый период-это такое беспокойное время. В то же время есть чувство, что всё возможно и что ты будешь жить вечно.» Идеализм – это практически синоним подросткового возраста. Это то, что делает подростковый возраст таким волнующим, сложным и опасным. Итак, что же американские подростки узнают из этих журналов, Редактор журнала «Сэсси» Джейн Прэтт говорит: « Подростковый период-это такое беспокойное время. В то же время есть чувство, что всё возможно и что ты будешь жить вечно.» Идеализм – это практически синоним подросткового возраста. Это то, что делает подростковый возраст таким волнующим, сложным и опасным.

№ слайда 70 But there's the reality of the 1990s — drugs, fatal drunk-driving accidents and
Описание слайда:

But there's the reality of the 1990s — drugs, fatal drunk-driving accidents and AIDS. So behind all the make-up hints and movie reviews, there are serious things too. These magazines educate and inform teens about health care, because after all, AIDS doesn't care about your clothes or your dreams for the future. But there's the reality of the 1990s — drugs, fatal drunk-driving accidents and AIDS. So behind all the make-up hints and movie reviews, there are serious things too. These magazines educate and inform teens about health care, because after all, AIDS doesn't care about your clothes or your dreams for the future.

№ слайда 71 Но существует действительность Но существует действительность 1990-х : наркотики
Описание слайда:

Но существует действительность Но существует действительность 1990-х : наркотики, несчастные случаи со смертельным исходом из-за вождения в пьяном виде и СПИД. Поэтому за всеми советами по использованию косметики и обзорами фильмов есть и серьёзные вещи. Эти журналы просвещают и информируют подростков о том, как сохранить здоровье, потому что, в конце концов, СПИД не волнует твоя одежда или твои мечты о будущем.

№ слайда 72 1. According to the passage the life of teenagers is… 1. According to the passag
Описание слайда:

1. According to the passage the life of teenagers is… 1. According to the passage the life of teenagers is… A. full of different dangers. B. not as easy as it used to be. C. full of fun 2. The main task of youth magazines according to the passage is… A. to make teenagers think about serious things. B. to give information on fashion and music. C. to become both a friend and parent for teenagers. 3. According to the passage teenagers… A. think a lot about world problems. B. tend to idealize the world. C. fear the realities of modern life. 4. In the passage about American magazines the author mainly discusses . . . A. the variety of magazines for teenagers. B. The lack of special magazines for boys. C. the necessity of educating teens about life

№ слайда 73 1. According to the passage the life of teenagers is… 1. According to the passag
Описание слайда:

1. According to the passage the life of teenagers is… 1. According to the passage the life of teenagers is… A. full of different dangers. B. not as easy as it used to be. C. full of fun 2. The main task of youth magazines according to the passage is… A. to make teenagers think about serious things. B. to give information on fashion and music. C. to become both a friend and parent for teenagers. 3. According to the passage teenagers… A. think a lot about world problems. B. tend to idealize the world. C. fear the realities of modern life. 4. In the passage about American magazines the author mainly discusses . . . A. the variety of magazines for teenagers. B. The lack of special magazines for boys. C. the necessity of educating teens about life

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